Snow Man City——

Since Ruotuo City was broken.

Alarm devices were temporarily installed between the teleportation arrays in the major holy cities.

When Su Nian chopped Rolandi's public teleportation array into pieces with a sword, the teleportation arrays in Thun City and Xueman City called the police at the same time. The faces of the mages and knights guarding the teleportation array instantly changed, because calling the police would mean The public teleportation array in a certain holy city was destroyed.

The mages of Snowrun City immediately went to the castle to inform King Leighton.

King Leighton was still getting a massage and was already a little drowsy. A fierce knock on the door suddenly woke him up.

"what happened?"

He rolled over and sat up.

All the surrounding maids stepped aside.

The anxious shouts of the mages came from outside the door: "Your Majesty, something happened. Rolandi's public teleportation array was destroyed. There is no problem in our Snowman City and Thun City."


King Leighton broke into a cold sweat.

He quickly put on his pajamas and walked into the hall. He saw dozens of mages Wu Yangyang kneeling in the hall. It was obvious that the situation was very urgent.

"Where's Trinbad? I just sent him to Rolandi, why didn't he pass the message to me as soon as possible?!"

All the mages looked at each other, not daring to speak.

King Leighton immediately realized something. He walked to the clothes rack and took off his robe. He took a look at the necklace-shaped communication crystal. He saw that the communication crystal had changed from blue to red. It was obviously under his massage. Trinbaid had sent him a message a while ago, but due to this omission, he failed to receive it.

Fortunately, Kateborn and Genrath had arranged the back-up plan in advance.

Otherwise, he, the king, would be completely disgraced.

He quickly straightened his robes and turned around, saying solemnly: "Rolandi's attack was something I expected. A few days ago, I sent people to secretly build teleportation arrays. There are very few people who know about these teleportation arrays. Come with me. Let’s go support Rolandi City now!”

All the mages were shocked when they heard this.

"As expected of Your Majesty!"

"It turns out that His Majesty has already predicted it, so our worries are unnecessary!"

"Your Majesty, we must catch the Lord of the Black Nest this time and ask about the whereabouts of my son!"

It was the Sendleys who spoke.

In addition to running around with the large army these days, they also used their intelligence network to find their son. However, they only knew that the Lord of the Black Nest captured a group of humans. It was unclear whether his son was among them. He might have been killed. It might also be thrown into that cave to mine.

Every time they thought of their favorite son being brutally humiliated, their hearts ached, and they thought, why not just have another child?

"Do not worry."

King Leighton helped the Sendleys up.

"I have built a hidden teleportation array. You two come with me and we will slay the evil dragon together!"

"Thank you, thank you Your Majesty!"

King Leighton turned around, curled his lips, and led a group of mages and knights to the underground teleportation array in Xueman City.

This teleportation array was built in the military camp of Xueman City. It was heavily guarded by soldiers, and there were also hidden magic circles and underground mazes as obstacles. Most people were really not allowed to enter.

When everyone stood in front of the hidden magic circle.

The admiration for King Leighton has been like a torrential river, endless.

The Sendleys were so anxious that they immediately stepped forward to activate the teleportation array, but failed to activate it. The teleportation array showed no movement, and all the magic power they poured into it was dissipated.

"This magic circle can only be activated by me."

King Leighton smiled, separated from the crowd and walked to the teleportation array.

This is called layers of protection!

He put his hand on the core of the teleportation array, and a thunder element poured into it. As expected, the teleportation array burst into glory and made a "buzzing" roar.

"Come up, everyone, we're going to Rolandi right now!"

When the mage and knight have already stood on the teleportation array, the Vulcan believers stand.

King Leighton then began the final step of inspection.

First, check the anchor point. There is no problem. The anchor point is the Holy City of Rolandi.

The second step is to check the magic circuit of the magic circle. There is no problem. It is brand new and perfect.

Finally, check the connection path of the magic circle, also...


King Leighton's eyes widened.

The connection path is broken!

This shows that part of the hidden magic circle in Rolandi City has been destroyed. The most likely situation is that there is no problem with the rune circuits on the ground, but the portal is broken, resulting in that although the road is open, there is no way. can not go out.

Could it be that the underground cave collapsed?

If the Lord of the Black Nest personally attacks Rolandi City, and a forbidden spell happens to hit the military camp, causing the cave to collapse, there seems to be no problem...

This is embarrassing.

King Leighton raised his head slightly and saw a group of mages and knights around him, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Sendley, all looking at him eagerly.

"Ahem... Well, there was an accident in the hidden magic circle..." King Leighton rubbed his hands and said expressionlessly: "It should be caused by the collapse of the cave where the teleportation magic circle is located. I can only say that I am very unlucky. ,well--!"

"Ah, Your Majesty, what should we do?"

Everyone panicked.

King Leighton is actually more panicked, but as the king and the backbone of everyone, he must act calmly at this time.

"Why are you in a hurry? You two will build the arcane portal remotely with me. You have to move quickly."

[Arcane Portal] is a type of arcane magic.

Generally used for single-person directional transmission.

Construct a portal made entirely of arcane runes based on known anchor points and teleportation channels.

King Leighton extended his hand to the Sendleys.

He had just memorized Rolandi's anchor point, but the Sendleys didn't know it. Now they need to build an arcane teleportation gate as quickly as possible to connect with the original teleportation channel.

It is equivalent to reopening a road and bypassing the damaged portal.

This is the most efficient operation.

It would undoubtedly consume a lot of magic power to teleport so many people.

Layton needs the help of these two legendary mages, the Sendleys.

"You want to build an arcane portal?"

Duke Sendley's expression changed.

So many people teleported there and it didn't drain his magic power?

"Your Majesty, we used to need magic power to fight, so why not use space jump, slower, but save magic power!" Mrs. Sendley also supported.


King Leighton forcibly held the hands of Sendley and his wife, and a vast magical pressure surged out from the whole body. Thunder elements gathered around them, and everyone's hair exploded.

"The city of Rolandi is in danger. If I miss it for a minute, I don't know how many people will die! If you don't help me, the Sendley family will get out of Santa Lotia!"

The Sendleys were furious when they saw King Leighton.

I didn't dare to say anything more.

But in my heart I couldn’t help but complain:

What the hell were you doing so early? I don’t know which king was actually in the house with a group of maids when the summons crystal kept calling the police...

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