"Okay, human king, if you have any delicious souls in the future, you can come to me for sacrifice. I said, I am the most reasonable in hell~" The Spider Queen smiled charmingly, and then her body expanded rapidly under the horrified eyes of all the soldiers. It is a huge spider, one spider leg alone is one hundred feet tall, and its overall height has exceeded the Great Wall of Impasse. It is like a huge millstone crisscrossing between the Great Wall of Impasse and the ruins of the border fortress of the Slot Empire.

Just take a few steps forward.

The Spider Queen has already arrived in front of the Great Wall of Despair.

She raised the front two spider legs high, and her three pairs of scarlet compound eyes flashed fiercely. The front part of the spider legs was as sharp as a knife and flashed with cold light, like a dark sickle, swung down with a fierce aura.

The two spider legs hit the Great Wall of Despair without any hindrance.

There was a loud "boom".

Countless bricks flew apart, and two huge gaps appeared on the Great Wall of Despair.

This scene left the Spider Queen in a daze.

Something is wrong!

What about that shield?

You should come out and express your feelings, right?

Is it okay to just go through it like that?

Su Nian, who was standing on the city wall, also twitched his lips.

This desperate shield is really effective.

It was agreed that it would only resist the power of the legendary level, but it really resisted the power of the legendary level. It didn't matter if it was lower than the legendary level, and it would turn a blind eye if it was higher than the legendary level. This is not a shield, it is simply a world rule.

King Leighton on the opposite side was also stunned.

"It's broken! Is this Lord of the Black Nest going to attack my Snowman City?"

Although he had left a bunch of apostles in advance to concentrate his power, he still felt chilled when he thought of the scheming tactics of the Lord of the Black Nest. If the holy pillars of Xueman City were destroyed, the four holy pillars of the entire empire would be destroyed. No more, then only Wangcheng can still fight against the Lord of the Black Nest, and the magic network will also be affected.

King Leighton endured the panic in his heart and asked about the situation in Xueman City, but received the news that Xueman City was safe and sound, which made him slightly relieved.

"Remember, no creature can be allowed to come within two kilometers of Xueman City! Not even an ant!"

He warned again and again, fearing that the guards in Xueman City would be stupid.

I heard the city lord of Xueman City pledged his life.

Only then did he return his attention to the Great Wall of Despair.

"Human King~" the Spider Queen's voice came faintly: "I have helped you destroy this city wall, I want to go back to my hell~"

King Leighton stared at the Great Wall in despair.

There are only two big holes in the Great Wall of Despair. Is this called destruction? The death of a ninth-level forbidden curse mage will result in two big wounds, right?


Is this what the devil in hell does?

King Leighton couldn't accept it, he was almost red.

"Don't you need a soul in the future? If you complete the contract in this way, if there is still an opportunity to sacrifice in the future, we would rather give it to the God of Shadows, the Queen of Pain, and the Lord of Plague, than to you!"

After hearing this, the Spider Queen paused as she prepared to return to hell. She could accept that she did not have delicious souls to eat, but she could not accept that her "good friends" had delicious souls to eat. Looking at King Leighton's appearance, he seemed to be following If the Lord of the Black Nest fights to the death, he will most likely have the opportunity to sacrifice again in the future.

She turned around to face the Great Wall of Despair again, and said helplessly: "Okay, human king, now I will help you smash this broken wall into ruins. You see, I'm the best person in hell~"

King Leighton had a gloomy face and said nothing.

He ordered the troops behind him to prepare for the attack.

The body of the Shield Guard Legion has been entangled with the persistence of Feng Qingshu. The heavy knight legions on both wings spread out in one line and formed a charge line nearly one mile long. The Free Mage followed behind the puppets. They mainly relied on these constructs. The puppet is close to the city wall, and finally there is the Royal Esoteric Mage Group guarded by a group of golden knights, responsible for long-range support and attack, while the dragon eagle knights and griffon knights guarding the sky are responsible for guarding against the monsters and the air force units coming to harass.

everything's ready.

But when the Spider Demon Queen hit the Great Wall of Despair.

A pale golden wall of holy light suddenly unfolded in front of the Great Wall of Despair. The wall of holy light was engraved with the highest dome and the angel army. Floating in the center was a purple-haired woman shrouded in soft holy light. Her hair was silky and plain. Bai's robe was hunting in the wind, and he held the wand in his right hand and pointed it at the Spider Queen from a distance. A magic book in his left hand was flipping through the pages quickly, and countless holy light magic powers continued to pour out of it.

King Leighton frowned.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he actually felt the aura of the Holy Pillar on that woman.

"Are you Spider Queen Rose?" Pastor Noreki looked down at the huge spider in front of her and chuckled: "I never saw a person like you when I sealed Lucifer!"

Spider Queen Rose's three pairs of compound eyes suddenly raised, her ferocious gaze focused on Pastor Noreki. She didn't know the demigod in front of her, but that didn't stop her from having a good impression of him when they first met.

Because this purple-haired girl is exuding the "stinky" power of the Holy Light.

Sensing some of the messages from Past Noreji's mouth, the Spider Queen was not to be outdone and sneered back:

"Oh? Lucifer, I don't know which Lucifer you are talking about. Is it Lucifer who is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, the Pillar of Pride, or Lucifer who was later deliberately released by the Supreme God to rebuild the order of the abyss? It should be the latter, right? The seal is so Is there anything to be proud of as a kowtow-worm who only dares to kneel on the ground and kowtow when he sees the God-King?"

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding space was already distorted and collapsed by the collision of the two demigods' divine power.

When King Leighton saw the two demigods, he was about to start a fight. He quickly ordered the army to retreat. Obviously, this purple-haired woman was the mysterious person Nasdaq said was helping the Lord of the Black Nest. No wonder the Lord of the Black Nest came and went without a trace. It turned out that there was a demigod-level helper.

Nor did he recognize the demigod Pastor Noreki was.

Because there are too few demigods still walking on the main material plane.

After reaching the realm of gods, few people will care about matters in the main material plane. They must devote all their energy to becoming gods. Although demigods seem to have a long lifespan, they cannot become true gods. After all, we must follow the law of life and death. The seemingly long life span actually passes by in a hurry without being able to withstand a few retreats.

At the same time, King Leighton also confirmed one thing.

The Lord of the Black Nest is probably within the Great Wall of Impasse.

Now that the Spider Queen is restricted by a demigod, he can only sacrifice Teresa and summon a demigod to incarnate. Now it is a life-or-death situation. Even if he uses up all the power of the Holy Rodia Empire, he will still give The Lord of the Black Nest is a good looker.


King Leighton turned and looked at a carriage not far away.

The curtain of the carriage opened, and Teresa, dressed in fine clothes, stepped down step by step.

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