Pastor Noreki is still a little confused now. Even though she is well-informed, she still can't figure out what the problem is on King Leighton's side. First, the summoned Spider Queen incarnate rebelled inexplicably, and then the summoned Spider Queen rebelled inexplicably. The incarnation of the Goddess of Dawn was passive and slow at work, which frightened her into being stunned.

But no matter what, it was always a good thing for King Leighton to lose control. As long as King Leighton was killed, the war would be almost over, so she immediately followed King Leighton's army to chase them, and then saw Arriving at the center of King Leighton's army, four human-shaped torches were burning brightly, and at the same time, a fierce wave of divine power spread out from the human-shaped torches.

"Summoning the incarnation of the gods again?!"

Pastoreki muttered, ignoring the coming gods for the time being. She pointed her staff at King Leighton, and a magic circle composed of holy light behind her suddenly opened.


I saw the void around King Leighton shaking, and countless wriggling circles of light emerged, from which dense chains shot out to tie King Leighton tightly. Even as a peak legend, King Leighton could not move, and even the expression on his face All solidified.

The next second, Pastor Noreki's figure appeared behind Leighton, and the staff in his hand had turned into a glorious sword, stabbing towards Queen Leighton's heart with a harsh roar through the air.

This blow was extremely fierce.

Even the Spider Queen has to avoid the edge here.

Before the glorious sword came, the blade had already shot out an aurora that engulfed King Leighton's body. The aurora passed through King Leighton's body and continued to spread forward, instantly killing the soldiers on the front line along the way and shooting thousands of meters away. The mountains were also blown away.

But Pastoreki did not feel any joy, because the sword that King Leighton took down was not only carried down, but also released from control - it was a necklace around King Leighton's neck, which could vaguely I saw a silver cross hanging on the necklace, surrounded by countless gleaming runes. At this moment, these runes served as a halo that enveloped King Leighton, and Pastore Ji's sword could not move even an inch.

"Artifact [Holy Father's Protection]?"

With a look of annoyance on her face, Pastor Noreki abandoned her sword and retreated. The radiant sword retreated with her as if it had a spirit, and turned into a radiant book and a wand floating around her again.

"You are worthy of being the son of the God of Rules. Even though that god has lost his will, he still gave you a lot of good things!"

King Leighton knelt on the ground, holding the necklace floating on his chest, with a trace of sadness in his eyes, and murmured softly: "Rules themselves cannot have emotions, because they are rules, and rules must be based on thousands of wills. , my father was very good to me, he sacrificed himself to defend the world, and now I also want to get rid of the Lord of the Black Nest to prevent the destruction of this world!"

The words fell, accompanied by a roar.

Countless pieces of dirt and gravel exploded into the sky behind King Leighton.

I saw a giant hand of molten flame stretching out from the crack in the ground, and then a huge giant of molten flame slowly crawled out, and its eyes like a furnace fell on Pastoregi.

Maratella, the god of fire, arrived.

"You have so many incarnations of gods..."

Pastor Noreki rubbed the center of his brow painfully.

Judging from the fluctuations in Maratella's body, he is already at the peak of the semi-god level, which means that he is a proper middle god, and he is also the kind of leader among middle gods.

This thing is not easy to deal with.

"Leyton, where is the Lord of the Black Nest?!"

Maratella was obviously much more reliable than the Spider Queen and the Dawn Goddess. She went straight to the subject as soon as she started, looking around with her crater-like eyes, searching for the dragon.

"Under the crown of the God of Fire, the Lord of the Black Nest is not here. I..."

"Aren't you here?" Vulcan's temper suddenly rose. He flicked up a bunch of sparks with his fingers and shot them towards King Leighton. Fortunately, they were blocked by the shield, but he heard him roar angrily: "If I'm not there, you're going to kill me." What are you summoning for? Don’t you know my time is precious? Do you have enough sacrifices? Waste!"

King Leighton was scolded to the point of being submissive and afraid to speak.

After the Vulcan finished speaking, he said calmly: "Under the Vulcan Crown, there are light demigods blocking the way now. We cannot approach the Lord of the Black Nest, so we can only ask for your help."

Maratela's eyes fell on Pasternoreji again, and sneered: "Where did the light demigod come from? Does he still want to enter the divine world? If you want to, just get out of the way, don't be shameless!"

"Oh? Since when did it depend on you, the God of Fire, to enter the God Realm? Who do you think you are? The God King?"

Pastnoreki countered without hesitation:

"Oh, I understand. You really want to become the King of Gods, but you can't defeat the Sun Goddess on the second level, so you can only go to the lower world and use a bad incarnation to satisfy your cravings. How pitiful~"

Maratella's mouth twitched when she heard this.

The fire fist was raised and smashed towards Pastoregi, and then he held it in the air with one hand. The entire sky turned red in an instant. Countless meteorites fell from the sky and partially hit Pastonolyki, and some of them were Part of it was smashed towards the Great Wall of Despair and the interior of the Great Wall of Despair, and the remaining wall was also destroyed in the rain of meteorites.

The two demigods struggled together in the rain of meteorites.

No need for Vulcan to say anything, King Leiton knew what to do next.

He immediately led the army to charge into the Black Nest Empire. Although he lost some soldiers due to the meteorite rain along the way, fortunately, he finally entered the Great Wall of Despair. The journey was full of twists and turns, and he felt that he had never experienced more in his life. Long.

Inside the Great Wall of Despair.

Su Nian had already led the army to retreat to a safe position.

At this time, the system prompt also suddenly sounded:

[Due to the host's Great Wall of Despair being too damaged, the shield effect is now lost]

Su Nian was not too surprised when he heard this.

Since King Leighton dared to attack, he must have been fully prepared.

At that moment, he felt four demigod-level fluctuations.

One of the shares belonged to Pastnoreki.

The two previous ones came and went quickly, and in the end only the one who fought with Pastoregi was left. This breath was as hot as fire, with the will of destruction and violence. If you guessed correctly, it must be Saint Luo. Maratella, the God of Fire, has many believers in the Tia Empire.

"In order to overthrow me, the master of the Black Nest, King Leighton really worked hard and suffered heavy losses!" Su Nian shook his head helplessly. Pastore was not worried. This tool-man demigod was very cautious. , If you can't fight, you have to run away, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to live in the library for thousands of years.

But next, he will soon face King Leighton.

Then it will be the real decisive battle.

Monster army versus human army.

And he dueled with King Leighton himself.

As for Bastian, he is leading another wave of monster troops to plot against Snowman City. King Leighton destroyed his Great Wall. He reciprocated by destroying the four sacred pillars of the Saint Lodia Empire. It makes sense, right?

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