There was a fierce fight in Rolandi City.

The same is true in the cave where the teleportation array is hidden.

However, with the big commotion caused by the appearance of Su Nian and Bastian, Kate Byrne and Trin Baird had noticed something unusual.

"Stop! Stop fighting!"

The old mage shouted with red eyes:

"Didn't you hear the noise from Rolandi City? Rolandi was invaded!"

Kettleburn was not sure, but he was very confident that the Lord of the Black Nest would not attack Rolandi City, so he ignored Trinbaid.

"Yes!" He held the dagger and sneered:

"Why is Rolandi making any noise? Shouldn't I ask you this? Do you want to take me away and modify the magic circle? I tell you, it's impossible! Put away your clumsy tricks. I'm here in the magic circle today. , if you want to modify the magic circle, just step over my body, Kate Burn!"

The old mage was so angry that his beard became crooked.

He finally understood why the knights guarding the gate outside were so stubborn. They were almost modeled after Kettleburn.

Call him loyal, he succeeds more than he fails, like an undercover agent; call him disloyal, after a fight, his clothes and armor were burned, but he still stood in front of the magic circle with a broken dagger.

That firm will and belief in protecting the magic circle would make even the gods moved when they saw it.

"Kateburn, I am not the Lord of the Black Nest. What on earth do you have to say to believe it? Does the Lord of the Black Nest know how to use a staff? Can he use a robe?" Trinbad put a bunch of potions in the space ring, and the magic Books and scrolls were taken out, and various alchemical materials were piled on the floor: "Does the Lord of the Black Nest need to get so many magic materials? Huh? Is he sick or am I sick?"

"These can all be disguised."

Kettleburn was unmoved.

Until a thunderous dragon roar came from overhead.

This was followed by violent shaking.

At this time, the two people in the cave were stunned.

The knight's expression ranged from confusion to embarrassment.

The old mage added fuel to the fire and was furious.

"Damn! Damn you! The Lord of the Black Nest has indeed invaded Rolandi!" Trinbaid looked at Kettleburn fiercely and scolded:

"Asshole, are you satisfied now? Do you know how much time you have wasted? I could have modified the teleportation circle. I could have gone back to Snowman City to inform His Majesty, but it was all because of you, a fool, that if Rolandi City came out If you solve the problem, you will be the sinner of the entire Saint Lotia Empire!"

Kate Byrne was also panicking at this moment.

He seemed to have really misunderstood something, but he wasn't particularly sure yet.

Now the dragon has indeed invaded Rolandi, but there are many doubts about the old mage in front of him, which cannot be ruled out. He doesn't know whether he should believe the old mage's words.

"I still can't let you modify the magic circle."

Kettleburn stared at the old mage closely and said solemnly: "Now the two of us will go outside together. If we see the Lord of the Black Nest, I will believe you. Not only will I not stop you, I will also cooperate with you to modify the magic circle. .”

"Who the hell needs your cooperation as an undead?"

The old mage roared.

A shot of [Extreme Flame Spear] was fired.

Kettleburn didn't dare to resist, so he turned around and ran out of the cave.

This time the old mage was obviously furious.

The cave environment is small, and Trinbad is afraid of destroying the magic circle, so he keeps his magic at bay. This is why Kettleburn is not as strong as him, but he can still deal with him for so long. It's all because he doesn't do anything cruel. hand.

But now he doesn't pretend anymore.

He wants to let himself go!

"You are indeed a member of the Black Nest Empire, you have already exposed your trap!"

Kettleburn's calm and analytical voice came from a corner of the cave.

"If you weren't a traitor, you wouldn't be using magic like this right now. Now you're going to take this opportunity to destroy the teleportation array? Hahaha! You can't pretend anymore, can you?!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

After hearing this, the old mage looked up to the sky and roared, and a halo of flames exploded around him. It didn't matter what the magic circle, King Leighton, or the Lord of the Black Nest were!

It's not important anymore! !

The most important thing now is that he wants Kettleburn dead!

"Death! Die!" the old mage howled. The violent fire element condensed into various fire magics and chased and bombarded the cave. As the fire element became extremely dense in the cave, at a certain moment, the entire The cave was completely detonated like a bomb.

The hidden magic circle collapsed first.

What was broken next was the cave.

The entire cave collapsed completely in the explosion.

The teleportation circle below was naturally destroyed, and two charred figures were thrown out of the flames and shock waves of the explosion and fell into the military camp.

Astonishingly, it was Kate Byrne and Trin Baird who were blown away.

The two lay side by side.

Looking up at the stars.

After a while, Kettleburn opened his mouth and blew out a puff of black smoke. He slowly turned his head and looked at the old mage who was also charred. He punched him with all his strength, but it was so light that no harm was done.

"You, you are indeed a traitor... You, you can't deceive me... ahem..."

The soul of the old mage, who was about to die after being blown away by his own magic, was suddenly pulled back.

He twisted his painful neck with difficulty and glared at the severely burned Earl of the Border. His lips trembled and he squeezed out a few words between his teeth:

"Fuck...fuck...your undead horse!"

Rolandi high altitude.

Both the six apostles and Su Nian noticed the explosion at the military camp.

The military camp is where the magic circle is hidden.

Just as he was about to use his mental power to detect what happened, Anna's voice had already sounded in his mind in advance:

[Brother, you may not believe it, but the hidden teleportation circle was destroyed by King Leighton’s men... My mentor and I didn’t even move...]


Su Nian was stunned.

Is there such an operation? !

Could it be said that there are admirers of the Black Nest Empire in the Saint Lotia Empire? !

[What are we going to do now? King Leighton won't be able to come to Rolandi for a while, but after the teleportation array is destroyed, I don't know when King Leighton will come. What if he teleports here in some special way? 】

Anna's concerns are justified.

Su Nian glanced at the two broken teleportation arrays and the six apostles with confused expressions, and his mind started racing - no matter what teleportation array, time is calculated based on distance, King Leighton wanted to teleport from Snowman City to Rolandi It takes five minutes to walk through the teleportation array.

Now that the teleportation array is gone, he can only make space jumps, each jumping 10,000 kilometers, at least four times to reach the Holy City of Rolandi.

That's twenty minutes.

If he wanted to take people with him to jump through space, it would take even more time.

That is, no matter how you calculate it.

He was safe for the next fifteen minutes.

"Anna, Bastian and I hold the apostle while you and Pastor Noreki destroy the sacred pillar and evacuate in fifteen minutes."

Su Nian made a decision in his heart, and while informing Anna, he also gave an order to Bastian, "In the next fifteen minutes, use all your strength to kill the active forces in the Holy City of Rolandi! Especially these six apostles!"

There was a fierce glint in his eyes.

"As long as you can kill him, never leave him to King Leighton!"

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