King Leighton is not surrounded by idiots.

Otherwise, it would be better for this huge Saint Lotia Empire to be disbanded as soon as possible.

After the Lord of Xueman City was thrown out.

Immediately, a commander put forward his own opinion:

"Your Majesty, I heard that the Lord of the Black Nest once transformed into a human form when he attacked the Aililand Empire, and gained the trust of King Aililand as a dragon slayer. It should be noted that Aililan is known as the Dragon Slayer Empire, and domestic opposition There are countless dragon instruments, many magic circles have the function of detecting dragons, and there are magic potions specifically designed to confuse dragons, but even so, the Lord of the Black Nest did not show any signs of weakness around King Airland..."

At this point, he bowed to King Leighton and concluded:

"I believe that the Lord of the Black Nest must have a strong camouflage ability, so that the formation to detect the dragon cannot be effective. Is it possible that the destruction of Ruotuo City has something to do with this?"

"You and I have the same idea!" King Leighton nodded and said: "Not to mention that the Holy Pillar is indestructible and protected by six apostles, let's just say that the Lord of the Black Nest is even less likely to have a demigod. strength, otherwise he could attack the royal city directly, is it necessary to go around such a big circle?"

The commander in front of him was a border count. He looked young but acted and spoke calmly.

King Leighton thought in his mind that the border count's territory could be expanded a little more. Those who can work harder and those who can't get out have always been the plan of the Saint Rodia Empire.

"Your Majesty! According to what you said, the Holy Pillar has disappeared, and the incarnation of Furion's crown has not been triggered. I believe that the Lord of the Black Nest has the ability to analyze the Holy Pillar and the ultimate rune, and has profound knowledge of the magic circle. We have to guard against it!”

Another commander also stepped forward.

"Do you think that black dragon has such a strong understanding of the magic circle? Those are the ultimate runes! Although I can analyze them all, it will take at least half a day. Ruotuo City will be captured within an hour, and he will be able to do it within an hour. Have you analyzed the ultimate rune? He is a black dragon, not a golden dragon, not a silver dragon. He is not good at magic, not to mention how did he get close to the Holy Pillar?"

King Leighton's questions one after another made the ministers speechless, and they looked at each other with pale and confused expressions.

There is really too little information, and all the apostles were killed in the battle, and Lutlan's body was not even found.

Without the information from those who experienced it personally, it would be difficult for them to deduce what Ruotuo City experienced at that time.

"Your Majesty, why don't we unite some mages to go to the underground sanctuary of Ruotuo City to activate the retrospect magic?"

Another commander suggested: "Through some fragmented pictures, even if you can't hear the sound, you can still provide some clues."

"It's useless." King Leighton shook his head helplessly and sighed: "I have already been to the underground sanctuary. All the spaces there are in chaos. There are beings with very good magic who disrupt the time and space sequence there. Retrospective magic There is no way to retrieve the previous scene of the underground sanctuary, I can only capture a turbulent void."

"This..." The commanders looked at each other, even more embarrassed.

At this moment, a commander's communication crystal suddenly recalled an alarm. He picked it up, took a look, and immediately reported to King Leighton:

"Your Majesty, after the holy pillars of Ruotuo City disappear, the magic vents overflowing from the magic network are concentrated on the other three holy pillars. The area of ​​​​the holy pillars spreads towards the surroundings. If we don't find a way to suppress them, or if we can't suppress them, or destroy Ruotuo City, If the holy pillar is repaired, perhaps the residents living near the holy pillar will have to relocate."

King Leighton's face became a little gloomier when he heard this.

The issue of the Holy Pillar really needs to be resolved at the top of the list.

"Inform Wang Cheng and ask Mammon to stop gambling and let him reactivate the Holy Pillar."

Mamen is the chief formation mage of the Saint Lotia Empire. He has profound knowledge of formations and is currently the fastest formation mage in the Saint Lotia Empire to analyze the ultimate runes. It only takes fifteen minutes to convert the ultimate runes. After the text analysis is completed, even the variation of the ultimate rune only takes about half an hour.

Today, the four holy pillars in the Saint Rodia Empire are maintained by Mammon once a year. During the maintenance period, the ultimate runes and the holy pillar array are inspected and protected.

However, Mammon has an arrogant personality and does not even take him as a king seriously.

Moreover, this formation master also has several shortcomings that make people speechless. One is that he likes to gamble, and the other is that he is lustful.

A commander was ordered to notify Mammon.

King Leighton and the remaining commanders continued to discuss how to deal with the Lord of the Black Nest.

Everyone discussed for more than half an hour, but nothing was achieved. Summoning the incarnation of the God of Fire could not be used at will. The atmosphere in the conference hall suddenly became a bit dull.

"Your Majesty, how about we do this?"

The young border earl's eyes flashed, he thought about it and said:

"The ambition of the Lord of the Black Nest cannot just stop at attacking a holy city. He also sent an army of monsters to station outside the holy city just to distract us, and then sneak attacked the holy city by virtue of our inability to care about all the shortcomings. And now he still There are three holy cities left, and the Lord of the Black Nest will inevitably continue to attack. We cannot be sure that the Lord of the Black Nest will attack any city, but we can guide the Lord of the Black Nest to attack one of the holy cities and do what is needed in that holy city. What an ambush!”

King Leighton straightened his back slightly when he heard this, and looked at the border count seriously: "Keep talking, I'm listening."

"Your Majesty, if we increase the defensive strength of Thun City and Snowrun City at the same time but leave Rolandi City untouched, if you were the Lord of the Black Nest, would you attack Rolandi?"

King Leighton shook his head when he heard this and said: "Of course not. This is a very obvious trap. The Lord of the Black Nest is cunning by nature. He will not step on this kind of trap. He will definitely attack Snowman City or Thun City."

"That's right, Your Majesty, what we want to take advantage of is the psychology of the Lord of the Black Nest. Now his only choices are Xueman City and Thun City. Among them, Xueman City's defensive strength is weaker, and even the outer city is still a mess. Ruins, the Lord of Black Nest is very likely to attack Xueman City again."

"But haven't the Black Nest Empire's monster legions already attacked Snowman City once? Will they come again?"

A commander next to him asked worriedly.

"It's not surprising that you would have such an idea. The Lord of the Black Nest will also speculate on us."

The count played with the wine glass, stared at the sloshing wine, and chuckled: "If the three cities that may be attacked are arranged in order of probability, Xueman is currently ranked first, followed by Thun, and finally Rolandi...but just to be on the safe side, Your Majesty!"

The Earl of the Border paused, looked at King Leighton, stood up and suggested categorically:

"We cannot see through the disguise of the Lord of the Black Nest, so we must be prepared for the teleportation array to be destroyed silently and the magic transmission to be ineffective. Therefore, I suggest that we urgently build a teleportation array 500 meters underground in the three holy cities. Formation and use shielding magic to hide it, no matter what happens to that holy city, we will have a chance to rescue it!"

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