The old mage and Kettleburn rushed all the way into the cave.

After discovering that the teleportation array was intact, Kettleburn was the first to breathe a sigh of relief.

"I knew Lord Genrath would not harm me...he was just helping me complete the maintenance tasks..."

Trinbad ignored the border Earl next to him.

He walked near the teleportation array and carefully inspected the runes on the ground.

As the chief mage of the palace, he also studied battle tactics quite a bit, and he quickly noticed something was wrong. At first glance, there seemed to be nothing wrong with the teleportation array, but as his mental power deepened into the array, he found that the coordinates of the return journey had been changed. Modified, it is a completely unknown place, who knows where it is pointing...

"Fortunately it was discovered early..."

Trinbaid wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He took out the communication crystal and called King Leighton again, but there was still no response. He simply had to modify the teleportation array anchor point himself. This was not a simple matter. The person who modified the anchor point arranged the runes very cleverly. Like a maze with twists and turns, if you don't break through the many obstacles, the modification will fail.

"Your Excellency Trinbaid, what are you doing?"

Kettleburn couldn't help but be a little confused when he saw the old mage staring at the teleportation array, with silver light blooming in his eyes.

"I'm modifying the anchor point of the teleportation circle, you bastard." The old mage's tone was quite angry. If it weren't for this stupid border count, how could there be so many troubles now?

It is true that there is not enough success and more than failure!

Now that the anchor point of the magic circle has been modified, it has become clear that there is something wrong with Genrath. After modifying the magic circle, he must immediately notify the apostles of Thun City and Xueman, and then immediately go back to meet King Leighton and transfer the magic circle to him. Report everything about Enrat!

"What?? Are you modifying the teleportation circle?!"

Kettleburn's eyes widened, and then he kicked Trinbaid on the butt. The old mage was concentrating on cracking the anchor point. He was unprepared for this kick and was kicked directly out.

"Asshole, what are you doing?!"

The old mage was stunned. He pointed at the Earl of the Border with trembling hands and was shaking with anger. The fire element around his body was boiling. The latter had already pulled out the dagger from his waist - his sword was leaked in the tavern and he could only deal with it. .

"Trian Baide? Do you want to modify the teleportation array?"

Kettleburn sneered: "Lord of the Black Nest, stop pretending, I have seen through you! Come on, let me, Kettleburn, let you know what it means to be a heroic knight of the Saint Rodia Empire!"

"Lord of the Black Nest, are you talking about me?"

Trinbad pointed at himself and his eyes widened.

The knight approached step by step, with a cold smile on his lips: "That's right, it's you, Trinbad... No! Lord of the Black Nest! I'm just wondering why you don't have King Leighton's token. To forcefully break through my guard, as the chief court mage, it is suspicious that you don't have a token. It's just that everything that just happened was too hasty and I didn't react... Now, show your prototype, Black Nest Master, you have no way out!"

"Kateborn, I think you are crazy! Now that the teleportation array has been modified by Genrath, the Lord of the Black Nest may launch an attack at any time. I must modify the teleportation anchor point back as soon as possible. Get out of here!"


Not only did Kateburn not roll away, he slashed at the old mage with a knife, shouting, "Show your true form, Lord of the Black Nest!" However, the knife was blocked by the old mage's shield.

"You dare attack me?!"

Trinbad blocked the sword, and flames boiled all over his body. He stepped out of the flames step by step, his eyes like spitting fire. This sword directly made him angry. He pointed the staff at Kettleburn viciously and said:

"You stopped me from modifying the anchor point of the teleportation circle. I think you are the one with the real problem. In this case, I will eliminate harm for the people today!"

After saying that, a mage and a knight got into a fight in the cave.

Because the entire cave is shrouded in a hidden magic circle.

It was a surprise that no one noticed what happened in the cave.

The soldiers guarding outside thought that Kettleburn and the old mage were inspecting the magic circle inside...

At the same time, the city of Thun.

Su Nian and Anna took the tokens to modify the magic circles in Thun City. Now the three magic circles have been completely modified. Now they only need to launch a feint attack on Rolandi, lure King Leighton away, and then attack the one with the weakest defense. Just go to Xueman City.

"Let's go, Anna. It's been a tiring day. Let's take a good rest. I heard that the Holy City of Thun is a famous hot spring city. Let's find a luxurious hot spring to take a dip~"

After saying that, he took Anna in his arms and walked towards a hot spring hotel. These hot springs are all per person. It is impossible to wear clothes when soaking in the hot springs. Then he can relax with Anna...

But he hasn't taken two steps yet.

Anna took Su Nian's hand.

"Brother, Rolandi's teleportation array was moved... However, the other party did not modify it successfully. It seemed to have been interrupted midway..." In order to prevent the teleportation array from being modified, Anna specially set up an alarm mechanism, so that even if If something unexpected happened, she and Su Nian also had time to react.

"Has been touched?"

Su Nian frowned slightly.

First, eliminate that idiot Kate Byrne.

Even if he was sober, he wouldn't be able to notice the problem with the magic circle.

Well there is only one reason.

A specialized array master inspected the array.

In this case, we can't waste any more time.

Su Nian and Anna looked at each other, and they immediately took the public portal in Thun City to Rolandi.

"Master Genrath is back?"

"Good evening Lord Genrath!"

Around Rolandi's teleportation circle, the soldiers guarding the teleportation circle greeted "Gernrath" one after another, and then they saw Mr. "Gernrath" take out a big sword in front of them, A sword slashed Rolandi's public teleportation circle.

"Good evening, gentlemen and ladies, I am in a good mood today. Please watch the fireworks~"

Su Nian smiled evilly at a group of dull soldiers.

Then he transformed into a huge black dragon and took off into the air, squeezing Rolandi's main castle to pieces almost instantly. He raised his dragon claw and slashed it in front of him, and the secondary plane portal opened. Bass, who had been holding back for a long time, Tian then emerged from the teleportation array.

"Aw~ The great Lord of the Black Nest, His Majesty Watrus!"

Bastian bowed slightly:

"Let me weave death and fire into a beautiful symphony as a gift to you!"

After saying that, he first burned the unresponsive soldiers around the magic circle to ashes with a breath of dragon's breath, then suspended in the sky above Rolandi, and began to guide the super-level forbidden spell. However, in a moment, a star from the sky was pulled from the cloudy sky. The huge meteorite has broken through the atmosphere.

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