At this time, no matter how stupid the Earthshatter Knight is, he will know that he has fallen into the trick of the monster army. The shield guard only has a physical resistance shield and a fire resistance shield. He has no resistance to the poisonous gas of the dragon-shaped black anaconda. However, after a moment, he followed Most of the shield guards he rushed in with were dead.

The knight glanced fiercely at Shyvana, who was standing high up with a calm expression. He took out a scroll from his arms and tore it open. A silver light spread out from the scroll and spread around, covering a fifty-meter radius. area, teleporting all the shield guards and soldiers in this area back.

"Damn it! You actually used such a despicable tactic!"

The knight looked fiercely at the army of monsters that came up again. The guards on both sides were speechless. They had just reminded the knight, but the knight had an indifferent attitude. Now he blames the monsters for their scheming... It is obvious that he is stupid.

Fortunately, the knights withdrew most of the shield guards, and the secret mage group behind them had put on anti-toxic shields in time. After this wave of losses, the knights' strategy became obviously more conservative. Shyvana conducted several The deceived human troops stopped going deeper, and a tug-of-war gradually began on the one-kilometer-long front, with only weapons clashing and flesh and blood flying everywhere.

In the sky, King Leighton was like a thunder god coming to the world, surrounded by a halo of thunder and lightning. This thunder and lightning halo was extremely destructive. Su Nian did not dare to touch it for a long time. He just touched it and walked away, otherwise those blood-red thunder and lightning would penetrate strangely. His body slowed down his movements, and he would take several rounds of thunder guns thrown by King Leighton.

"Lord of the Black Nest, your army seems to be in bad shape!"

King Leighton grasped the thunder locks composed of thunderbolts with both hands. These thunder locks covered the black dragon's wings like spider webs. The thunder locks could not restrain the black dragon, but they could greatly reduce the black dragon's movement speed. Looking at it at the moment The human legion on the ground seemed to have the upper hand, and King Leighton couldn't help but feel proud.

He cannot do anything to the Lord of the Black Nest.

But as long as his army can defeat the army of the Lord of the Black Nest, it will be fine.

"Don't you go and help your little cubs? If you keep fighting like this, they may be killed or injured! It only takes us humans one year to train a shield guard, and a knight up to twenty years. As long as you have talent, Mage can also be mass-produced!!"

Su Nian glanced at the monster army below.

His monster was indeed in a bad situation, being suppressed by the powerful crossbow made of demon-hunting metal and unable to lift its head. However, he knew that the leader of the harpy had already gone to get the potion to restrain the dragon-hunting metal. She only needed to fly all the way into the former Illian Empire. In the royal city, you can directly enter Andrius through the teleportation array there. As long as you wait a little longer, the monster army will be able to fight back when the potion is in place. Even if there are not many monsters left at that time, it doesn't matter. He can spend system points in the Dark King's Hall. Resurrect them again in the monster lair.

"You should worry about your Xueman City!"

Su Nian smashed the thunder locks that flew towards him with his claw, then swung his wings and hit King Leighton with the thunder halo, sending him flying backwards like a ball, and smashed into a building with a bang. In the mountains, King Leighton was not injured. With a flash of lightning, he appeared in front of Su Nian again.

"I had expected that you would attack Xueman City!"

King Leighton smiled slyly: "Don't think that you are the only one who can use those dirty tricks, dragon, you have to know that these tricks were invented by us humans at the beginning!"

"Then let's see which one of us leaves more explosive gifts for whom."

Su Nian also responded with a confident smile.

"Boom boom boom——"

One person and one dragon continued to fight in the air.

Thunder and flames joined together in the cloudy sky. The giant dragon rolled in the clouds of natural disasters. A pair of scorching dragon wings covered the sky and blocked out the sun. Just a slight fanning could blow up a hurricane of fire on the surface, and Leiton The king's figure was like a golden aurora scurrying around the giant dragon. From time to time, seven or eight thunder spears more than ten meters long appeared around him like a sword array. His figure flashed continuously, and every time he flashed and jumped, there was a The thunder gun was thrown out at extremely fast speed.

Thunder, fire and magma fell like a torrential rain.

The mountains, rivers and trees on the battlefield below where the fierce battle took place were all destroyed. No living thing could survive the catastrophe of thunder and fire, and no living thing dared to come close.

At the same time, Snow Man City.

There were patrolling knights everywhere within a two-kilometer radius.

This time everyone strictly followed King Leighton's order. No one dared to drop the chain at this time. Everyone understood what the last holy pillar meant.

Snowman City Center.

The surface is less than a hundred meters away from the sacred pillar.

The apostles gathered in a circle and stared at the cloudy sky in silence. The weather in Snowman City was not very good. It was covered with snow all year round. It snowed for two-thirds of the year. But this was their first time. I saw clouds in the sky as dark as ink, mixed with red thunder and lightning.

The place where King Leighton and the Lord of the Black Nest fought was far away from Snowrun City.

However, the aftermath of their battle was so violent that it affected the weather in Xueman City.

"Can our Saint Rodia Empire really survive this battle?"

Looking at the ominous cloud, some apostles couldn't help but sigh like this.

The leading old man looked cold and was about to scold him when he suddenly felt a vibration coming from the ground, and the vibration was getting stronger and stronger.

"what happened?!"

Everyone's expression changed.

The mental power went towards exploring the stratum.

I saw countless corrupt creatures approaching Xueman City from deep underground, led by a huge corrupted hydra.

The Corrupt Legion originally wanted to get close to the Holy Pillar, but was burned by the power of the Holy Pillar. They could only retreat and launch an attack on the apostles guarding the Holy Pillar.

"Underground! So many undead creatures!"

"Everyone on alert! They're coming!"

Just as one of the apostles issued a warning, the ground suddenly exploded. With a shocking roar, the corrupted hydra jumped out of the soil. With a slight twist, the entire square in front of the Holy Pillar of Xueman City collapsed. Countless The soldiers couldn't dodge and fell into the pit, and were then swallowed by countless flesh and blood creatures.

"Damn could a corrupt creature appear?"

An apostle floated in the air, filled with shock and anger.

An apostle who knew a little about it immediately gave the answer: "It is said that the black dragon inherited the divinity of corruption and once used corrupt creatures to attack the Royal City of Airland!"

"Sure enough, it's not a good thing!" The leader of the old man's eyes glowed with anger, and he thrust his staff into the void: "Then let these undead creatures be buried here!"

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