"My lords, these are the special smoothies I made for you!"

Su Nian first bowed and saluted, then placed the basket on the table. Then he and Anna took out boxes of smoothies and placed them in front of the mages. Suddenly, the aroma of various fruits wafted in the conference hall. .


Teresa looked at the rainbow-colored smoothie in front of her, curious and a little confused at the same time.

How did this businessman make the juice so thick and bright? How puzzling!

"My lords, my smoothie is called [Kingliang]. Each smoothie in your hands is unique. If you don't mind, you can exchange them. I guarantee you won't taste the same. This is called tailoring." custom made!"

"Good! What a tailor-made one!"

One of the mages gave Su Nian a thumbs up while holding the smoothie, "It's tailor-made just as you said. I have to try this smoothie. If it's delicious, I'll give you a thousand gold coins!"

For a businessman.

One thousand golden lions is already a huge sum of money.

Su Nian immediately showed a surprised expression in cooperation.

Theresa, who was sitting in the main seat, had already scooped a spoonful of smoothie and stuffed it into her mouth.

Suddenly a strange taste exploded on the tip of her tongue, and she felt as if she suddenly rushed into an orchard. Countless fruits of all kinds jumped down from the trees and charged at her with a desperate will, and then one by one Climbing on her body, it exploded and sprayed all kinds of sweet juices all over her body, and her whole body suddenly seemed to be deep in a sea of ​​fruity flavor.

This feeling made Teresa very happy.

She scooped a few more spoonfuls of smoothie into her mouth.

I just felt that the more I ate, the more I enjoyed it. Within a few seconds, the box of smoothie had reached the bottom.

She glanced at the basket, raised her hand, and another box of smoothie flew out of it. This time, the smoothie showed a gradient blue like the sea, and at the end was milk ice like a white beach, with dots on the milk ice. With crushed strawberries, it looks like a shell.

“Simply a work of art!”

Teresa complimented her heartily, then ate heartily.

The other mages in the hall were much the same.

On average, each of them ate 2-3 boxes of smoothies, and some of them were very close to each other. They didn't find the same taste, but they just felt a little giddy, as if they had drunk alcohol.

But it's not a bad feeling.

And it also seemed familiar.

"Robert, your skills in smoothies are almost at their peak!"

Teresa smiled and said: "Now I invite you to officially join Thun City as the lord of Thun City. We will prepare a house and identity certificate for you, and you will not need to pay business tax when selling smoothies in Thun City. , if you have a child and she has magical talent, she can be taught by us."

Speaking of this, Theresa also took a special look at Anna. She thought this girl was the daughter of the businessman Robert.

"Oh! This reward is so valuable!"

Su Nian was so excited that he stammered: "I am just a small businessman, how can I deserve such love from all the masters?"

The mage who made the promise before threw a bag of gold coins in front of Su Nian, and laughed and said: "Stop talking nonsense, you make us happy, these rewards should naturally be given to you. This is a thousand gold lions. I hope you will do it in the future." Makes a tastier smoothie!”

After saying that, he asked curiously: "However, I feel light and light now. What did you add to this smoothie?"

"Sir, in order to give you a dreamlike experience, I added poppy, Hadaman viper's venom sac, and Gambier insect wings to the smoothie. I know you are mages, and these things have no poisonous effect on you. I asked about the preferences of the mage grandpas, and found that many mage grandpas like to chew poppies and eat Hadaman snake venom sacs as food and drinks. It is said that they can give birth to inspiration, although I don’t understand why.”

Su Nian lowered his head humbly.

In my heart, I was silently counting the time.

[Francie's Spring] takes effect for ten minutes, and it will be enough to chat for a while.

The mages looked at each other. They didn't expect that a businessman would ask for so much detailed information in order to provide customers with a better experience. It can be said that this "Robert" was indeed very attentive.

These hallucinogenic drugs are indeed harmless to them.

And sometimes they will increase their intake in pursuit of inspiration. This is not the case for mage apprentices. If they eat too much, they will become addicted to the fantasy world and eventually die of mental breakdown.

Therefore, the mages were not angry because of the businessman's self-assertive behavior, but instead appreciated it.

"Okay, Mr. Robert, you can go back. We still have a lot of official business to deal with here. We look forward to your smoothie." Teresa said the eviction order in a gentle tone. Although the smoothie was delicious, she did not forget it. As for his own job, King Leighton has to personally verify these things, and there is no room for any mistakes.

The words fell.

The businessman stayed where he was.

Teresa couldn't help but raise her head suspiciously:

"Mr. Robert, do you have anything else? Just ask. We will help you solve it to the best of our ability."

Su Nian smiled "Hey":

"Grandpa, all the mages, are well-informed. I wonder if you have ever heard of a potion called [Francie's Spring]?"

"This... I have never heard of it..." Teresa shook her head and turned to cast her gaze on one of her mage: "Mr. Trion, you are from Post-Karenkaya. Do you know the medicine in Mr. Robert's mouth?" What is it?"

"Francie's spring...Francie's spring..."

The mage kept repeating it, and suddenly his eyes lit up and he finally remembered - in his early years, his mentor seemed to have eaten a lot of flame crystals and suffered from constipation. Later, he visited around and finally got a bottle in the hands of an old mage. [Francie's Spring], after drinking this potion that day, his mentor stayed in the toilet all night. When he came out the next day, the smile on his face was brighter than the sun.

He clapped his hands and said:

"I remember, Francie's Spring, this is a very strong laxative!"

Then he looked at Su Nian with a strange expression:

"Does Mr. Robert need this kind of medicine? You can still find it if you look for it, but you are just an ordinary person. There is no need to use this kind of special medicine. You only need to drink more water and eat more vegetables, and the problem of constipation can be solved. "

Su Nian raised his head with a sneer on his lips.

Because the time has come.

"I'm not constipated, gentlemen mage, but I think you seem to be constipated and need Francie's Spring to solve it, so I added this laxative to the smoothie, Jie Jie Jie!"

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