"Penn is not dead? Where is he?"

Croft leaned forward with an anxious expression.

He saw that Payne's body was taken away, and he was really not sure whether Payne was dead. After all, this body was just a "corpse" that several of their old friends thought.

"I don't know where Payne is, but I found this..."

Su Nian took out Payne's heroic sword.

Although this sword has been damaged in many places, the sword still exudes a faint brilliance, which shows that the sword soul of this sword has not died yet.

If the soul of the sword is not dead, then the owner of the sword is not dead. After all, the soul of the weapon in most heroic weapons is a split part of the original soul of the weapon owner.

"I found it near the ruins where I was buried. I also saw with my own eyes that Payne was captured by the Lord of the Black Nest. With this sword, maybe I can find Payne? Or even locate the Lord of the Black Nest!"

"I heard that your name is Genrath?" The mountain mover raised his head with the Sword Master's sword: "It is said that you are still the governor of Gray Wind City. I have heard about your deeds. Today's incident may be The only good thing you do...

Tell me, do you have any request for coming to me?

You have taken back my best friend's sword, and I can grant you a request within my power. "

"I don't have any requirements." Su Nian shook his head, put on his hat again and turned to leave. The moment he opened the door, he tilted his head slightly: "I just think that a heroic figure like Sword Master Payne should not If you fall into the hands of the Lord of the Black Nest, you will live and die or see his corpse. This is the respect for him, and it is also the reason why I sent the sword here today."

After saying that, he took Kettleburn and left.

The door of the tavern was gently closed. Mountain Mover Croft looked at the door and then at the sword in his hand, with the words of "Gernrath" echoing in his mind.

"You want to see people alive, you want to see corpses when you're dead!"

He clenched his fists and murmured to himself: "Is it possible that Payne has worked hard all his life and done so much for the Saint Lotia Empire, but he doesn't even deserve a complete corpse?!"


Underground Sanctuary——

Not long after Genrath left, Croft entered the underground sanctuary and found the leader of the apostles, Lena Fendel.

"What did you say? You're going to find Payne?!"

Light Gatherer-Lena Fendel put down what she was busy with and looked at Croft in astonishment.

"Do you know what you are talking about? Let's not say that Payne is dead. Besides, if you want to snatch Payne's body back from the master of the Black Nest, aren't you looking for death?"

"Penn is not dead."

Croft took out the Juggernaut's sword and showed it to Lena Findel.

"The soul of the weapon is still there. When Payne forged this heroic sword, he used his own soul, so he is not dead!"

Lena Fendel looked at the sword, and a flash of hope flashed in her eyes for a moment, but soon the flame of hope was extinguished again.

"Penn is not dead, and you can't go."

"Why? Payne is our friend!"

"Because we are no match for the Lord of the Black Nest." Lena Fendel said lightly: "Because we want to protect the Holy City. Now that the ultimate rune has been destroyed, Mammon is busy repairing the holy pillars and pillars of Ruotuo City. The ultimate rune cannot be withdrawn at all. The five of us are Rolandi’s last fighting strength. If the five of us fall, what will happen to Rolandi?”

Croft knew the answer.

Without the apostles, Rolandi City only needs a group of seventh-level monsters—a group of miscellaneous soldiers under the Lord of the Black Nest to defeat it!

"However, it is impossible for the Lord of the Black Nest to attack Rolandi again. He has already left!"

"You are not the Lord of the Black Nest, how do you know he won't suddenly kill someone with a counterattack?!"

While the two were arguing, the door to the underground sanctuary suddenly opened.

Under Armor, the Forbidden Magic Mage of Thunder, walked in.

"That's enough, there is no point in you continuing to argue. Otherwise, we will help Croft find Payne's location, and then Croft will go find out the situation. The four of us will continue to guard the Holy City. If something happens Problem, Croft can also use a fixed-point teleportation scroll to come back, so that it will not affect the defense of the Holy City, nor will it hinder the search for Payne."

"But..." Lena Fendel still felt something was wrong.

The highest order King Leighton gave them when he left was to guard the sacred pillar every step of the way.

If anything happens, report it immediately using the communication crystal, but now Croft wants to go to Payne again...

"No but, Lena Fendel, this is the best plan. If you continue to shirk, I will wonder if there is any rift between you and Payne, and you, you are now waiting for an opportunity to retaliate!" Kroff Te's words were very rude, causing Lena Fendel's expression to change instantly.

"Penn and I used to be husband and wife. Are you questioning the relationship between me and Penn? When Penn died, I was sadder than any of you!"

"Yeah, so you were once a couple, but didn't you separate later?!" Croft retorted.

Andre, who was next to him, couldn't stand it anymore. He walked between the two of them and separated the two who were already angry.

“Just do what I say, get the best of both worlds, and since Payne is not dead, we really should try to find Payne.

Lena Fendel, think about it, maybe if we find Payne earlier, he will have a better chance of surviving.

Maybe he was thrown into a valley by the Lord of the Black Nest, surrounded by a group of hungry monsters, but unable to move.

He obviously has a chance to survive! "

Lena Fendel looked at the peacemaker Andre and the stubborn-looking Croft, and finally could only sigh helplessly.

"I can't tell you anything, but if His Majesty Leighton asks about it, I will report your matter truthfully."


Croft looked indifferent.

If you make an arrangement in your mind.

The Holy City, the Holy Pillar, and His Majesty Layton combined are not as important as Pain.

They are lifelong friends.

What's more, Payne saved his life in the early years.

If he stood aside for the sake of the Holy City at this time, causing Payne to die alone in despair, then he would never be able to forgive himself for the rest of his life, and he would only be able to live in pain and self-blame.

So, under the silence of Lena Fendel and the neutral attitude of the other apostles.

Together, they helped Croft use Payne's sword as a medium to construct an extremely clever tracing circle. Then they saw Payne hanging on a cliff, and a one-eyed vulture's nest just caught him. .

But at the same time, Payne also crushed the eggs in the nest. You can almost imagine how angry the nest owner will be when he comes back and sees all his children died tragically, and what he will do to Payne. Cruel things.

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