This was the first time King Leighton saw the chief formation mage so panicked.

This panic is most likely due to the feeling of a gap in the technical skills that only one can master suddenly find that others are not worth mentioning.

King Leighton can understand this feeling of disparity, because he has experienced it too.

Just like when he was a child, Furion could learn the new magic he worked so hard to learn just by looking at it, and immediately improved it to a hundred optimized versions for him.

When he was a child, Layton was a genius who was admired by all the stars. Everyone said that like father, like son.

But only Layton himself knows that compared to his father, Farion, he is nothing but a piece of trash.

The greatness of some people cannot be surpassed in their entire lives, such as Furion, and the King of Winter.

"Take Mammon to Ruotuo City!"

King Leighton waved his hand helplessly.

At this moment, Mammon couldn't find her direction, and she was probably too excited to be confused.

Two mages stood up and pulled Mamen away quickly.

King Leighton is not in a good mood today. If he gets offended again, someone may die.

As soon as they took Mamen out, not long after, another messenger came in.

He knelt on one knee in front of King Leighton and bowed to report:

"Your Majesty, there is news from Gray Wind Fortress that Mr. Genrath has returned with his niece."

"Gernrath?!" King Leighton's eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed deeply.

He thought that Genrath was dead like the people in Ruotuo City, and he felt a little guilty because he should not have sent Genrath to Ruotuo City before.

Now that I heard that Genrath was still alive, the guilt in my heart disappeared.

What followed was a wave of doubts and questions - why even Lutlan died, but Genrath was still alive, and he was still carrying a tow bottle.

This idea just came up, and the two mages who took Mamen away came back again.

Behind them was a group of knights, who were carrying a stretcher, on which lay an array mage whose face was scorched black and whose legs had been burned by dragon's breath.

"Your Majesty, we have just teleported to Ruotuo City. Master Mammon has already begun to repair the sacred pillar. Then a griffon flew down with a man. The griffin was charred black, with only half of its fur left. It had already landed on the ground. He was dying, so we brought the man on the griffon back. He should be a survivor of the Battle of Ruotuo City and might be able to provide us with some information."

King Leighton glanced at the formation master on the stretcher.

Although burned by the dragon's breath, the snake scale engraved robe on the body can still be recognized. There are two white epaulettes on the shoulders, with a lot of blooming Ruotuo flowers engraved on them. These are the epaulettes of Ruotuo City, marking the symbol of Ruotuo City. This mage comes from Ruotuo City, and with the cone-shaped mental power amplification necklace hanging around his neck, it is obvious that he is an array mage.

At this moment, the formation master was unconscious and breathless. If he didn't receive treatment, he might not be able to survive for long.

King Leighton took out a scroll from the space ring and tore it open. As a pure holy light came, a petite angel silhouette appeared in front of King Leighton. She flew around the seriously injured formation master. Finally, a stream of holy light poured into the body of the Array Master, and the injuries on the Array Master quickly recovered, and even his feet grew back.

"Your Majesty is so kind!"

The mages and ministers who saw this scene all around were amazed.

Using such a precious [Heavenly Salvation] for a little formation master is enough to show that King Leighton has a kind heart.

Then, right after them, they saw King Leighton summoning a thunderbolt and striking the formation mage viciously.

A loud "boom" echoed in the conference hall, which directly hit the unconscious formation master. Of course, he was also tortured by the severe pain to wake up.

"This..." The mage and ministers looked confused.

If he wanted to continue to compliment him, he was immediately blocked by this thunder.

Trinbad, the chief mage of the court, kept talking, lowered his head and looked at his toes, and began to study the mystery between gravity and feet.

Border Earl Kettleburn was also shocked, secretly sighing that King Leighton was so ruthless, and he would have to be careful in his words and deeds under King Leighton in the future.

The various expressions and expressions of the people were varied.

King Leighton didn't care about this.

He just wants things done more efficiently.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?" The formation mage, whose body was charred, opened his mouth slightly and shouted weakly twice, spitting out a wisp of gray smoke.

Now, only the whites of his eyes and teeth are white, and he looks indescribably funny.

King Leighton was very measured in his actions. The thunder only caused some skin injuries to the mage and made him lose all his hair. Compared to the dragon's breath, it was not much gentler.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me everything exactly what happened in Ruotuo City. If you can't explain it clearly or have forgotten it, I don't mind helping you recall it."

King Leighton stretched out his hand in front of the array master, and lightning arcs flashed between his fingers, crackling.

"Your Majesty, I have not forgotten, I know what happened!! I saw the whole process of the destruction of Ruotuo City!"

The array master looked horrified, he did not dare to be shocked by King Leighton again.

One more call and he will definitely return to the west.

"Your Majesty, I am a member of the formation mage team in Ruotuo City. At that time, I was assigned to Lord Genrath by Commander Waters. At that time, the battlefield was already in danger, and we had to complete a mission that was equivalent to death. , this task was proposed by Master Genrath..."

The formation master rambled on about what happened in Ruotuo City to King Leighton.

King Leighton and the surrounding ministers listened very carefully.

When talking about Genrath rushing into the back of the Sea of ​​Fire Palace to cover the evacuation of all the formation mages.

The ministers could not help but show admiration.

Especially Kettleburn, he admires such heroic figures the most, and becoming such a person is also one of his lifelong goals.

It's just that there has never been a chance. The battles he has experienced are just small battles, far from this tragic atmosphere.

Later he preached that if the city was destroyed, the monster army would massacre the city.

The ministers beat their chests and feet one after another, angrily denounced the monster trenches of the Black Nest Empire as inhumane.

"Master Lutlan did not come out from the Holy Pillar. He was probably ambushed and killed. The other five apostles died. Ruotuo City no longer has the strength to fight. When Ruotuo City was destroyed, I originally wanted to die with the monsters. , but my griffon rescued me from the sea of ​​fire and took me flying high and far. During this period, a red dragon chased us. When a breath of dragon breath came, my legs were gone and the griffon was also burned. , the giant dragon behind seemed to have received the order from the Lord of the Black Nest and stopped pursuing it, so I was lucky enough to save my life."

At this point, the array master burst into tears and burst into tears.

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