
Teresa's eyes widened in disbelief.

The same is true for the mage from Post-Karunkaya.

"This is impossible!" he exclaimed: "Francie's Spring potion tastes extremely unpleasant and is difficult to swallow. After drinking it, the internal organs are extremely painful! If the constipation is not very serious, there will be no The mage is willing to try this potion!"

In fact, constipation is a common occurrence for wizards.

In order to feel the power of the elements or develop their own alchemy, they often have to eat things that are difficult for normal people to understand.

For example, the penis of a lizard, the lungs of an insect, the brain of an earthworm, etc...

But even so, not everyone will drink [Francie's Spring], because it is too unpleasant to drink. It tastes so bad that it could have become a popular potion, but it turned out to be an unpopular potion because of its taste!

So when Su Nian said that they had eaten [Francie's Spring], these mages didn't believe it.

Because from beginning to end, their mouths are full of fruity and sweet flavors.

Even my tongue can hardly taste other flavors.

"Mr. Robert, I didn't expect you to have a sense of humor."

Teresa chuckled, but her expression changed in the next second, and there was a muffled thunderous roar in her stomach.

Then there was a dull pain in the abdomen, as if there was an extra meat grinder.

"Oh my God! Furion's on!"

Teresa lay on the table holding her stomach, with a look of pain on her face. She stretched out a hand, and concentrated her magic on the palm of her hand, trying to guide a dispersion spell, but in her mind she was thinking of orchards and crawling all over her body. Various fruits sprayed with juice, so much so that she couldn't concentrate at all.

But she is still a powerful forbidden curse mage.

When she tried her best to calm herself down, the pain in her stomach and the weird orchard in her mind all disappeared into nothingness.

Then, guide the dispersion technique!



Jet will be late but never absent.

What was supposed to come finally came!

Teresa felt like a great river rushing under her crotch, out of control. The entire robe seemed to be filled with warm mud, and a sour smell also filled the hall.

She is an elegant lady!

Teresa was furious.

She actually transformed into Splatoon in public? !

"Ms. Teresa, you, you..."

Sir Wingers next to him was already dumbfounded and stared at Theresa at a loss. He was Theresa's apprentice and assistant. He had been following Theresa for decades and this was the first time he saw her. Lesa looked so embarrassed.

"Winges! Hurry... quickly carry me on your back and get out of here..."

Teresa only had time to say these few words, and the next second she raised her head and said "ouch", and there was a "puff" behind her buttocks.

Wingers did not dare to neglect, and quickly leaned down to carry Theresa away. However, the moment his back was facing Theresa, his expression also changed, and there was an unpleasant movement in his stomach.

"T-Ms. Teresa, I..."

The words have not yet fallen.

There was a muffled sound of "pop", and an earthy-yellow mixture splashed directly from under Winges' robe, hitting Teresa in the face.

Teresa was also confused now.

She was stunned for a few seconds and raised her hands.

It’s not like touching your face with hands that have no place to rest, and it’s not like not touching your face.

At a loss, he could only let out a high-octave scream, and his body fell to the ground.

Then a stream of Oli spurted out from his butt and reached the ceiling more than three meters high.

At this time, a soldier happened to hear the movement in the conference hall.

He opened the door and witnessed the scene with his own eyes.

Immediately the door closed with a bang.

"Oh, my lord, Furion, I must have drank too much and been dazzled today... How could the mages spray shit in the conference hall? Damn it, I should go and drink some hangover soup..."

Trembling, he took out a key from his waist and locked the door of the conference hall, then turned around and left without looking back.

Su Nian couldn't help but be a little shocked when he looked at the chaotic conference hall.

I saw a master mage running and spraying, asking for forgiveness. Behind him, another mage with a flying face, holding a knife in his hand, was chasing after him while spraying continuously; there was another mage on the other side. A mage sprayed in a circle, with so much force that the entire three-meter radius was contaminated. His mage apprentices were leaning against the corner of the wall, hugging each other on the floor of less than half an square meter, shivering, and almost crying; some of the mages were sitting there with calm faces. The ground has not moved, and is trying its best to get out of the jet state, but it is still a bit difficult to resist the effects of [Bliss] and the jet feeling at the same time, not to mention that there are mages running around from time to time, and some shit will fall on their faces. , they couldn't concentrate at all, and soon two mages couldn't bear it and got up to join the battle. They usually had grudges and grudges at this moment. There were also mages who became angry and approached Su Nian. They still clearly remembered Su Nian, the culprit. The culprit was that their steps seemed very stiff, and something khaki fell from their robes with every step they took.

"The effect of this potion is somewhat unexpected..."

Su Nian looked at the conference hall and muttered to himself.

He was wondering if it was due to technology and hard work that several factors added together produced the effect of one plus one being greater than five.

Seeing several mages getting closer and closer.

A burst of obscure dragon words came out of his mouth.

As the earth element spread towards the hall, the original floor tiles turned into a slippery muddy swamp. Several mages who had been leaning over suddenly found it difficult to stand and fell to the ground.

"about there."

Su Nian nodded to Anna.

"It will take some time for these mages to recover. Pastoregi, please seal the space to prevent them from escaping and transmitting information to the outside world!"

"It's better that I just kill them."

Pastoreki took Su Nian and Anna through the wall and left the chaotic hall.

"It's not easy to kill." Su Nian shook his head.

"We have defeated two holy cities. King Leighton must be more vigilant. Maybe these mages have some special alarm devices. Once they die, King Leighton will immediately know that we are here and teleport across space. , Xueman City is not that far away from Thun City.”

Pasternoreji nodded after hearing this, and said helplessly: "King Leighton is not something to be afraid of. I can exert my demigod-level power now, so there is no need to be so cautious."

"But King Leighton can summon the incarnation of the gods."

Su Nian led Anna down the stairs toward the underground sanctuary.

He just saw that five of the six apostles were in the conference room and had already started spraying.

Just drop it with one second left.

At the same time, he also explained to Pastnoreki:

"Although you can exert demigod-level power, you will die when you use it up. If a god incarnates, at least for a period of time, his power will be inexhaustible, and you can't fight it."

In Su Nian's view, Pastoregi was their trump card to save their lives.

Life-saving trump cards should naturally be used when life is in danger. If used too early, wouldn't it be a waste?

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