While the light demigod in front of her didn't react, Spider Demon Queen Rose retreated step by step, and in a few steps she had already retreated to the vicinity of the Saint Lotia Empire's army.

King Leighton looked at the strange behavior of the Spider Queen.

Slowly type a question mark.

"Cunning humans! You are so damned!"

The Spider Queen looked at King Leighton fiercely and roared: "Don't pretend to be innocent, I have already understood your conspiracy! What a good plan! In order to summon my incarnation, sacrifice a Nine Forbidden Curse Mage, and then used a contract to tie me up and let me fight a light demigod, and then you summoned a light demigod to fight two against one? How interesting! Who ordered you to do this? Liffis or Maratella?!”

King Leighton: "???"

No, is this Spider Queen thinking a little too much?


King Leighton was interrupted by the Spider Queen just as he opened his mouth.

"No! I don't want to hear your explanation! Human beings are more cunning than us devils!" Rose roared and sprayed a blast of green poisonous gas at King Leighton's army. King Leighton turned his head and ran away as soon as his expression changed. , the mage group reacted quickly, putting up the gas shield and retreating immediately, but those shield guards and knights were not so lucky. Where the poisonous gas spread, life withered, flowers and plants withered, and flesh and blood turned into bones. In the blink of an eye, Layton One-third of the king's 50,000-strong army was killed and wounded, which was why they were spread out.

The Spider Demon Queen had already used the cover of the poisonous mist to open the door to hell. She transformed into a human again and got into the door. Before the eyes of Pastoreki and the light demigod came over - at least That's what she thought.

"It's safe!"

Standing inside the Gate of Hell, Spider Queen Rose finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As a cautious demon, she is alive today because she is cautious in her words and deeds. Otherwise, she may be stabbed to death by the Supreme God at any time.

Today's hell is just a garbage dump created by the Supreme God to absorb the evil power of the main material plane. The world needs this garbage dump, and they demon gods are just garbage managers at best.

Rose figured out her identity.

It's not like some demon gods who always want to dump garbage into the main material plane, thinking that the god king is sleeping.

However, this matter cannot be left alone.

Even the cautious Demon God has a temper.

The Spider Queen poked her head out from the gate of hell, looked at the embarrassed King Leighton's army, smiled ferociously, and cursed viciously: "Wait, you will all become spider servants after you die! Jie Jie Jie!"

After saying that, she retracted her head.

The door to hell also closed with a bang.

Everyone heard the curse of the Spider Queen. They felt a chill all over their bodies and itched on the backs of their hands. A dark spider mark actually grew. Even though it was just an incarnation, the soul of the Spider Queen was a serious god. , now the curse has taken effect, they have no way to return to the embrace of the gods after death, they can only enter hell to serve the Spider Queen, becoming a brainless spider servant who only knows about reproduction...

King Leighton also saw the mark on the back of his hand, and his beard almost became angry.

What is this thing called?

He sacrificed a ninth-level magician to replace the demon incarnation and directly counterattacked him? !

Is there something serious wrong with this Spider Queen? !

He looked towards the other side and saw that the light wheel had taken shape, and countless golden sword lights fell from the sky, like heavy rain, and a large section of the Great Wall of Impasse turned into dust in the sword light.

The lightsaber on the front wall was blocked by the purple-haired woman.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

The gap in the Great Wall of Despair has been opened.

King Leighton estimated that the special effect of the Great Wall's shield had disappeared.

Now is the best opportunity to attack.

There is no time to remember the soldiers who died under the Spider Queen. The Spider Queen will have the opportunity to avenge her revenge later!

"Everyone obey orders!"

King Leighton raised the wand in his hand, and the war horse under his crotch turned its head: "Charge with me and attack the Black Nest Empire!"

The words are still echoing in the wind.

His people had already rushed to the front.

He said that he would be at the forefront of all the soldiers, and now he did exactly that.


The heavy knights on the left and right wings roared one after another, driving their horses to guard both sides of the king. The remaining shield guards and free mages did not slow down much with the blessing of the wind technique and the wind light technique. The one who fell at the back was Jin Xun. The secret cult mage group protected by the knights, the mage standing at the center of the formation has floated up from the fortress, with a pair of cold eyes standing with divine light, and the staff in his hand is like a glorious guard of honor from the gods under the blessing of the formation.

From a long distance away, Leiton had already seen the figure of the goddess shrouded in light.

He knew what Teresa believed.

Obviously that one is the goddess of dawn.

With the Dawn Goddess helping them delay the light demigod, taking over the Black Nest Empire is a sure thing.

"Praise the brilliance! Praise the dawn!"

King Leighton raised his staff and chanted loudly.

Even if he is not familiar with the goddess of dawn, he must flatter him at this time!

He originally thought that the goddess of dawn would look at him.

Unexpectedly, the goddess of dawn stretched out her hand and opened a glorious door in the void in the next second. She ignored the troops of the Saint Lotia Empire and walked directly into the door. The glorious door closed and her figure disappeared.

This goddess of dawn has returned to the Kingdom of God...

King Leighton froze on the spot, and the flattery that was about to be slapped out of his mouth was stuck in his throat, like a duck that was suddenly strangled by the neck. He stared at his big eyes and opened his mouth, unable to say a word.

The troops charging behind him also stopped.

The knights around him probably understood the reason for King Leighton's surprise.

The shield guards who followed behind didn't quite understand the slight sadness in King Leighton's heart.

"Why did you go back?"

King Leighton stared blankly at the void where the Dawn Goddess had left.

Just demolished a city wall!

Not even the Lord of the Black Nest has been seen!

The Black Nest Empire didn’t even touch it!

Why did you go back?

King Leighton couldn't understand, and he felt the pain of being coldly beaten.

An arrogant wave of magic power came from the horizon, and King Leighton's scalp went numb. He didn't even have to look back to know that the light demigod was coming to kill him. He immediately turned around and shouted at Wizard Sarayang:

"There's no time! Summon the incarnation of the God of Fire to come! Hurry!"

Mage Sarayang had been waiting for this moment for a long time. The moment he heard the king's order, he did not hesitate to take out the medium for summoning the incarnation of the God of Fire from the space ring.

That is a heart of fire element.

He stuffed the Fire Elemental Heart into his mouth.

The three magicians next to him also followed suit.

The roaring flames immediately swallowed up their figures.

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