The old man's name is Kyle Walker, who is considered a legend in Snowrun City. His strength has reached the peak of the ninth level, and he is just one step away from becoming a legend. He is also the leader of the apostles in Snowrun City today.

The void at the end of his staff was like ripples on the water, and the frost elements condensed here. A circle of wolf-shaped ice spikes spread around him with him as the center. Corrupt creatures wherever they passed were pierced by the ice spikes or were destroyed by the ice spikes. The coldness froze; another apostle fell from the sky and slapped the ground with both hands. The ground that had been smashed by the Hydra quickly reshaped and became stable. At the same time, countless vines came out of the ground and entangled themselves towards the Hydra; a tower near the holy pillar Upstairs in the residence, a mage raised his staff and flipped the magic book in his hand crazily. Obscure and fierce magic fluctuations suddenly appeared. In the rotating flame ring, each five-foot-long flame spear looked like Shooting at Hydra like a machine cannon.

The apostles' magic was so lethal that the flesh-and-blood creatures were almost pushed back as soon as they emerged from the cave. The corrupted hydra was also beaten terribly, like a hedgehog, with flaming spears inserted all over its body, but The advantages of corrupt creatures are their numbers and near-immortal vitality. Therefore, even though the apostles are very efficient in killing them, there is still a steady stream of corrupt creatures and they are inexhaustible to kill.

Just when almost all the attention of the entire Snowrun City was attracted by the corrupt creatures.

No one noticed that a huge figure in the dark clouds in the distance was approaching quickly, stirring the clouds.

Anna stood on Bastian's head with a serious expression, and behind her, Bastian's erect scales hid dense fire rabbits. The patrol knights in Snowrun City never imagined that this time The attack came not from the ground but from the air, and was hidden in the clouds almost unnoticed.

Everyone only felt a strong gust of wind blowing, almost knocking them over to the ground.

Then a black shadow passed over their heads. When they reacted and turned to look, Bastian had already reached the sky above Snowrun City and poked his head out of the dark clouds.

"To be honest, this is the first time I have been ridden by a monster, and there are so many rabbits! No rabbits will poop in my scales, right? But no matter what, I will still take a bath very seriously!"

Bastian looked at Snowman City below and couldn't help but complain.

He is a red dragon at the pinnacle of the legendary level. When has he ever done such a humble thing? ?

If word gets out that the female dragons on Dragon Island don't laugh to death!

"Bastian, after this mission is completed, you will be a hero of the Black Nest Empire. My brother will not treat you badly. If you want to find any female dragon, we can help you catch it." Anna could tell Bastien at a glance. What was An thinking? As time went by, part of the ability to dominate the will seemed to have transferred to her, allowing her to vaguely see the monsters' thoughts.

"That's awesome! I'm ready to descend! Cute bunnies please hold on to my scales!!"

Bastian raised his head and roared, and the huge dragon body fell towards Xueman City.

Anna also ordered all the Fire Rabbits to prepare for landing.

"Look at the sky!" Someone among the apostles who were busy killing corrupt creatures noticed something strange in the sky.

I saw a huge red dragon swooping down from the clouds, and then countless red and black "stones" fell towards the ground like dumplings. The red dragon did not launch an attack, but just hovered over Xueman City. Throwing away more and more "stones"!

"what is that?!"

A mage opened his mage eyes, and the "stones" in the sky suddenly enlarged and appeared in detail. Then he saw rabbit ears and rabbit eyes with red light hidden under two thick arms.

"That's a monster! This red dragon is throwing an army of monsters from the air towards Xueman City! Quickly order the city defense to be on alert!"

The city defense unit has immediately activated the magic shield.

They thought that the meteorites or fire magic that fell from the sky were some kind of meteorites or fire magic. After all, these stones accelerated a second time when they approached Xueman City, and purple-red flames rose around them. They had nothing to do with living things.

But obviously the magic shield has no effect on these fire rabbits.

The moment they passed the magic shield, the fire element on their bodies was extinguished by the magic shield, and then their crouched bodies immediately stretched out and landed with an indestructible momentum.

Many soldiers were knocked away by the Fire Rabbit that hit the ground before they could react.

"It's too late! Shrink the defense line, we have only one goal, and that is to protect the holy pillar!!"

The apostles were very clear in their thinking.

No matter what kind of noise these monsters make, there must be only one goal: to attack the Holy Pillar. At the same time, the apostles immediately informed King Leighton of the attack on Snowman City through the crystal statue. In fact, King Leighton had always expected this. , so no one was alarmed.

Anna immediately observed the overall situation of the battlefield after landing. Corrupt creatures were trying their best to attack the apostles' defense line, while the monster army spread out to kill the guards of Xueman City. Bastian was the trump card to contain the apostles. She immediately ordered Ba Stian launched an attack on the apostles, and at the same time ordered the Fire Rabbit Legion to drive the civilians of Snowrun City toward the underground sanctuary area after killing the guards.

This behavior is indeed inhumane.

But Anna is already a grown-up queen.

For the sake of the empire's victory and Su Nian's plan, she can also temporarily put aside her kindness and become a ruthless executioner.

Countless civilians were picked out by the Fire Rabbit from collapsed or damaged houses and thrown at the front of the team, heading towards the underground sanctuary. How many people were there in Xueman City? Apart from the guards and leaders, there are still tens of thousands of residents in Snowman City. These residents are generally ordinary people without magic power and fighting spirit. Some mage apprentices and warriors are of little significance to the Fire Rabbit. Anyone who resists will be brutalized by the Fire Rabbit. Killing, gradually only the sounds of begging for mercy and panicked sobs were left in the crowd.

"What do these monsters want to do?!"

The apostles who were fighting Bastian were stunned.

Being able to become apostles of various holy cities, their character has naturally been inspected by King Leighton. They are absolutely loyal to the empire and have a love for the residents of the holy city. How can they not be frightened when they see the monster army with ulterior motives?

It would be fine if the monster army killed these residents in the city, but they wanted to drive the residents in front of them. What was their plan, to kill these residents in front of them and force them to submit?

Anna also mingled among these residents.

The only place that can shelter these residents now is the underground sanctuary.

If she takes the initiative to enter the underground sanctuary, she will be alerted by the apostles.

But if the decision was made by the apostles themselves, then there is a high probability that she would not be discovered.

Now it’s up to these apostles to decide!

"Listen to all the resistance forces in Xueman City! Surrender immediately, otherwise I will let the monsters massacre all the residents of Xueman City now! Jie Jie Jie!"

After getting the hint from Anna's eyes, Bastian played the role of an evil dragon very well.

The apostles' faces changed slightly when they heard this, and they were filled with hatred.

"These cunning monsters really have this idea!"

"What should we do? Surrender is impossible. We must defend Xueman City!"

“But if we don’t surrender, are we going to watch the residents being killed?”

Looking at the despairing and sad faces on that piece of paper, every apostle couldn't help but feel sad.

"No! There is another way!" The leader of the old ice mage narrowed his eyes: "We open the door of the underground sanctuary. There is a vast underground space there, which is completely enough to accommodate these residents. However, doing so will definitely open up the monster army. Massacre, how much they can run in depends on their luck!"

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