On the other side, the Harpy leader Ji Taimei has quickly returned to Anlius through the teleportation array in the Airland area, and has entered the dark dungeon all the way.

At this time, the dwarf master was scolding the goblin master next to him. This was an exercise they performed every day, which helped to activate the brain and make every morning start with full energy.

The main reason for today's quarrel is.

Britt believes that strength potions can't increase a soldier's strength as much as a set of perfectly crafted armor, while Kukta believes that no matter how good the armor is, it's not as important as the improvement in personal strength, even if the improvement is only temporary.

The chicken was so beautiful when it arrived.

The quarrel between the two masters has reached a fever pitch, and the language is so vulgar that it is simply unacceptable.

"Stupid gray dwarf, you never understand the greatness of Potions. All you have in your mind are those iron pimples. What? You can sleep with iron pimples all night and still be able to produce iron pimples the next day?"

"Damn it! How dare you insult me ​​like this? Look at that wrinkled green skin on your body. If you are so great at potions, why don't you see soldiers in the army holding a bottle of potions? Just ask any knight about his equipment and magic. Which medicine is more essential!?”

"That's because they don't have money! If they don't have money, they should look for reasons within themselves. They can't afford such cheap potions! Waste!"

Listening to the two grandmasters arguing.

Ji Taimei, the leader of the harpies, is only as big as one head and two. There are also a group of gray dwarves and goblins gathered around, each holding a wine bottle and snacks. They all look like they are watching the fun and are not too big a deal, and they even put their arms around each other. .

Ji Taimei came forward.

She had to report the situation on the battlefield immediately and get something to deal with the dragon-hunting metal.

"Those two masters..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by two masters.

"Shut up!"

"Get out!"

Ji Taimei: "...(≖_≖)"

Then the two masters quarreled again.

Ji Taimei couldn't bear it and shouted loudly: "Two masters, haven't you received the notice from His Majesty? The monster army is being slaughtered by weapons made of dragon hunting metal. If we don't come up with countermeasures, it will be too late!"

Dwarf Grand Master Britt paused after hearing this, turned around and said: "Of course I have been notified, and I have prepared countermeasures, and I am just waiting for you to come over."

He took off a space ring from his finger and threw it to Ji Taimei. Then he glanced at the goblin master provocatively and sneered: "This is my latest research on the equipment protective film. It is only the size of a glass bead. Just crush it." After that, the liquid metal inside will explode and cover the whole body. At that time, the threat of dragon metal to dragon-shaped creatures will be solved. This kind of protective film is easy to carry. There are 100,000 pieces in the space ring alone! I don’t need to say more about the production capacity. Come on, this quantity is the answer!”

Not to be outdone, the goblin master Kukta also took off a space ring and threw it to Ji Taimei, and said quarrelsomely: "Little gray-skinned dwarf, I don't know what you are so proud of! Of course I will strictly abide by your Majesty's will, and I will do the same. We are also prepared. This space ring contains 10,000 portions of dragon vein aura shielding potion. After use, it will completely shield the dragon vein aura on the body for a period of time without affecting the strength. During this period, the power of the monster will still be in the potion. It grows under the influence, and the dragon-slaying metal is ineffective against monsters. You only need to take a sip, and one bottle of potion can be given to ten monsters!"

Ji Taimei looked at the two space rings in her hands and felt that her previous idea was a bit hasty. She thought that the two grandmasters were dismissive of the safety of the empire and the monster army. Unexpectedly, they were not dismissive, but truly awesome. .

"Okay, since no one of us is convinced by the other, let's see which one is more effective, my protective film or your potion!" Britt said viciously: "Now let's go to the battlefield!"

"Just go! If you lose then, don't forget your promise, gray dwarf!"

"You too, green dwarf!"

The two masters finished their harsh words and immediately returned to their respective workshops to put on their equipment.

Britt was wearing a heavy black armor with a hammer on his back. Even though he was not tall, he looked majestic and heavy. The old goblin Kukta was driving a mechanical structure. It could be seen that it was the latest model. The mecha shell was as bright as silver. Mirror, carrying two big swords on his back, and holding a 500 mm cannon in his hand.

"Haha, a dwarf is also a dwarf when he puts on armor."

Kukta said something sinister and triumphantly operated the mecha towards the teleportation array. Britt twitched the corner of his mouth and resisted the urge to smash the mecha into scrap metal with one hammer.

"What are you still doing?"

He shouted at the harpy leader who was still stunned next to him: "Let's go quickly! The battle on the front line is extremely urgent, why are you still wasting time here?!"

The leader of the harpy shuddered and came to his senses, and hurriedly followed the two masters to the teleportation array.

The battlefield inside the ruins of the Great Wall of Despair.

The figures of King Leighton and Su Nian had disappeared in the sky. They were bombarded from nowhere, leaving only the terrifying torrent of magic elements and void storm raging above the battlefield.

And the battlefield below the Void Storm.

The balance of victory has tilted towards mankind.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being an ace trained by King Leighton. The shield guards, dragon hunting crossbowmen, free mage legion and secret cult mage legion form an airtight circulation system. The gryphons and dragon eagle knights in the sky can only be counted. The icing on the cake, the golden knights guarding the two wings are not the main force. Their role is only to contain the monsters to form an impact formation and to curb the advancement of the monster cavalry.

There is still a time when monsters are tired.

But King Leighton prepared almost inexhaustible dragon-hunting crossbows for his army.

The earth-shattering knight had already killed three in and three out of the monster legion by relying on the amplification magic of the secret cult mage group and the advantage of the dragon-hunting crossbow.

Every time they broke through, they could get closer to Shyvana, and they were no longer afraid of the black anaconda's poisonous mist.

"What other tricks do you have? I'm curious!"

The Earthshatter Knight sneered and stared at Shyvana.

He actually admired this half-dragon, half-human girl, because her expression never changed from the beginning to the end. Even when the monsters under her command were slaughtered by dragon-hunting crossbows, she remained indifferent and calm.

"Remember what you are doing now."

Shyvana raised her chin, her dragon-like vertical pupils filled with fire of hatred: "Today you kill my team of monsters, and the next day I will kill your entire city of Saint Lotia. I will do what I say!"

"Then give it a try!"

The knight lowered his lips, raised his sword, and roared: "Attack!"

Another round of crossbow arrows came overwhelmingly.

In this vast plain, monsters cannot escape.

Just when Shyvana was about to deploy her body to fight the wave of arrows for the monster army.

There was a heavy sound of horse hooves at the end of the eastern horizon.

I saw three figures gradually appearing there.

The leader of the bird demon rose into the sky and flew towards the monster army.

Britt cursed and sat on the dragon-blooded horse, like a ball being tossed repeatedly.

Kukta's mecha opened dense cannon holes on the left and right sides, and countless rockets flew out of them, splitting into faster and denser small rockets in mid-air and heading towards the rain of arrows.

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