Crossing The Dragon: The King Sacrifices The Princess At The Beginning

Chapter 914: Something Happened To The Hidden Magic Circle

"So that's what it meant."

Fortunately, Su Nian had good understanding skills and quickly figured out the key.

Putting aside the issue of concealment, when King Leighton is teleporting, since the teleportation array is inactive, he must personally guide and determine the anchor point coordinates of the destination. If there is a problem with the anchor point coordinates, he can completely terminate the teleportation. The array has been changed in vain, but the return coordinates are different. When returning, the teleportation array is already activated, and the anchor points are automatically read. There is no need for King Leighton to guide him. King Leighton may not think twice about it and just send it directly. .

Another aspect involves concealment. Modifying the return journey does not require modifying too many rune paths.

If an array master comes to check, the most they can do is check whether the array can be activated and whether the initial transmission coordinates are correct.

That's all.

A knight like Potterburn knows nothing.

If he comes to check, he won't see anything.

After solving Rolandi's magic circle, Su Nian took Anna to Snowman City and Thun City and modified all the return anchor points of the magic circle there. Since the return anchor point can only be changed to the place where she has been, Na Jia Zhihai couldn't do it, and finally changed the return anchor point to the fire elemental plane, under the butt of the red dragon named Augustus.

Just when Su Nian was running around with Anna...

The court mage Trinbad also hurriedly came to the holy city of Rolandi.

The troops have been allocated. There is nothing to say about this. The remaining hidden teleportation array is the top priority!

So he immediately went to find the person in charge of the teleportation array, Kate Byrne.

However, a search in the military camp found no one from Kettleburn.

After asking Kettleburn's personal guards, they found out that the border count actually took Genrath and Jessica to drink.

"The Lord of the Black Nest may attack the Holy City at any time. Isn't it nonsense to drink at this time?!"

The old mage felt that the young border count must have drifted away. In his triumph, he lost his previous caution.

But then he thought again, knights and mages are different. Knights have fighting spirit that can expel alcohol from their bodies. Mages can only use dispersion techniques to get rid of the drunken state, but it must be before getting drunk, otherwise the drunken state will have a muddled brain. The only way to release magic is to use a dispersing scroll. However, it is hard to say whether the mage who was already drunk and unconscious at that time could think of a dispersing scroll.

So, it seems like it’s okay for Kate Byrne to have a drink.

However, he still inquired about the place where Kettleborn and "Gernrath" drank, and went all the way to find it.

The tavern owner is a rugged northerner.

At first, he was unwilling to disclose the guest's information until Trinbaid took out the token.

He took the old mage to a box and said respectfully: "An hour ago, Mr. Genrath had left with Miss Jessica, but Lord Kettleburn had not come out of the box. "

After saying this, the boss bowed slightly and turned to leave.

He can't get involved in what happens next. The more he sees, the easier it is to die.

This is the survival experience he has gained from traveling around the country for decades.

Trinbad could already smell the strong smell of alcohol inside through the door of the box. When he opened the door, a smell of alcohol hit his face, which almost made him vomit. He saw the border Earl who should have been in high spirits. He was lying in his own vomit, already drunk, still saying something like "Father, please accept my respects!", "Father, when I become the lord of Xueman City, I will honor you..." .." and so on.

Even a knight is so drunk?

The old mage became increasingly uneasy.

In his impression, Genrath has always been a very measured person.

It was impossible for him to get a knight with an important mission drunk when the Lord of the Black Nest might attack the Holy City at any time.

In this case, it can only mean that Genrath deliberately made Kettleburn drunk!

The old mage leaned down and touched Kettleburn's body while holding back his nausea. Sure enough, the token given by King Leighton was gone.

"Damn it! You're a bastard who fails to succeed but fails to succeed!"

The old mage was trembling with anger.

But he still took out a dispersion scroll from the space ring, tore it open and threw it on Kettleburn, then turned around and left.

He must immediately check the hidden teleportation array in Rolandi Holy City. If Genrath is just trying to seize power, it is not a big problem, but if there is a problem with the teleportation array, it means that Genrath is very likely to be The undercover agent of the Black Nest Empire may even be the Lord of the Black Nest himself!

Thinking of this, the old mage became more and more anxious.

He took out the communication crystal and wanted to notify King Leighton, but there was no response from King Leighton.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush it alone.

In the tavern——

Kettleburn has gradually emerged from his drunken state under the influence of dispersion.

He stood up in a daze, feeling weak all over and there was a stench all over him.

It felt like there was a hammer hammering in my mind, but the pain was gradually weakening.

As the pain became less and less severe, he gradually recalled what had happened while drinking.

"Hiss! I have adopted Genrath as my adoptive father?!"

The border count screamed.

The memory is fixed on the moment when I knelt down and kowtowed to Genrath.

Then "Gernrath" seemed to say something, and then he handed over something unexpectedly.

Kettleburn's waist was lifted, and a thin layer of cold sweat immediately broke out on his forehead.

My heart skipped a beat.


The token given by King Leighton is gone!

Just as they were panicking, they heard deafening explosions and the roar of soldiers coming from the military camp.

Obviously, something happened at the hidden magic circle!

He didn't even care about the filth on his body, and he didn't even have time to pick up his sword, so he jumped directly from the window on the third floor of the tavern.

He didn't want to believe that Lord "Gernrath" whom he admired would harm him.

But if there is something wrong with the teleportation array, even ten lives will not be enough to kill him!

at the same time--

The holy city of Xueman is thousands of miles away.

King Leighton, who had not slept for four or five days in a row, was lying naked on the bed and taking a nap.

Two charming maids were rubbing rose oil on King Leighton's body. After the entire back and thighs were covered with rose oil, they gently got on the bed, knelt down next to King Leighton, and used The soft, boneless hands massage King Leighton, helping him relax his body and mind.

Outside the bedroom, the armor is hanging on a shelf.

A communication crystal was vibrating crazily in King Leighton's armor.

Unfortunately, no one was passing by at all.

As hysterical as it is, it's all in vain.

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