The moment the super magic guidance was activated, Bastian already felt the danger.

He looked left and right, and his eyes finally locked on the big hole dug when the corrupt creature came over.

"Now is not the time to worry about the image of the Dragon Clan..."

The rapidly falling temperature was sending tension to Bastian's nerves.

He took a deep breath and dived into the pit, transformed into a human and ran for the road. Behind him was the pale cold air, with the wind and snow like maggots on his tarsus. Even if he reacted quickly enough, the extreme low temperature still made him stop. His limbs were stiff and his movements became slow. The eleventh-level forbidden spell had already touched the divinity. It was an application of rules. Even though he was at the peak of the legendary level, he had to avoid the edge temporarily.

In the snow-filled city, fist-sized snowflakes fell from the sky.

The howling wind made a shrill roar.

Wherever the cold wind passed, corrupt creatures and monsters froze into ice sculptures.

But after a while, the entire Xueman City was covered in white snow, and it was gradually impossible to distinguish the buildings and streets.

From a distance, it doesn't look like a city, but like a tomb covered in ice and snow.

In front of the gate of the underground sanctuary, a group of apostles stared blankly at the snow-covered Xueman City. For a moment, they felt like there was a fish bone stuck in their throats, and they didn't know what to say.

No wonder Kyle Walker dared to open the door of the sanctuary. It turned out that he was ready to take responsibility and atone for his sins with his life.

Because Kyle Walker has been sleeping for a long time, some of them don't even know about Kyle Walker's deeds. They only think that he is an extremely powerful old mage who is only one step away from becoming a legend. Now he is doing it for Snowrun City. Now that we have gone like this, I can’t help but feel sad about it.

Now that all the monsters and corrupt creatures in Xueman City are dead, they have some remaining strength.

"Callen, Lotus, you two immediately enter the underground sanctuary to check the situation of the Holy Pillar. If there is a suspicious person approaching the Holy Pillar, no matter who the person is or what reason he has, kill him on the spot!"

The most powerful Kyle Walker died, and Salinger, the eldest ninth-level fire spell mage among all the remaining apostles, made the decision.

They didn't have much time to remember. The ninth-level water mage Kalyan and the ninth-level earth mage Lotus immediately turned around and entered the underground sanctuary to investigate.

However, before they took two steps, a barrier of flames rose in front of them, and then the roar of the dragon came from behind.

"Damn, cunning, hateful, disgusting humans! I solemnly declare that you have angered a peak legendary dragon. Now, you, you, the entire Snowrun City must repent in the flaming hell!! "

Bastian shivered and crawled out of the underground cave. Originally, the cave was not very big, but he opened a big hole. The super-level magic just now gave him a chill, and now the entire dragon's body is covered with frostbite. Bingshuang even has a big tongue when he speaks.

In fact, Bastian's situation was not good.

Touching a trace of divine chill made his scales freeze to the point of chapped, but he had to prevent these apostles from entering the underground sanctuary, not only because he had to protect Anna, which was the order of the Lord of the Black Nest, but also because, if If Anna is not given enough time to delay, the Holy Pillar will not be destroyed, and these apostles can also use the energy of the Holy Pillar to strengthen themselves and fight him.

The only slightly better thing now is.

Whether it is Thun City or Snowman City, the apostles are improvised combinations. Their original formations are missing more than one person, and they can no longer use the ability to form formations unless they become familiar with each other again.

This is not a simple matter.

Because every mage, even if they are of the same type, has different magic energy, and there are conflicts between the elements, it is required that the magicians in the formation have a very tacit understanding of each other, and almost know everything about them, so as to prevent the conflicting magic elements from exploding.

"Haha, you are such a giant dragon... Since Kyle Walker can't kill you, then you will die in our hands, which can be regarded as revenge for Kyle Walker!"

Salinger raised his staff and pointed it at the red dragon, with a ray of flame floating in his eyes.

His words were very powerful.

But I don’t have much confidence in my heart.

This giant dragon had a cat-and-mouse attitude towards Snowman City before, but now it is completely enraged, and they can't guarantee that they can repel this giant dragon.


Bastian raised his head and roared, his body soared into the air and broke through the blizzard to reach the sky above Xueman City. A pair of dragon claws lifted upwards, and a ring of flames composed of flames spread around him like ripples on the water.

The guidance speed of Dragon Word Magic is extremely fast.

Before the fire mage's magic guidance is completed.

The obscure dragon language has stopped abruptly.

Fire rain filled the sky, burning through the red clouds. The red meteorites fell with their tail flames, and the strong wind mixed with flames spread out from the red dragon like a whirlwind. In just a few breaths, the red flames were already blowing in the snow-filled city. Storms, roars came from the earth, volcanoes rose from the mantle, and hot magma spewed out, covering the entire Xueman City in gunpowder smoke. This scene was like a hell on earth!

The magic continues to guide.

It is foreseeable that if the red dragon is allowed to continue like this, the entire Snowman City will become a molten fire zone suitable for the red dragon to fight. The injuries on the red dragon's body will recover quickly, and the combat power will soar. Killing the red dragon becomes even more difficult.

"Stop him!"

Salinger's magic finally channeled.

A roaring flame snake flew towards the red dragon in the sky and hit the dragon's wings. However, it had no effect. This made the fire mage feel a little embarrassed. Faced with the questioning eyes around him, Salinger scratched his head. Scratching the back of his hand, he said helplessly:

"It's not that my magic doesn't do enough damage, it's really... this thing is the red dragon with the highest fire resistance. My fire element magic is useless. It mainly depends on you. I can set up a shield for you."

After saying this, he snapped his fingers.

Each apostle had three layers of fire element shields on his body, and everyone stopped talking nonsense and flew towards the red dragon. The radiance caused by various magic guidance intertwined into strange colors in the red sky.

And in the underground sanctuary.

The civilians of Xueman City did not approach the Holy Pillar after they poured into the underground sanctuary. There were many guards among them. Although these guards were cowardly, they still knew how to protect the Holy Pillar, so they had spontaneously organized themselves to guard the Holy Pillar. No one is allowed to come near, and if they are investigated later, they will be considered guilty of the crime.

However they don't know.

A petite figure had already begun to crack the sacred pillar ten minutes ago.

Anna squatted on the ground, using the invisibility spell, holding a wand in her hand to outline complex magic patterns on the rune-covered ground around the holy pillar. She held a necklace in her right hand, which was the spiritual power given to her by Lutlan. Amplification Necklace——[Fario’s Rhapsody]

In this urgent moment.

This magic item really helped a lot, greatly increasing her speed in cracking the sacred pillar.

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