"If it's just because of the dragon-hunting metal, there's nothing we can do about it!"

Shyvana remembered the foundry in the Dark Dungeon. The master blacksmith had long developed something to counteract dragon hunting metal. However, now the teleportation anchor point of the secondary plane teleportation gate has been temporarily fixed and cannot be changed in a short period of time. She doesn't have such authority either...

Looking at the arrogant human army.

Shyvana immediately decided to summon the leader of the harpies.

"Chicken Taimei, I have a very important task for you, which is related to the final victory of our monster army!"

Shyvana's expression was solemn, and the Harpy leader became nervous because of this. Although the person in front of him was not the Lord of the Black Nest, the bloodline that was exactly the same as the Lord of the Black Nest still brought a heavy sense of oppression.

"Chief, please speak."

Shyvana said: "I need you to quickly go back to the Dark Dungeon, go to the Dark Foundry, and get the potion to deal with dragon hunting metal. Remember, every time you are faster, you can make more monsters stop. We will die from Dragon Hunting Metal, we must defend the Black Nest Empire, there is no retreat for us!”

Hearing this, Ji Taimei said nothing and turned around to fly towards the sky. The human legion also noticed the leader of the harpy flying towards the west, but they just ordered the mages and archers to stop him for a few times and ignored him.

"Chief, is it okay if we let go of the dragon-turned-harpy?"

In the dragon-hunting crossbow formation, a soldier looked at the dragon-turned-harpy leader who had disappeared and couldn't help but feel worried. All the monsters had not left, except for the harpy leader. There must be something fishy in this.

"What could be the problem?"

The captain of the dragon hunting crossbow team dismissed it.

"Your Majesty, stopping the Lord of the Black Nest now is the best time for us to attack the Black Nest Empire. The leader of the harpy is about to leave, and it will cost us a lot of manpower to stop him. It's not worth it!"

The soldier heard this and said no more.

The shield guards advanced forward under the cover of the dragon-hunting crossbow. After confirming that the monsters could not break through to the point where the central army threatened the archers and mages, the military formation opened to the left and right, and the knights on both wings began to move forward to outflank the monster army. .

Shyvana also responded quickly.

"Bugs Bunny, you lead two teams of blazing rabbits riding dragon-shaped spear pigs and dragon-shaped rock-helmeted crocodiles to stop the knights who are outflanking the dragon wings. But you only need to resist, and there is no need to fight back. The Chinese army will fight and retreat with me. Let them rush in, transform into a black anaconda and be ready to spit out corrosive venom!"

As the order was issued, the monster formation immediately moved into action. Today's rock-helmet crocodiles are no longer as naive as they used to be. Even ordinary rock-helmet crocodiles have reached a length of a hundred meters and are covered with heavy black scales. , there are a large number of canine-shaped barbs on their scales, which are extremely sharp. When they charge, any enemy they scratch will have a layer of skin violently ripped off.

It can be said that the spear pig has no connection with pigs except for its name. Under the transformation of dragon blood, its head has turned into a ferocious beast with a wide mouth and fangs. Each one is more than fifty years old. rice, black scales stood up with bulging muscles, and a group of fire rabbits were sitting on it, and they didn't look out of place at all.

This group of monsters rushed out of the military formation and hit the left and right wings with an invincible momentum. The human knights were not afraid at all. Although they were just golden knights, both their horses and themselves were under the magic of the mage group. After receiving a huge increase, they roared and raised their shields. The red-gold fighting spirit mixed with the rising magic halo, and actually condensed into a huge golden tower shield in front of them, more than ten meters long and wide. Holding the shield like this, he brazenly collided with the monster cavalry.


Muffled thunderous roars came from the left and right wings.

Although the human knights were overturned, there were no casualties in the collision. The monster cavalry seemed a little calmer. The rock-helmet crocodile knight who rushed at the front just shook his dizzy head, and then continued to move forward. charge.

The human cavalry on the left and right wings were contained.

The outflanking momentum was shattered.

But the human army is still rushing forward regardless, giving up the plan to cooperate with the knights on the left and right wings. They have killed many powerful monsters with dragon hunting crossbows before, and now the monsters are retreating step by step, seeming to be afraid of dragon hunting crossbows. The sharp edge made the commander of the human army inevitably feel a little proud, and wanted to take down the monster army in one go.

"General! We're too deep!"

"Yes, General, this is very dangerous!"

The personal guards on the left and right of the human central army commander reminded each other.

But this earth-shattering knight was already jealous.

He deflected the giant hammer swung by a Fire Rabbit, and then held out the long sword made of Dragon Hunting Metal. The Fire Rabbit subconsciously wanted to resist, but the Dragon Hunting Metal Long Sword tore apart the hard metal sword very easily. The carapace sank into the Fire Rabbit's body.

He roared wildly, sheathed his sword, and shouted to the guards beside him:

"Danger?! The mission of our knights is to charge on the front line of danger. Look at the magic increase on us, which is a full eight or nine. Are we going to retreat now and let the mages who already look down on us continue to look down on us? Us?"

The guards hesitated to speak.

He was about to say something when he was rudely interrupted by the knight.

"Give me a volley of fire from the northwest, and shoot back these beasts that are rushing towards me!"

With a hail of arrows.

The monsters that rushed up fell to the ground under the sniper fire of crossbows and shield guards, while the knight led the whole team to continue charging.

His goal is to kill Shyvana.

In his opinion, as long as he kills the commander who has been standing on a high place, a group of brainless monsters will not be afraid at all!

However, he did not notice the dragon-shaped black anaconda that was slowly approaching hidden in the surrounding monster army. Unknowingly, he had already broken into the monster army for more than 100 meters. Except behind him, there were monster armies on three sides. Originally, they were preparing to surround him. The monster is now surrounded.

"How greedy!"

Shyvana looked at the knight who broke through, and a cold light flashed in her red vertical pupils: "Dragon transformed into a black anaconda, covering the front with poisonous mist!"

She was speaking dragon language, so the knights and shield guards didn't understand. They were still rushing forward. At this time, the black anacondas hidden in the military formation suddenly revealed themselves.

In the horrified eyes of the surrounding soldiers.

They opened their bloody mouths one after another, and the dark green corrosive poison rushed from all directions.

"What happened! It's poisonous gas, retreat quickly!"

The knight would not think that the shield guards could withstand the poisonous gas of the dragon-turned-venomous snake.

Now that they were too far away from the secret mage army, they had to retreat and let the mage put on anti-toxic shields on them. But when he turned around, he found poisonous gas in all directions. There were already shield guards kneeling on the ground in pain, covering their throats. ——At this moment, they have no retreat.

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