"Avoid the dragon breath of the Lord of the Black Nest, don't resist!"

King Leighton yelled at the army below.

The mages who were originally preparing to form a formation and open a shield immediately changed their formation. They could indeed be called elites. No matter what order King Leighton gave them, they would immediately execute it without thinking about whether the order should be executed.

This wave of obedience indeed saved their lives.

Most of the soldiers evacuated the previous area before the dragon's breath fell. Only a few of them were injured before they could make it. They were melted by the hot dragon's breath without even making a sound.

Now that he knows the special features of the Lord of the Black Nest's Dragon Breath, King Leighton seems much more calm when fighting the Lord of the Black Nest. He can avoid the damage of the Dragon's Breath by hiding in the space tunnel, and Approaching the Lord of the Black Nest, he threw out the thunder gun and various single-target high-damage forbidden spells.

Without the interference of Su Nian's dragon breath, the human army below regrouped to fight against the monster army.

There was a huge disparity between the strength of the Saint Lodia Empire's soldiers and the monsters, but in fact the fierce battle between the two sides did not turn out to be one-sided as expected.

The shield guards of the Saint Lotia Empire stood at the front of the military formation, wearing armor made of black clay crystal ore.

This ore contains an astonishing amount of earth elements that are waiting to be activated. When activated by magic, it will quickly crystallize, giving the armor immediate strong defensive power, but its weight is not even as heavy as iron ore.

Of course, the soldiers do not have the ability to activate the armor on their bodies, but there is a mage group standing behind them. There will be a special group of mage responsible for activating the magic armor on these shield guards.

Now the earth element in these shield armors has been fully activated.

They stood there connected together, exuding a heavy aura, and then their defenses were increased under the effect of the military formation, forming an indestructible human wall.

The monsters attacked forward in waves, but were blocked by these hard earth walls.

Following the chief mage's shout, the Free Mage Legion immediately completed a volley.

The pyrotechnics and ice cones that filled the sky covered the sky and blocked the sun. Their momentum was no less powerful than the legendary mage's large-scale forbidden spell.

"Another magic volley!"

The gray wolf charging in front dismissed it.

After being transformed into dragons, their monsters have very strong magic resistance.

It is already difficult for mages below level 7 to cause harm to them.

"All gnolls, use the battering ram!"

Big Big Wolf roared at the jackal army behind him.

Then all the jackals gave up their weapons and took out a super hammer from behind with a hammer handle seven or eight meters long and a hammer head like a giant millstone.

These cunning human mages have already arranged a forbidden air formation around them. It is impossible to find the hidden formations for a while, and they can only break through directly from the front.

In Hui Tailang's view, as long as they gnaw away these hard bones in front, they can take away one of the weak mages behind with one hammer!

Led by the Jackal Legion, the monsters moved forward against the overwhelming spells.

Just when they were about to approach the shield guards, they were about to use the city hammer to smash these shield guards to pieces.

Just listen to a roar coming from the human army formation:


Whoosh whoosh——

A dense barrage of crossbow arrows was shot out from the human military formation, with a harsh whistling sound.

As soon as Big Big Wolf heard this voice, something was not right, and he immediately hid behind a rock.

Just listen to the explosion that penetrated the gold and cracked stone from behind the rock, and the entire five-meter-high rock trembled slightly.

He looked over and saw a jackal lying in a pool of blood. His huge body, more than ten meters high, was filled with arrows that shone with a faint golden light.

"This is impossible!!"

Big Big Wolf exclaimed.

Protected by dragon scales, their monster defenses are so strong, how could they be penetrated by human arrows? !

He leaned over and picked up a crossbow arrow from the stone and took a look.

He only felt that this pale golden crossbow arrow exuded an aura that made him very uneasy.

"This is dragon hunting metal."

The kobold chief, Polikri, had hid behind the rock where the gray wolf was.

He glanced outside the stone and said with lingering fear:

"Dragon-hunting metal is specially designed to restrain dragon-veined creatures. It only has conventional lethality against ordinary creatures, but it has a strong armor-breaking effect against dragon-veined creatures. In other words, we have no dragon scales on our bodies. ...No, it’s more serious than not having dragon scales. It should be said that it’s equivalent to wearing nothing but the most primitive animal skin!”

In the Holy Rodia Empire Army formation, the captain of the crossbow team looked at the monster lying on the ground in front of the shield guard with a sneer on his lips.

How could these arrogant monsters know His Majesty Layton's good intentions?

In order to target these dragon-shaped monsters, His Majesty Leighton specially made a batch of dragon-hunting metal arrows, and equipped each archer with a magic energy-constructed heavy crossbow. This kind of crossbow requires two crossbowmen to lift, and the loading method is: One of the crossbowmen puts the crossbow arrows into the arrow box, and the magic crystal inside the structure will use magic power to start the machine to automatically complete the process of jamming the crossbow arrows and tightening the crossbow string. Otherwise, it would be impossible for ordinary soldiers to pull this kind of arrow. Heavy crossbow.

After three consecutive attacks on the human military formation failed, Shyvana, who was sitting in the center of the magic army, ordered the monster army to temporarily retreat.

Although the number of monster legions is extremely large, they cannot just make unnecessary sacrifices.

As the monster army retreated under the cloud of natural disaster, there was a burst of cheers from the Saint Lodia Empire's military formation.

The Black Nest Empire Legion is a bit gloomy and gloomy.

"What's going on? Why can't you jump up?"

Shyvana looked at the wounded soldiers near the central tent with a solemn expression.

Even the powerful Gray Wolf has two arrows stuck in his back.

At this moment, he was preparing to pull out the two arrows, but his movements seemed a little weak.

"It's Dragon Hunting Metal." Polikri came over carrying a jar of healing potion: "Dragon Hunting Metal has strong armor-breaking ability against dragon-veined creatures, and it can also paralyze the muscle tissue around the wound. Once we are shot in two The legs mean that in the next time we will become the targets for the opponent’s crossbowmen to train their accuracy!”

"Dragon hunting metal?!"

Shyvana looked up at the sky.

At this moment, Su Nian was fighting with King Leighton, and he had no energy to worry about the battlefield below.

Anna and Bastian went to attack Snowrun City, where the queen must be in charge, otherwise Bastian's brains would not be able to destroy the holy pillar.

As for the flesh and blood creatures, they are a surprise attack force, digging tunnels and approaching Xueman City.

In other words, she is now the supreme commander of this monster army.

We can only rely on her here!

The human army will inevitably launch a counterattack after being repaired.

If they can't think of a solution, their monsters won't be able to stop the Saint Lotia Empire army from marching in!

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