The old mage was a little confused when he was treating "Gernrath". There were obviously no injuries on this man's body, but his physiological functions were extremely poor. He looked half-dead. The bandages on his body were in vain. Could he be injured? Are all internal injuries?


Genrath was indeed seriously injured.

The old mage only focused on treatment and didn't bother to care about how the other person was injured. After all, it was not polite to ask others to recall their previous painful experiences.

[Heavenly Salvation] is a serious eighth-level healing magic with excellent effects. Its treatment effect on internal and external injuries is comparable to the fountain of life, but the disadvantage is that there is no way to remove the curse.

As the little angel's shadow merges into the body.

Su Nian also cooperated very well and began to recover gradually.

Just upregulate physiological functions, don't make it too simple.

Five minutes later, Su Nian took time to let himself recover, then opened his big eyes and looked at the gray-haired old mage, and said in a difficult voice:

"Old sir... who are you?"

"Hey! Mr. Genrath is awake?"

The old mage turned around, cupped his hands, and said with a smile:

"I am the chief mage of the palace, specializing in the compilation of magic books. It is normal that you have never heard of me. I am here today, firstly to recover from your injuries, and secondly to take you to see His Majesty."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty wants to see me? Where is Your Majesty?"

When King Leighton was mentioned, Su Nian squeezed out two tears. He beat his chest in pain and lamented: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty! Your Majesty ordered me to support Ruotuo City, but Ruotuo City was still lost. Then , The Black Nest Empire is really abominable! But, the Lord of the Black Nest, those monsters are really powerful, but I, Genrat, am incompetent, wuwuwuwu..."

As soon as these words came out, the old mage couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

Only Anna had to endure it very hard and could only keep a straight face. If she laughed at this time, it would be over. She didn't expect that Su Nian could still put gold on her face at this time.

"Mr. Genrath, all of us see your contribution to the empire." The old mage patted Su Nian's shoulder and comforted softly: "His Majesty invited you here mainly to express condolences and to reward you by the way. I won’t criticize you harshly for your heroic sacrifice.”

Su Nian continued to shed tears: "I am so ashamed of Your Majesty, wuwuwuwu..."

The two chattered a few words to each other, and then Su Nian got out of bed and took Anna to follow the old mage in the teleportation array to Xueman City.

"I'm going to meet King Leighton soon, are you nervous, honey?"

"Okay, a little bit."

Anna glanced at Su Nian and blinked her big eyes. The two used the Dominator network to communicate. If they had to compare confessions later, it would be easy and guaranteed to be seamless.

The court mage leading the way only felt that Genrath and Jessica were still grieving about the incident in Ruoduo City. He couldn't help but admire "Genrath" even more in his heart, secretly sighing that Mr. "Genrath" had indeed served the country well. People, caring about the people, this is the great loyal minister of the Saint Rodia Empire!

If King Leighton wants to punish "Gernrath".

He must be the first to refuse.

Soon Su Nian met King Leighton.

The king is sitting in the conference hall, holding a roll of maps in his hand, studying it with a frown. He is wearing a simple gray robe. Compared to the gorgeous style, this robe is thicker and has a There are more formations engraved on it, and generally only military mages would wear such robes.

Su Nian found that King Leighton's hair was half white, which showed that the attack on Ruotuo City had given him a big blow.

Footsteps are heard.

King Leighton raised his head, his frown relaxed a little, and a fairly kind and kind smile appeared on his old face.

"Gernrath is here? Sit down quickly. You have just recovered from your injury. Don't stand all the time."

When Su Nian heard this, he stayed where he was and didn't move.

It wasn't until King Leighton repeatedly emphasized that he sat down in his seat "uneasyly". Just when he was about to subconsciously pull Anna to sit down with him, Anna quickly avoided Su Nian's hand and stood honestly behind Su Nian.

"Is this your niece?"

King Leighton glanced at Anna and praised: "She does seem to be a smart child, and she is also beautiful. It's a pity that my prince is too much older than her, and the second child is just a baby, otherwise I would definitely propose a marriage!" "

Su Nian's mouth twitched when he heard this.

My heart says that King Leighton, you old bastard has a way to die.

But on the surface, he still saluted King Leighton respectfully and said, "Your Majesty, you think too highly of us. What virtues and abilities do we have?"

"Gernrath, are your teeth uncomfortable? Why do you have to grit your teeth to speak?" King Leighton returned his gaze to Su Nian's face with a strange look on his face.

"Haha, Your Majesty, I...well, I don't know what's going on with my teeth lately. They are sore and itchy. Once this disease occurs, it will be uncomfortable to talk without clenching my teeth, which will cause..."

This was the first time King Leighton had heard of this problem.

But he didn’t say much.

He put the map on the table, took a sip of tea, cleared his throat and said:

"I already know what you did in Ruotuo City. The destruction of Ruotuo City had nothing to do with you. You don't have to blame yourself. Instead, I have seen your loyalty to the empire and your care for the soldiers. You were just a gray man before. Commander-in-Chief of Wind Fortress, I have decided to give you a title... What do you think of Marquis? There is still a territory near the royal city that is unmanaged. It was formerly owned by Gaelal, the lord of Snowrun City. I reduced his title and sent him to the countryside. I’m going to farm, and I’ll give you that territory. As for Xueman City, I have other plans.”

If Genrath was really here, he would be ecstatic.

The lord of Xueman City is a Duke.

You can imagine how rich and vast his territory must be.

But it's a pity that Su Nian is standing here.

He had no other feelings except "You are quite nice" and complained in his mind.

If he wanted it, he would need the entire Saint Lotia Empire, and one duke would be able to count the ball.

But in the eyes of King Leighton.

"Gernrath" who doesn't express anything has an attitude that is neither humble nor arrogant.

What is composure?

This is calmness!

Even in the face of such a reward, he is not overjoyed, and he is so responsible and loyal to the empire. Can the entire empire find another minister like this? Even Kettleburn, whom he admired more, could not hide the upturned corners of his mouth when he received the award.

King Leighton appreciated "Gernrath" even more.

"Your Majesty, this reward is too heavy! I dare not ask for it!"

Su Nian bowed deeply, saying to himself that this old bastard should speak quickly if he had anything to say, or fart if he had anything to say. He was still waiting to go back and have sex with his wife.

Just listen to King Leighton laughing boldly:

"Since you think this reward is too heavy, then let your achievements match the reward."

After saying this, King Leighton waved to Kettleburn and introduced to Su Nian:

"This is Kate Byrne, the second son of the Kepper family, a young talent. The second thing I'm recruiting you for today is to ask you to cooperate with Kate Byrne to deal with the Lord of the Black Nest!"

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