Crossing The Dragon: The King Sacrifices The Princess At The Beginning

Chapter 912: Foster Father! You Are My Foster Father!

The next day, the holy city of Rolandi.

"Lord Genrath, now that the teleportation array has been built, everything is ready except for the east wind. How about we go have a drink?" After inspecting the teleportation array, Border Earl Kettleburn once again extended an invitation to Su Nian for a drink.

Su Nian originally planned to refuse, but...

Although Kettleborn admired him, he was very concerned about his work. He would not let anyone take over his work, not even his idol Genrath.

So this time Su Nian planned to agree.

He thought drinking might be an opportunity.

"Of course it's okay to have a drink after work. Only by combining work and rest can we improve our work efficiency." Su Nian nodded matter-of-factly and said, "But since you asked me to drink, do you have to pay for the drink? "

"No problem, it's my honor to drink with Mr. Genrath." Kettleburn agreed without thinking. He didn't care about the money for the drink. How could Genrath care? It's just a relationship between acquaintances. Joking.

At least that's what Kate Byrne thinks.

The Holy City of Rolandi is also a prosperous place. This can be seen from the size of the tavern. It is a three-story Western-style building surrounded by elegant flower gardens. The owner of the tavern is a very particular person. The name of the tavern is also very poetic, called "Violet Jade".

"Boss, open a private room for us and serve the strongest wine you have here!" After saying this, Kettleburn noticed Anna following Su Nian and informed the boss: "By the way, here's another bottle of juice." and dry cheese.”

The tavern was bustling with people, mercenaries and adventurers crowded here. From time to time, they teased the passing maid, and were scolded and rolled their eyes. If they met each other, they could spend a gold coin and take the maid out to spend a night together. .

Of course, this kind of thing has nothing to do with Kate Byrne and Su Nian.

Since you want to talk, of course it is better to go to a quiet place.

The three of them entered the private room. As soon as Su Nian sat down, Kettleburn across from him took out a deck of cards and said with a smile: "People in the Winter Empire like to play Gwent. I originally thought they were bored by playing with things, until they came into contact with it. Later I discovered that it contains countless wisdoms, which are quite useful even for marching and fighting. Does Mr. Genrath know how to play?"

Su Nian glanced at Kate Byrne, smiled, and took out the super collector's edition of the Golden Jade Shell Gwent cards issued by the Winter Empire from the space ring, a complete set!

"This, this is..."

Kettleburn looked at the Gwent player and was dumbfounded.

"This is a super limited edition of Song of Ice and Fire? There are only one thousand sets in the entire continent! Sir, I really didn't expect that I would be able to see the appearance of this limited edition card today!"

At this moment, Kettleburn's admiration for Su Nian was like a torrent of river water, endless.

Have a limited deck like this.

There is no need to say more about the level of "Gernrath".

It must be very powerful.

After all, who is not a top player who would spend so much money to collect this limited edition card set?

He speaks well, is responsible, is so loyal to the empire, and can also play Gwent!

Lord "Gernrath" is indeed a hero of the empire!

Love it, love it~

Not much to say, just show me the real chapter.

The table in the tavern was specially designed with a grid to facilitate the placement of cards, and the two soon started fighting. During this period, the tavern maid also served spirits. Although it was not very good, Su Nian still had the patience to take a few sips, while Anna Holding a large bottle of juice while eating cheese and drinking juice, he watched the card game with a smile.

Although Su Nian doesn't play cards much.

But as a giant dragon, he can inherit a lot of knowledge from other five-color dragons from his blood. It is inevitable that there will be a few card masters among these five-color dragons. Su Nian absorbs the knowledge of these dragons, and the opponent seems to be a master of playing cards. Kate Byrne instantly became a younger brother.

And Kate Byrne also found it very enjoyable.

At first he was able to deal with "Gernrath", but then various dirty tricks and deceptions emerged one after another, and he was deceived into losing his pants. However, he did not complain. Instead, he enjoyed it and became more courageous as he fought.

Just playing cards and drinking.

A bottle of wine quickly runs out.

Kettleburn picked up the empty wine glass and was stunned. Just as he was about to ask the boss to serve wine, his hand was held by "Gernrath" opposite.

"The wine in this store is not good. It tastes too bland and doesn't taste good." Su Nian shook his head and said, "Today I'm going to give you a taste of what is truly good wine!"

After saying this, he took out five jars of sleeping dragon jelly from the space ring.

This is wine redeemed from the system store.

As the name suggests, the dragon has to lie down after drinking it.

Of course, for Su Nian, he won't get drunk as long as he doesn't want to, but that's not necessarily the case for Kettleburn. In order to make Kettleburn drunk, he secretly added a lot of ingredients to the sleeping dragon jelly. You can avoid using dragon language magic and reduce the risk of exposure.

The moment the five jars of wine were taken out, a mellow smell of wine spread throughout the room.

Kettleburn's eyes lit up, and he thought that these five jars of wine must be extremely precious. He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: "We agreed that I would buy this wine today, how can I ask you to bring out the treasured wine?"

"What should I treasure and not treasure?"

Su Nian waved his hand indifferently: "This wine is just for drinking. If you keep it hidden and don't drink it, you won't get maggots? I'm in a good mood today, so don't be polite to me."

It’s all said and done.

Naturally, Kettleburn could no longer refuse.

The two continued to play cards and drink, but after drinking two jars of sleeping dragon jelly, Kettleburn was already in a state of ecstasy, as if he was in a trance.

"S-Sir... you, your wine is really... the best wine I have ever tasted..."

The Earl of the Border was lying on the wine table, not playing cards, but just talking with his eyes wandering and his tongue curled up.

"Sir, you are so kind to me... As soon as I see you, I feel that you are an elder I respect..."

"Sir, wuwuwu... I am living a miserable life! My father only likes my brother, and so does my mother... They gave me a border territory. I am so poor that I am not even as good as the countryside..."

"Sir, it doesn't matter if my family doesn't want it. I think I want to make you my adopted father!"

After saying that, Kettleburn knelt down and kowtowed to Su Nian three times, "bangbangbang", causing the ground to shake.

"Father! From now on, you, you will be my foster father!"

Su Nian twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly.

Then he asked tentatively:

"Since I am your adoptive father, you see that you drank so much today. It will definitely be difficult to guard the three portals at night. How about you give me the token and I will guard it for you?"

Kate Byrne untied the token and gave it to Su Nian without thinking.

"My foster father... hiccup~ is so kind to me..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt drunk again.

Kettleburn fell to the ground with a thud.

But after a while, he was already snoring loudly.

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