
Alarm bells sounded throughout the walls of Rolandi.

Accompanied by the soldiers roaring in terror.

"The Lord of the Black Nest is attacking the city!"

"Dragon! A dragon is attacking!!"

The first person to react was the old woman in the military camp.

Her name is Lena Fendel, the head of the six apostles of Rolandi. Her son, Kenneth, is the city lord of Rolandi and an eighth-level star ring mage.

The moment I saw the black dragon and the red dragon appear.

Lena Fendel changed her previous smiling look, and her face became serious and cold.

She made a quick decision and immediately crushed the communication crystal.

At the Holy Pillar, the four apostles suddenly opened their eyes and soared into the sky from the Holy Pillar and flew toward the center of the city. In the tavern, the bald man put down the kitchen knife in his hand, but after thinking about it, he decided to finish cutting the beef first. After all, we still have guests to entertain.

"Are you the Lord of the Black Nest?"

Lena Fendel stared coldly at the black dragon in the sky.

The two of them were almost eye level, but her figure was too small in front of the Lord of the Black Nest, no different from an insect, as if the Lord of the Black Nest could crush her to death with just a move of his fingers.

"Yes, I am the Lord of the Black Nest. My Black Nest Empire is rich in products and has outstanding people. I see that you are a talented person. How about joining my Black Nest Empire? It is worse than losing your life here~"

Faced with Su Nian's provocation.

Lena Fendel just snorted.

The Holy Light Staff in his hand was at his feet, and with a "buzz", the golden halo instantly spread throughout Rolandi, and then a white hole made entirely of Holy Light swallowed up Bastian's super-level magic and banished it. But it happened in just one second. After everything was over, the old woman sneered:

"Arrogant! Since you chose to attack Rolandi today, I will kill you here even if I risk my life!"

"And me!" An old mage walked out of the thunder and lightning and stood next to Lena Fendel. He was one of Rolandi's apostles, Under Armor, a ninth-level lightning forbidden spell mage.

"The Lord of the Black Nest? He's nothing more than a native chicken and a tile-dog!"

A cold snort came from high in the sky, and an old mage was seen dragging a silver ball of light with his hands to float in the air, with his white hair dancing wildly in the wind—Gustav, the Space Forbidden Curse Mage.

"Now that you're here, don't leave!"

High in the sky to the left of Su Nian, an old woman who looked to be in her forties or fifty came out of the frost. Her appearance was elegant, like a palace lady. Every time she took a step, a frost rose bloomed under her feet - ice forbidden Antonia the Curse Sorcerer.

"I heard that the Lord of the Black Nest is very powerful, but I don't know how many of my swords he can take on?" The voice came from a tower, where stood a figure as tall and tall as a green pine. He raised his head slightly, revealing an old face, and a pair of eyes like two dots. Stars - Ninth-Level Champion Knight Storm Sword Master Pine.

"There was a fight? Why didn't anyone call me?"

In Rolandi's tavern, the northern boss walked out of the tavern with a smile. Every step he took, his aura increased. In the blink of an eye, he had reached the level of forbidden spells, and even continued to touch the threshold of legend. A heavy aura Spreading towards the surroundings, the air was slightly stagnant - half-step legendary earth mage, Mountain Mover - Croft.

All six apostles from Rolandi City have arrived.

Judging from the momentum, the strength of these six apostles is still higher than the apostles of Ruotuo City, and even stronger than the apostles of Xueman City. Su Nian guessed that this is probably because Rolandi is closest to the royal city among the four holy cities. Even the sacred pillar is much wider, so the guardian here is naturally no ordinary person.

The enemy is indeed tough.

But he wasn't afraid, and besides, his main target today was not Rolandi.

Somewhere in the Holy City, Anna and Past Noreji have been paying close attention to the fluctuations of the hidden teleportation array. Once King Leighton starts teleportation, they will immediately notify Sunian and Bastian to evacuate.

But before that.

Su Nian still has to have a good time.

"Not bad, I finally look like an apostle!"

As he spoke, the royal domain was fully expanded.

The expressions of the six apostles suddenly changed.

Just now, they clearly realized that their rank was two levels higher than that of the Lord of the Black Nest, but now they were completely on the same level. The legendary red dragon raging in the sky also wandered over. Obviously, he was unhappy with being banished by the super-level magic. He was staring at them eagerly at the moment.

"I see... No wonder Ruotuo City can't be defended..."

Six apostles gathered together.

Lena Fendel felt the pressure coming from her body and suddenly realized, murmuring: "This is some kind of domain skill. Within the domain, we will be forcibly downgraded, and the Lord of the Black Nest will be promoted by one level. As soon as we fall, our superficial strength will be the same as that of the Lord of the Black Nest!"


A cold light flashed in Sword Master Payne's eyes and he muttered:

"In that case, let's form an formation with you as the leader this time!"

After the words fell, the five apostles immediately stepped back and stood behind Lena Fendel. Before Bastian's dragon breath and Su Nian's dragon claws swung down, their power had already moved towards Lena Fendel under the influence of a special formation. Narfindel gathers.

This force is extremely huge and majestic.

I saw Lena Fendel's robe gradually turning into armor of holy light, and two pairs of angel wings stretched out from behind her. Her staff turned into a holy sword, and she raised it high at the critical moment:

"Heavenly Realm——!"


As an invisible force spreads out.

The entire city of Rolandi was shrouded in golden light, as if it had been coated with a layer of gold powder, and the suppressed strength of the six apostles also recovered somewhat. Although this realm of heaven is not as noble as the royal power, it offsets part of the royal power. rule.

At this time, Bastian's dragon breath was already spitting out.

Lena Fendel faced the dragon's breath and just used her sword. The energy of the holy light turned into a crescent-shaped sword light and split the dragon's breath into two parts. It blasted into Bastian's unclosed mouth with an unstoppable momentum. .

Bastian felt his tongue being pricked.

He quickly held his mouth and looked at the six apostles with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

At the same time, Su Nian's dragon claw also crashed down like a huge mountain. Lena Fendel had no time to breathe after cutting the dragon's breath with one sword, so she had to transform the holy sword into a holy shield to bear the claw.

With a roar.

All the houses within hundreds of meters were instantly crushed by the shock wave.

The apostles who were hit by the palm also turned pale.

Among them, only Payne, who has strong physical strength, is slightly better.

"How's it going? Can you hold on?"

Lena Fendel stretched out her left hand and shed a ray of light to help everyone recover from their injuries. At the same time, she pushed forward hard, and a faint light was reflected on the shield, which bounced back the dragon claw of the Lord of the Black Nest.

"Just fight, just defend..."

Mountain Mover Croft formed a seal with his hands, and a circle of khaki halo protected everyone. His eyes were slightly dozed, and his voice was calm and he said:

"Don't use the energy of the Holy Pillar unless absolutely necessary.

I have sent people to ask for support. I just need to hold on until His Majesty Leighton comes. "

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