Snow Man City——

"Your Majesty, are you looking for me?"

The chief mage of the palace, Trien Baid, stood respectfully behind King Leighton.

At this moment, King Leighton was standing on the balcony, looking at the flying snow outside Xueman City, his back looking a little desolate.

"How are things going with Kettleborn and Genrath?"

After a while, King Leighton's indifferent voice came from the snow curtain.

"Back to Your Majesty, Kateborn and Genrath did not waste time. Now the three teleportation formations have been completed, and the troops of the three holy cities have also been deployed. Now Rolandi has the weakest troops, followed by Xueman, and Thun City has the strongest troops. Qiang, Kateborn also set up your royal tent in Thun City, specially placed in a place that is not very conspicuous but can be found."

"Haha, this guy is quite scheming..."

King Leighton turned around with glaring eyes: "I called you here because I have a mission for you. You can disguise yourself, sneak into Rolandi, and keep an eye on Kettleburn and Genrath for me."

The old mage was stunned when he heard this, and for a while he couldn't follow King Leighton's thoughts.

What is this operation?

Didn’t the king admire Genrath and Kateburn very much?

"Your Majesty, are you doubting..."

"Yes, I doubt their true identity, or in other words, I doubt everyone around me now." King Leighton turned around and continued to look at the flying snow outside the window, and a cold voice slowly floated: "Special Lien Baide, you are also one of the suspects!"

"Your Majesty! There is absolutely no way that I am an undercover agent! There is no way that I will betray you!"

When the old mage heard what King Leighton said, he became more and more frightened and knelt on the ground, unable to stand up for a long time.

"Until I finish dealing with the Black Nest Empire, I only believe in myself."

King Leighton waved his hand and said noncommittally:

"The task has been entrusted to you. Go and do it quickly. If anything happens, let me know immediately through the communication crystal... Remember, you are also being watched. Don't play tricks or be passive in your work."

The old mage felt aggrieved, but had no choice but to slowly exit the palace.

Standing in the heavy snow, he looked back at the slightly stooped figure on the balcony, and couldn't help but sympathize with him.

If the Lord of the Black Nest was not too difficult to deal with, the king would not be so nervous.

Now he may look at everyone as if he is an undercover agent who has infiltrated the Black Nest Empire, and everyone may think that he may be the disguised master of the Black Nest.

How lonely and scary must this be?

Trinbad pursed his lips, gathered his thoughts, and hurried towards Rolandi's teleportation array.


at the same time.

Holy City Rolandi——

Outside the tavern, Su Nian held an umbrella and took Anna back the way he came. He tossed the token up and down in his hand and hummed a tune called Shiba Mo. He was in a happy mood.

"Congratulations, brother, on the birth of your son!"

Anna looked at Su Nian with a smile and gave Su Nian a teasing look.

It was as if something really big had happened.

"But pull him down. It doesn't matter if he doesn't want such a son. Just because he handed over the token when he was drunk, he is already unqualified."

Su Nian curled his lips and put the token into the space ring.

"It's still too stupid to get the token so easily, even without using a dragon's language magic."

Anna asked again: "What if Kettleburn didn't give him the token just now?"

"No?" Su Nian sneered: "I added some ingredients to the wine. This sleeping dragon jelly is enough for him to sleep in darkness for two days. We can just search him and take away the token. How can we say it's not good in the barracks then? Just a word from me, after two days, the city of Rolandi may be gone."

The two of them went all the way back to the military camp.

It was already one o'clock in the morning, and the tavern was lively, but the fortress seemed a little deserted.

Only the torches floating back and forth on the city wall and the dim light flashing from the magic circle showed that the Rolandi Fortress was in full operation.

According to the schedule, Kettleburn had already started inspecting the teleportation array at this time.

But he couldn't come tonight, so he, the kind and kind Lord of the Black Nest, would do it for him.

Arriving at the secret tunnel leading to the teleportation array, Su Nian and Anna were immediately stopped by two teams of knights.

"Sir, you can't go ahead. Your authority does not allow you to get involved here."

It has to be said that the quality of the soldiers of the Saint Rodia Empire is really high, and they are almost never released directly because of the disparity in status.

In the past few days, he had been hanging out in front of these soldiers and knights. It was absolutely impossible to say that these knights and soldiers did not recognize him.

"I am Genrath, and I commanded the construction of the teleportation array. Even if I am the builder, you still want to stop me?"

Su Nian looked displeased, but the knight leading the team bowed deeply and said calmly:

"I know your identity, sir, but our mission is to stop everyone except Lord Kettleburn."

"What if I have a token?"

Su Nian took out Kettleburn's token and showed it to the knight.

"Sir Kettleburn is unwell. I am very close to him and you all know it. He asked me to help him check the magic circle tonight."

The knight leading the team took the token handed over by Su Nian and looked at it carefully for a while.

After looking at each other with the other knight leading the team, the knight nodded and then returned the token to Su Nian.

Then he ordered the cavalry behind him to get out of the way.

"In accordance with the orders of His Majesty the King and Sir Kettleburn, please come in when you see the token as a person."

Su Nian put the token away, snorted coldly, and led Anna into the tunnel in a swaggering manner.

The teleportation array is built in a grotto five hundred meters underground.

Holding the token, the journey was smooth, and the two of them soon arrived in front of the teleportation array. There was no one around.

The teleportation array that has not yet been activated sits alone in the center of the grotto, surrounded by magic array runes.

"Anna, do you still remember what those formation masters taught you that day?"

Su Nian looked at the densely packed runes on the ground and felt dizzy for a moment. He quickly looked away, out of sight and out of mind.

However, Anna has already begun to study around the teleportation array.

"Of course I remember. I only need to listen to the knowledge once to remember it, and I already know how to change it..."

"Oh??" Su Nian was delighted when he heard this, and hurriedly came to Anna's side and asked, "How to change it?"

Anna raised her head, her expression became unusually serious:

"Brother, I can modify the teleportation anchor point of the teleportation array, but I only recommend modifying the return anchor point."

"Can the teleportation anchor point be modified? Then why can it only be changed for the return journey? Just change the anchor point from here and send it directly to King Leighton to the Naga Sea! Jiejiejie~"

It seemed that he was reminded of King Leighton's helpless and furious appearance in the Naga Sea where the air was in a hurry.

Su Nian couldn't help but hold his forehead and let out a sinister laugh.

"Because it is more concealed to modify the return anchor point, otherwise King Leighton will easily notice that there is a problem with the teleportation array!"

Anna looked at Heilong's silly look and couldn't help but sigh. She hugged Su Nian's shoulders and said helplessly:

“And what if there is an array master coming to check after we leave?

If you only modify the return journey, you will be foolproof! "

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