"In other words, not only is Genrath not a deserter, he is also a hero??"

King Leighton raised his eyebrows and winked at the court mage on his side.

The old mage instantly understood what King Leighton meant, and his eyes lit up with a silver light as he observed the formation mage.

After a while, he shook his head at King Leighton, indicating that the formation master was telling the truth and was not lying.

"How could Mr. Genrath be a deserter!"

The formation master widened his eyes filled with tears and said seriously:

"Your Majesty, I have never seen such a magnanimous person as Mr. Genrath. The reason why the mission failed at that time was that an array master smeared wormwood juice on his body. The smell of wormwood juice floated to the black sky with the wind. Nest camp, this led to our position being exposed. Master Genrath could have left alone regardless of us. He had this strength, but he still stayed behind and blocked half of the monsters for us... But we The strength is still too humble, and those monsters are really powerful, even if only half of them are left, we cannot compete."

King Leighton pondered slightly when he heard the words.

Genrath was a general he was relatively familiar with.

He is indeed a very responsible person, and it is indeed something he can do to stay behind for his subordinates.

So there is an explanation for why Genrath was able to escape.

Staying behind does not mean risking death, it just means trying your best to contain the enemy. After completing the containment, you can retreat.

It can only be said that Genra was very lucky and was able to break out from the siege of that team of jackals.

There are fewer and fewer generals as brave and responsible as Genrath, and they should be rewarded both emotionally and rationally.

King Leighton already had a decision in his mind, but he still confirmed it again and again:

"Okay, I already understand this matter. In other words, the strength of the Lord of the Black Nest has not reached the semi-god level. It was just because the Holy Pillar was destroyed internally that Ruotuo City was breached. Is this what you mean?"

"Yes, Your Majesty! If there were no problems with the Holy Pillar, the Lord of the Black Nest's army would be just chickens and dogs!"

The array master clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and said angrily:

"Before the Holy Pillar disappeared, I saw that all the apostles were fighting back and forth with the legendary red dragon. With the help of the Holy Pillar, how could we lose?"

King Leighton nodded and affirmed: "Yes, there will be no problems with the Holy Pillar in Ruotuo City. You go down and have a good rest. If you have any questions later, I will send someone to summon you."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The array mage calmed down and lay down on the stretcher again, and finally said:

"Your Majesty, Mr. Genrath is a martyr. You must reward Mr. Genrath properly and don't let the dead hero feel cold, Your Majesty!"

King Leighton was speechless when he heard this.

This Genrath is alive and well. If he wants to become a martyr, he will probably have to fight a few more times with the cane.

After the formation mage was carried out by the knights, King Leighton said to the court mage beside him:

"Go to Gray Wind Fortress to find Genrath and tell him that I want to summon him and ask him to come quickly!"

The old mage of the palace bowed his body and disappeared with a burst of space distortion.


Gray Wind Fortress.

Su Nian was lying on the bed holding Anna in his arms, holding Anna's ear in his mouth, and the two chatted.

"It's really weird. There must be King Leighton's spy in Gray Wind City. Did I not be high-profile enough when I came back? The gryphon fell to the ground and died. My screams were heard by the entire Gray Wind Fortress. This Why hasn’t King Leighton summoned me yet?”

At this moment, Su Nian was wrapped in bandages. He was a mage, and the treatment unit in Gray Wind City had been transferred away by King Leighton.

Nowadays this miserable appearance would not be particularly strange.

"Brother, don't worry. After all, there are still many doubts about our identity. King Leighton may be sorting out what happened."

Anna turned over to face Su Nian, and the soft fox ears escaped from Su Nian's mouth, but were soon bitten by Su Nian again.

"Brother, are the fox ears delicious?"

There was a bit of resentment in the girl's eyes. The elf's ears were very sensitive, so how could she withstand being licked and kissed at the same time.

In addition, this is an emergency period and you cannot be quiet. Isn't this torturing the elves?

"It's delicious~" Su Nian took another mouthful, without realizing it at all, and he happily praised:

“Strawberry flavor, crunchy~”

At this moment, a wave of magic power came.

Su Nian raised his eyebrows and immediately separated from Anna, and they quickly got dressed.

Su Nian went directly to bed and used his extremely powerful ability to control flesh and blood to reduce all body functions and pretend to be weak, his face even pale.

Anna, on the other hand, knelt down beside the bed and took out bandages and herbs from the space ring and placed them randomly on the floor. Her pale and pretty face was full of worry and fatigue.

The magic wave just now came from the teleportation array.

The opponent moved very quickly. One second he was still in the teleportation array, and the next second he was at the door of the room.

"Is Genrath in there?"

An old voice sounded.

Su Nian immediately closed his eyes.

Tears instantly gathered in Anna's eyes.

Even if the person outside is not King Leighton, he must be someone close to King Leighton.

Just listen to the two mages guarding outside saying:

"My lord is inside, but he is seriously injured. Miss Jessica is taking care of him. I wonder who you are?"

"I am the Chief Court Mage Trinbad. It's just my medal. I'm here to invite Mr. Genrath to Snowrun City on your Majesty's order. Your Majesty wants to see him and help Mr. Genrath treat his injuries. .”

The old mage showed the token.

In fact, even without looking at the token, the two gatekeepers still believed in the identity of the old man.

After all, the fluctuations on his body that are close to those of a Forbidden Magic level magician cannot be faked. Such people can kill them directly with just a move of their fingers. There is no need to be so polite.

Trinbad opened the door and immediately smelled a strong smell of medicine.

Then he saw "Gernrath" lying weakly on the bed, and the little girl standing beside him, crying and looking wary.

This girl is actually cute and charming.

She must be the niece of "Gernrath".

"I'm here to treat Mr. Genrath. After Mr. Genrath recovers from his injuries, His Majesty wants to see him."

While talking, Trinbad had already taken out the scroll, which was the [Heavenly Salvation] that King Leighton had used before.

"Little doll, do you want to check this scroll?"

Anna shrank her head timidly, glanced at the scroll, and finally shook her head.

"Your intention to kill me and my uncle was just a thought. I don't need to doubt you."

Trinbad smiled upon hearing this, and first walked to Genrath to investigate the situation.

As expected, the commander of Gray Wind Fortress was found to be extremely weak and out of breath.

This made him admire Genrath even more.

The empire needs people like this to protect it!

With this thought, he immediately tore open the scroll and treated "Gernrath"'s injuries, not daring to waste even a second.

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