After a simple pre-war mobilization, King Leighton did not launch an attack rashly. His idea was to break the Great Wall of Despair first, and then without any delay, directly attack the Royal City of the Black Nest Empire and force the Lord of the Black Nest to return reinforcements, so that the Black Nest would be ignored. It doesn't matter where the Lord is, he always has to take care of his own dragon's nest, right?

To break through the Great Wall in one fell swoop required demigod-level power, so he ordered the soldiers to bring Nasdaq up. Nasdaq was the apostle whose magic source was previously destroyed by the Lord of the Black Nest, even though he had obtained it. He received treatment, but in less than half a day, the mage had become extremely old. His face was pale, and there was only cold indifference and biting hatred in his dim eyes.

He stood staggeringly in front of King Leighton and said calmly: "Your Majesty, is it time for my revenge?"

King Leighton looked at the old mage with a complicated expression.

To a mage.

Especially a mage like Nasdaq who has lived for hundreds of years.

Studying magic was his greatest pleasure and pursuit in his life. He gave up all the happiness that human beings deserved. He had no family or heirs. The only thing that accompanied him was magic. Magic was his family and his closest relatives. But now this is the only thing he has. He was also destroyed by the Lord of the Black Nest. This was more cruel than killing him, and the hatred was even more penetrating.

"Mr. Nasdaq." King Leighton pressed the old mage's shoulders and asked seriously: "Are you really sure that you want to sacrifice your soul to the devil? You must know that the consequences of this will be irreversible. You Your soul may be tortured in the hands of the devil, and the empire and I have no way to save you!"

Nasdaq's dry eyes raised slightly, and the circles under his eyes gradually turned red.

He trembled his lips and roared at the top of his lungs:

"I am willing! As long as the Lord of the Black Nest dies! Even if I am boiled by the fire in hell, even if I never become the devil's plaything, as long as I can kill the Lord of the Black Nest... Your Majesty! I am on my way!"

After saying that, he didn’t wait for King Leighton to persuade him again.

Nasdaq had already pulled out a dagger that had been prepared in advance. The dagger was pitch black, with a skull carved on the handle, two rubies adorning the eye sockets, and a black centipede emerging from the eye sockets. Apparently the dagger was a magical weapon from hell, a special medium for sacrifice to a specific devil.

Nasdaq studied the dagger in its hand.

Before the magic source was destroyed, he never thought that one day he would use this magic weapon collected from the cultists. He just kept it as a collection. Now, he vaguely thought that maybe from his collection From the beginning of this magic weapon, today's ending was already destined. He had been cursed by this magic weapon for a long time. This was a trap set by the devil.

"Okay! Here you go!"

Nasdaq muttered almost nervously:

"I'll give you my soul right now!"

He held the dagger in both hands and stabbed it in the heart.

There was a squeaking sound as the blade pierced into the flesh, but he gritted his teeth to keep from letting out a groan of pain. The blade was pushed in little by little, and blood flowed heavily, but it inevitably got stuck on his ribs, so he held the handle of the knife and exerted force. With a twist and a stir, the tip of the knife finally broke through the gap in the ribs and penetrated the heart.

He fell to his knees.

Kneel before King Leighton.

Facing all the soldiers of the empire.

He chanted the prayers engraved on the dagger intermittently:

"Weaver of pain, caster of despair, spider queen who lives in the darkness, at the cost of the freedom of my soul, I call for your incarnation to come... You must... complete for me... my last... last wish... …Ahem…”

To the end.

Blood spurted out of Nasdaq's mouth in large mouthfuls.

Under the guidance of an inexplicable force, they flowed on the soil in front of Nasdaq in the shape of a spider lying on the cobweb - Spider Queen Rose, the god in charge of pain and despair in hell, and at the same time all The god believed by the drow.

[Hmm~The soul of a ninth-level mage~]

【How generous...】

Charming moans sounded from all directions.

The cold black wind condensed towards Nasdaq's fallen body.

King Leighton and the Imperial soldiers looked around. They heard rustling sounds, like the wind blowing through the forest, or like predators swimming in the bushes.

"The ground, the ground..."

"Fario, there are so many spiders!"

Everyone lowered their heads and looked at their feet, only to see countless spiders the size of a baby's fist running underground, densely packed like a dark wave passing through King Leighton's military formation.

Even the well-informed mages and knights couldn't help but feel numb.

Their intuition told them not to move, especially not to step on those spiders, otherwise something extremely terrifying would happen.

There was only the sound of wind everywhere, the war horses neighed uneasily, the falcons flapped their wings and did not dare to land, and the military dogs shrank behind the soldiers with their tails between their legs. By the time everyone reacted, Nasdaq's body had already appeared near it. There was a voluptuous-looking lady wearing a black dress. The spiders gathered towards this lady and eventually became part of her dress.

The incarnation of the Spider Queen turned around, and the long skirt behind her also covered Nasdaq's body. There was a "crunching" gnawing sound in the squirming dress. Obviously, the Spider Queen not only wanted the soul , not even the body of the sacrificer is spared.

"Relax, human king."

Rose smiled charmingly, her pale face had a graceful, enchanting and deadly beauty, and her dark lips seemed to be able to spit out poisonous gas in the next second.

She tied her pale hair behind her head and smiled:

"According to the contract, I will complete one thing for you. This is what he paid for with his life and soul. Fortunately, I am the only one in hell who abides by the contract. If it were any other demon god, all of you would die. "

King Leighton's face twitched twice.

He didn't believe a word the Spider Queen said.

Just now, the Spider Queen deliberately let a large group of spiders pass through the military formation to make it clear that she was provoking trouble. If any soldier or mount stepped on a spider in panic, the Spider Queen would never say such nonsense that she abides by the contract. .

Fortunately, the elites under his command are well-trained and discerning.

King Leighton took a deep breath. Nasdaq was already dead, and there was no point in regretting it. He raised his hand and pointed at the Great Wall of Despair opposite and said to the Spider Queen:

"I only have one request, help me take down this Great Wall, and then you can go back to your hell!"

The Spider Queen turned around and looked at the Great Wall of Despair, with a flash of surprise in her eyes. She could feel the strange fluctuations in the Great Wall. There was a shield that could resist the legendary power, but that was all. Now her The incarnation is a demigod.

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