Su Nian originally planned to say something.

When the Sun Goddess disagreed, she took out a handful of artifacts and wanted to give them to Anna. This made Su Nian's words immediately roll back.

He flashed to Anna's side almost instantly, helped Anna hold the artifact in the dragon's claws, stared at a pair of big dragon eyes and shouted:

"You, what do you mean by this? Am I the kind of dragon that fluctuates easily? Can I be bought off with just a magic weapon?!"

The sun goddess said nothing and quietly watched Su Nian's performance.

When Su Nian saw that nothing was coming out, he changed the topic and said with a sneer: "But as the saying goes! I dare not refuse a gift from an elder. You are an elder, so even if it is a bribe, I will accept it!"

He put the [Glory of the Scorching Sun] in the scabbard and hung it on Anna's waist.

The moment it touched the dagger, the system had already read its information. This dagger looked like it was specially made for Anna by the Sun Goddess. Taking back the talent is just a basic ability. In addition, it can also automatically protect her around her. , killing enemies close to Anna. The specific power is unclear, but since it is an artifact, it will definitely not be much worse.

Su Nian couldn't help but feel a little envious.

What he wants has to be deducted from the system, unlike Anna, who gives it directly to anyone he meets, and almost has a magical outfit.

Polyface seemed to have known the virtues of the black dragon for a long time, and she said calmly:

"I gave this artifact to you, and I hope you and Anna can help when hell is reshuffled in the future. The gods may not have time to rectify hell at that time. Also, can the Saint Lotia Empire not fight? "

Su Nian thought for a moment after hearing the words. He had already said this. There was no point in continuing this war, but some hidden dangers had to be resolved, so he said:

"I will withdraw my troops immediately, but I have a condition. I hope that the Saint Lotia Empire will not interfere with the monsters' actions within the empire. Of course, the monsters under my command will not cause killing. King Leighton and I can make a contract on this point. !”

Polyface's eyelids twitched several times. If she said this to King Leighton, King Leighton would be furious to death. It would not be an exaggeration to describe it as bullying. But in the end, the final result still depends on Su. The two kings, Leyton and Leyton, negotiated personally.

She waved her hand at Su Nian, and a ray of bright sunlight fell on Su Nian, leading Su Nian to the Fiery Sun Sanctuary. The other side also led King Leighton over.

The two kings met in the splendid sanctuary.

King Leighton still seemed a little confused, but his hair, which was originally a little gray, had turned completely white, which showed that his life had not been very good these days.

"King Leighton, you are fine!"

Su Nian looked down at the tiny Leighton with a ferocious sneer on his lips, as if he was looking at a piece of fairly exquisite food.

"Lord of the Black Nest!! It's you!! Damn it!"

King Leighton finally noticed the giant dragon above his head. He gritted his teeth, and his red eyes revealed deep hatred and murderous intent.

But he lost all his magic power in this space, and he had already fought the Lord of the Black Nest once. In that weird field, it was difficult for him to kill the Lord of the Black Nest.

In the past few days, he had heard that Saint Lotia's cities had been captured one after another and was very anxious. However, Furion's incarnation did not allow him to leave the royal city at all, and said that he would handle Saint Lotia's affairs.

At this time, the figure of the Sun Goddess also appeared between Su Nian and King Leighton. She couldn't help but have a headache when she saw that the atmosphere became tense as soon as they met.

Su Nian saluted Polyface gracefully, pointed his finger at King Leighton, and joked:

"Your Majesty the Goddess, you just saw it. I just called His Majesty Leighton's name and he immediately responded. Maybe there is really no peace between humans and monsters. Let me just let the Saint Lotia Empire Just destroy it~"

"Lord of the Black Nest, you slaughtered my people, destroyed my city, dismantled the sacred pillars, destroyed the magic network, and deceived others too much! What is the difference between you and the devil in hell?! Goddess, look at him!"

King Leighton recognized that the figure in the middle was the Sun Goddess, which was probably the solution mentioned by Furion's incarnation. He couldn't help but be overjoyed, wishing that the Sun Goddess would take action and break the Lord of the Black Nest into pieces.

Unexpectedly, the goddess turned her head with a cold face and shouted angrily: "Shut up!"

King Leighton's newly excited spirit was instantly suppressed by these two cold words. He hesitated to speak, and his face was full of confusion, and his face became redder and redder.

This is wrong!

Wasn't the Sun Goddess here to help him?

I have never heard that the sun goddess is the god of monsters!

The Sun Goddess is neither the god of humans nor the god of monsters, because humans, monsters, and even everything in the world will provide her with faith wherever the sun shines, so she does not need to open any temples or channels of faith, so she will not deliberately She favors Layton, and the starting point of everything she does is to stabilize the Rennes Continent.

It's a pity that King Leighton doesn't know this.

After scolding King Leighton, Polyface gave Su Nian another warning look. Su Nian obeyed and immediately shut up.

Polyface said in a solemn voice: "I have summoned you two kings here today to ask you to negotiate an armistice agreement. I am fully responsible for the maintenance of this armistice agreement. You cannot use any force here. The content of the agreement is entirely voluntary. I won’t interfere either.”

After saying that, Polyface's figure gradually disappeared, but her voice still echoed in the ears of one person and one dragon: "When will the armistice agreement be signed and when will you come out!"

Only Su Nian and King Leiton were left in the sanctuary, staring with big eyes.

For a long time, before King Leighton could speak, Su Nian directly struck preemptively and roared: "Damn human king, your invasion has brought suffering to the monsters of the Black Nest Empire and serious economic losses to the Black Nest Empire. You We need to compensate, we need to cede territory, and we need to apologize to all the monsters in the Black Nest Empire!"

King Leighton almost got angry to death when he saw Hei Longtian's shameless appearance. He pointed at Su Nian and the lake under the sanctuary space and shouted:

"Look at your position, Lord of the Black Nest. You are now standing in the heart of the Saint Rodia Empire. Countless cities have been destroyed by the Black Nest Legion. You are the real aggressor, and it is you who should compensate!"

"This is a reasonable counterattack, for the safety of the Black Nest Empire!"

"Then your counterattack went too far?! You captured many cities in Saint Rodia, but I only destroyed one of the Great Walls of Despair!"

"Okay, okay, that's it!"

Su Nian hugged his paws and said confidently: "Go back five thousand years, and there was no St. Lotia Empire here. This is where the monsters live. It was you humans who drove us monsters out. Now we just take them back." Land of your own!”

"You, you are so shameless!!"

"Haha, how can we monsters be as shameless as you humans!"

Above the sanctuary, in a hidden space.

Polyface pinched her brows helplessly as she listened to the quarrel.

She looked at the end of the lake and couldn't help but murmur to herself: "Father, please come back soon... My daughter really can't stand dealing with these bullshit things every day..."

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