In Rolandi's military camp.

The meteorite technique exploded with a bang, the old mage's eyes were blazing, and his beard and hair were flying in the flames.

A group of knights surrounded him in front of him, even though the spell just now had killed many knights.

"I'm investigating the hidden magic circle under the king's order, and I'm supervising Kettleborn and Genrath. Are you going to continue to stop me?"

After saying this, the swirling flames suddenly hit the ground, and a ring of flame magic circle instantly formed behind Trin Baide.

Although the magic guided by it has not yet been activated, its power has already caused the surrounding air to slightly distort.

"We don't want to stop you! But you don't have a token. According to the rules, we can't let you pass."

The leading knight had a solemn look on his face. He was holding his long sword and was out of shape. The shock wave from the meteorite that had just fallen from the sky had already caused him considerable internal injuries. This is the power of the mage. When the difference in strength is too large, The wizard's elimination of knights is like chopping melons and vegetables. A single spell can kill a large piece.

"I am Trien Baide, the chief mage of the palace, and my face is the token!"

The old mage's voice was cold, a circle of flames rose around him, and the magic in the ring was about to come out.

That is the seven-ring magic [Spear of Extreme Flame]. Once this magic is activated, all the knights who block it will die!

"Sorry!" The knight gritted his teeth, pushed himself up, and faced the old mage with his sword in both hands.

"We only recognize the token, His Majesty Layton, and Lord Kettleburn himself. No one else can get close to the teleportation circle!"

"Okay, okay! In this case, you all go to hell!!"

Trinbad laughed angrily, his gray beard trembling with his trembling lips.

As a fire mage, he has a bad temper under the influence of the fire element.

It's just that when he was around King Leighton, he restrained himself due to King Leighton's intimidation.

Now outside, King Layton can't be contacted, Kettleburn has lost his chain, and the suspect Genrath is missing. He went to check the teleportation array but was stopped by a group of knights who didn't know how to adapt.

At this moment, how could he not be anxious and angry?

So there was no longer any hesitation, the murderous intention was determined, and the staff in his hand pointed forward.

The seven-ring magic [Spear of Extreme Flame] shot out from the flaming star array, tearing through the wind and blasting towards the group of knights with a sharp whistling.

The leading knight looked back apologetically at the robe beside him, spread his arms, closed his eyes, and waited with his back for the arrival of the [Spear of Extreme Flame].

He was loyal throughout his life and was often criticized for being rigid and inflexible in his work.

Now even if he dies for loyalty, he has no complaints.

It's just a pity that the people around him are not alone like him. Some have brothers and parents, some have wives and children, but now they can only accompany him to be buried under the magic of the seven rings.

He felt guilty, and this was the only guilt he felt.


At this moment, two loud shouts sounded from two directions of Rolandi at the same time.

The sound came from the door of the military camp - it was Earl Kettleburn of the Border who came in a hurry.

But facing the [Spear of Extreme Flame] that had already been guided and was flying forward, he could only stretch out his hand in vain with his eyes wide open.

It seems that this way you can hold the seven-ring magic in your hands.

Another sound came from above Rolandi, and an old woman wearing a black robe was seen floating in the air, holding a golden staff in her hand.

The moment she finished speaking, the six-pointed star formation behind her also fell down, and came to a group of knights at a faster speed, condensing into the shadow of an angel. The angel's shadow held the holy sword and shield, facing The flying [Spear of Extreme Flame] just lowered its head slightly, spread its wings, and thrust its shield forward.


The extremely flaming spears collided and exploded at the shield.

A circle of shock waves spread out around them, rolling up the sand and dust in the military camp. For a moment, the situation inside was no longer clear.

But as the old woman fell from the sky, the sand and dust subsided instantly.

The Spear of Extreme Flame has disappeared, but the shadow of the angel still stands there in a defensive posture.

The power of the two magics is very different.

"Trian Baide, long time no see, your temper is still so hot."

The old woman wearing a black robe raised her head, revealing a face that was older than Trien Baird.

"Teacher..." The old mage looked at the old woman for a moment, and the boiling fire element in his body immediately subsided.

He held the staff and lowered his head to salute the old woman respectfully, and then said:

"Teacher, I had no choice just now. I came to supervise the work of Kettleborn and Genrath on His Majesty's orders. Now there is a problem, which must be investigated immediately, but these knights are blocking me like stubborn donkeys. His Majesty's mission is more important, so I can only kill him."

"No, you obviously have other choices."

The old woman didn't want to be fooled by the old mage, and sighed helplessly:

"You can obviously blow these knights unconscious, so you can still enter the cave to investigate, or use teleportation. Even if there is no anchor point, you can try a few more times. Just hit it and hit it right~"

Trin Baide was speechless.

His method is the fastest. It takes time to stun the knight, and it takes even more time to try to teleport the anchor point.

Of course, chatting with his mentor now is the ultimate waste of time!

His mentor is as chatty as the famously talkative Brass Dragon, and he talks endlessly!

"Trian Baide, you haven't come to see me for a long time. At that time, I told His Majesty that you were the most filial to me among all my students. I also elected you as the chief mage of the palace. As a result, you became the palace mage. The chief mage just forgot about me, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, let me think about it...oh! We haven’t seen each other for a month!”

The old woman kept talking.

Trinbaid only felt that the fire element in his body was boiling again.

He quickly grabbed the stunned Border Earl Kettleburn with the hands of a mage and said anxiously:

"Teacher, it's really my fault that I haven't come to see you for a month. I will definitely make it up to you. Now I have your Majesty's mission to do, which is extremely urgent!"

After saying this, he glared at Kettleburn viciously and said angrily:

"Asshole! What are you looking at? Why don't you please get out of my way, you stubborn donkey knights?"

Kettleburn finally woke up from a dream after being scolded a lot.

But it's hard to blame too much the knights who have been following him.

After all, they were not wrong in this matter. They were just completing the tasks assigned by him faithfully.

So I could only pretend to reprimand him a few words.

Then he led the old mage towards the cave where the teleportation circle was hidden.

An old woman’s nagging voice came from behind:

"You can only live a hundred and eighty years, so why are you so anxious?

well--! Today’s young people have really changed~”

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