Crossing The Dragon: The King Sacrifices The Princess At The Beginning

Chapter 930: The One Who Moved The Mountain Was Killed.

Su Nian didn't wait long.

As a wave of magic came from the sky, he had already felt Croft's approach, and he restrained his figure slightly, and then saw Croft falling next to Payne.

The old mage immediately squatted down to check on Payne's condition. He anxiously took out the scroll from the space ring and prepared to treat Payne.

This doesn't actually make much sense.

Payne's injuries are mainly caused by overdraft of life. Ordinary healing scrolls cannot solve the problem of life overdraft. If you really want to keep Payne alive, you must either let the gods renew Payne's life, or go to the Winter Empire to seek purity. The fountain of life cooperates with the soul essence mother to renew Payne's life, or he can only find him, the master of the black nest, to directly transform into a flesh and blood creature.

Maybe Croft was too absorbed.

He didn't even notice that Su Nian was right next to him, which made Su Nian speechless. He had to take two steps away and coughed twice.

This cough was like thunder to Croft, who was so frightened that he almost jumped up, but after seeing that it was "Gernrath", he relaxed a little.

In order to find Payne, he had exhausted a lot of mental energy. He didn't expect that there was someone hiding in the cave next to Payne, but...

He looked at "Gernrath" in confusion and asked:

"Is it you? Why are you here?!"

"Yeah, I'm also wondering why I'm here." Su Nian sighed with a strange look on his face.

The realm of royal power opens up.

The rank was instantly equal to Croft's.

Amid Croft's sudden change in expression, Su Nian stepped closer, with a sinister smile on his lips:

"In fact, Mountain Mover Croft, I have been waiting here for a long time. Now that I have waited, please get on your way!"

Croft reacted quickly and realized that something was not right with the Genrath in front of him. His hand was a huge rock barrier, which not only blocked him but also held up his and Payne's bodies, allowing them to gain access faster. A chance to escape.

"The response is good, but it's useless."

Su Nian sneered. He had switched from the image of Genrath to that of a black-armored knight. He just punched forward and the huge rock barrier shattered inch by inch. Then he drew his sword and shot at the mountain mover in the air. go.

"You're not Genrath!"

Croft's eyes were splitting, and the surrounding area seemed to be covered by a bloody filter. He had just experienced such a familiar area in Rolandi not long ago. The identity of this black-armored knight was already revealed. He was the Black Nest. Lord!

"It's true that I'm not Genrath, but didn't you wake up a little too late? How about, if I tell you that Payne is not dead, I am not lying to you, right?"

Faced with the provocation from the Lord of the Black Nest, Croft did not speak. He just held Payne and climbed all the way up. At the same time, he waved his staff and countless sharp stone cones gathered around him, and then headed towards the Black Nest like a violent storm. The Lord falls.

He has a clear understanding of the strength of himself and the Lord of the Black Nest. The Lord of the Black Nest has powerful domain capabilities. He is definitely no match for the Lord of the Black Nest when fighting alone. He must find opportunities to teleport away.

Almost every falling stone can easily smash a house, but Su Nian turned a blind eye. He spread a pair of dragon wings behind him and chased the mountain mover at a faster speed while fighting. On the way, he encountered The stone cones can be dodged if they can, and the ones that cannot be dodged are directly smashed head-on, but in a moment they are on par with the Mountain Mover Croft.


In Croft's horrified eyes.

Su Nian slashed out his sword, and a crescent-shaped black light mixed with blazing flames cut across half of the sky.

Mountain Mover only had time to activate three superimposed shields.

But the superimposed shield couldn't bear it at all and broke within a few seconds.

Croft's body was lifted by the shock wave and fell towards the ground. In a hurry, he took out the [Boots of Wind] from the space ring and put it on under his feet. He turned over and landed smoothly, hugged Payne and ran away.

"Old guy, you have a lot of gadgets on you?"

Su Nian looked at the mountain movers running hastily, raised a pair of dragon claws, grasped the void, and uttered a string of obscure dragon language. The fire elements within a radius instantly entered a state of riot under the mobilization of the dragon's words. Croft's escape path condensed into a pillar of fire that soared into the sky. The fire pillars connected with each other and condensed into a hundred-foot-high wall of flames. Then, like a bud about to close, the entire sky was covered in flames.

"Lord of the Black Nest, goodbye!"

Mountain Mover Croft stood in front of the wall of fire.

He turned around and stared at Su Nian, with a mocking smile on his lips.

The power of space condensed a silver halo around him, which was slowly shrinking. When it completely shrunk, the teleportation would start, and he and Payne would return to Rolandi with the help of the fixed-point teleportation scroll. At that time, he only needed to inform His Majesty Layton, and he and Payne would be safe.

The most important thing is that he already knows who the Lord of the Black Nest has replaced, Genrath, so Kateborn is probably not a good person!

"Yes, you are right, Mr. Mountain Mover, we will see you again!"

Su Nian held his hands and floated in the sea of ​​fire, looking at Croft teasingly.

And such gazes and expressions made the mountain mover, who was sure of victory, feel panic for no reason.

The transmission starts in the next second.

With a flash of silver light and a sudden spin, Croft found that he had not returned to Rolandi, but was staying where he was...

No, not quite in place either.

He teleported about five meters to the right.

"When did you seal the space? I obviously didn't feel the space fluctuations!"

Croft stared blankly at the Lord of the Black Nest.

The transmission just now failed.

After asking this question, he did not expect to get an answer from the Lord of the Black Nest. Instead, he patted the necklace on his chest. A space gem on it shattered, and then a silver beam of light rose into the sky, instantly sealing the blockade. The space was shattered, and he once again had a teleportation scroll in his hand.

"Old guy, you have so many gadgets on you~"

A voice sounded behind the mountain mover.

This sound was very unfamiliar to the mountain movers.


With a muffled sound.

The silver space cage shrouded down, sealing Croft and Payne inside.

Pastor Noreki walked out from behind Croft, reached out and flicked the space cage gently, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Croft, please start your performance. If you can come out of my void cage, I will admit this matter today!"

"You will pay for what you have done."

Croft knew he couldn't run away, so his expression became cold and indifferent.

The silver chains not only blocked the void within ten meters around him, but also blocked the magic on his body. He had never heard of what level of magic it was, but it was definitely higher than the legend.

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