When seeing Payne's situation.

The five apostles were given two pieces of good news and one piece of bad news.

The good news is that the Lord of the Black Nest did not take Payne away but just threw him away to an unknown place. Maybe it was not far from Rolandi, and Payne was still alive and well.

The bad news is that the one-eyed vulture may return at any time, and it will be difficult to say whether Payne can continue to live.

"The situation is critical, I'll leave now!"

Croft picked up the staff and turned around to leave the underground sanctuary. It was impossible for him to teleport with the tracking circle, but he already knew the general direction and could search all the way there. He could search in a wide area with the mental power of a ninth-level mage. Being alone is not a big problem.

In the underground sanctuary, the remaining apostles looked at each other in shock.

"Is it okay for Croft to go alone?"

"What's the problem!?"

Andre spread his hands and said helplessly:

"Your Majesty asked us to guard the Holy Pillar. Even if it is dangerous for Croft to find Payne, we can't go with him. Now we have done our best to help him locate Payne. If His Majesty knows about this, , we will definitely be punished!"

"Sigh... But it's a good thing that Payne is still alive! That old guy still owes me wine money!"

"Who says it isn't?"

There was a lot of discussion among the apostles in the sanctuary.

Only Lena Fendel looked at Payne in the magic light curtain thoughtfully.

There was a vague feeling of uneasiness in her heart.

The armor on Payne's body was extremely heavy.

If it falls from a high altitude, can this eagle's nest really hold up? It looks more like it was put there on purpose, it seems to be a trap!

She wanted to remind Croft.

But in the end he shook his head helplessly.

Croft was so thoughtful, how could he not see that there was something wrong with this eyrie?

But even so, he still had to go.

Because Payne is his friend.

Even if he knew it was a trap, he would not look back!

Just as Croft set off for Payne's location.

Su Nian also stayed quietly at the temporary residence and waited for things to ferment.

He planned to use Payne's body to attract any apostle, and then quickly kill him to obtain a new vest. There were three scenarios in total in his expectation.

First, all members of the Holy Pillar act at the same time.

This possibility is only 10% because the real mission of these apostles is to protect the Holy Pillar;

Second, sending some apostles to find Payne’s whereabouts, this accounted for 60%;

Third, everyone stayed in the sanctuary and only sent troops to search and cooperate. This accounted for 30%.

He specifically asked Kettleburn. Although this guy is not very smart, he does a good job in intelligence work.

Especially those under him have already found out about the situation in Rolandi City - Payne's best friend is Croft, and Payne's ex-wife is Lena Fendel.

These two are the most likely to go looking for Payne.

No matter whether they come together or alone.

Su Nian is sure to replace it with a vest.

After a while, the door to the room was knocked open.

Kettleburn's loud voice came in too.

“Father, foster father!

There is news! "

Kate Byrne stood in front of Su Nian.

First he took a breath, and then reported the report respectfully:

"My knights have found out that shortly after we left, Croft met with the other four apostles, and they finally decided that the four of them would stay at the Holy Pillar while Croft went to find Payne. Now Croft Te has already set off!"

“Very well, Kate Byrne, you did well!

Now I'm leaving too, you come with me! "

Su Nian stood up and patted Kate Byrne on the shoulder.

"Father, why should we follow?"

Kettleburn looked confused.

"Because this is an opportunity! Kettleburn! Do you still remember your family? Do you remember how your parents and brother treated you? Do you just want to be a border earl?"

Su Nian turned around and looked at Kettleburn intently, and said sincerely:

"We are guilty now. Not only will His Majesty not give us rewards, he will even punish us. This punishment does not mean that we are ordered to rebuild the city in Rolandi now, but that after everything is over and everything is settled, what awaits us then , should I be sent to the frontier, deprived of my noble status, or sent directly to the gallows? Think about it carefully!"

Kate Byrne shivered when he heard this, then he knelt down with a bang and said with a trembling voice:

"Please ask my adoptive father to teach me what to do!"

Su Nian smiled "hehe", helped Kate Bourne up, and led Kate Bourne out, saying as he walked:

"Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. Croft is the apostle of Rolandi City and has a very high status. Payne is the ex-husband of the leader of the apostles. Now Croft will easily be in danger if he goes to save Payne. , have you ever thought that that might be a trap by the Lord of the Black Nest? But if we suddenly appear and save Croft and Payne when they are in danger, will we be trusted and reused? Then At that time, these apostles gave His Majesty a few kind words. Not only were the sins on our bodies cleansed, but we also had the opportunity to go further!!"

Kate Byrne suddenly realized after hearing this.

He secretly thought that he was worthy of being an adopted father. Even if he was in a deep trough, he could create opportunities for himself like this. He was not as good as him!

There are still many places worth learning from his adoptive father.

The two of them arrived outside Rolandi City, and soon Kettleburn's loyal men found the gryphon.

Su Nian and Kate Byrne each rode a griffon and flew towards the place where Payne was placed.

"Speaking of foster father, how do you know where Lord Payne is?"

Su Nian twitched the corner of his mouth and cursed in his mind that this knight had as many comments as questions, but he still explained patiently:

"We mages can use the media to build a tracking array. With the tracking array, we can know the approximate direction of the target!"

"I see, I seem to understand why my parents don't like me."

Su Nian did not continue to talk to Kate Bourne.

In fact, the tracking array is not that mysterious and can only lock in a rough range.

After reaching the approximate range, you need to expand your mental power to look around.

The place where he hid Payne was not an easy place to find.

At this moment, he took Kettleburn to take a shortcut, and he would reach his destination in a short time.

But Croft would take an hour at the fastest!

The reason why Katebourne must be brought is not because of any use of Katebourne.

The main reason is that he is afraid that the border count will talk nonsense in Rolandi City, which will affect his future plans.

Half an hour later, Su Nian came to a canyon covered with black gravel. There were cliffs everywhere, which looked like a maze, and Payne was hidden in the middle of one of the cliffs.

"Kateborn, you search to the southeast, and when you find the person, use the communication crystal to notify me!"

"Leave it to me, foster father!"

Kettleburn rode away on his gryphon.

Su Nian pursed his lips, changed directions on the griffin, and twisted around a large area of ​​rugged terrain, finally landing in the nest of the one-eyed vulture.

Sword Master Payne was lying at his feet, seriously injured and dying, unable to wake up at all.

Then he ordered the gryphon to fly away, and he hid in the cave extending inward from the vulture's nest, dormant, quietly waiting for Croft's arrival.

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