The negotiations lasted all night.

King Leighton was angry, collapsed, and cried bitterly.

Finally, he and Su Nian reached an agreement.

Su Nian promised on behalf of the Black Nest Empire that they would not continue to invade the Saint Lotia Empire during the battle against enemies from outside the realm, and the Saint Lotia Empire would allow the Black Nest Legion to march within the empire.

As compensation, Su Nian will return the previously captured city to Leighton.

When talking about the prisoners, Su Nian bluntly said that there were no prisoners, and all the prisoners were eaten.

In addition, the Saint Lotia Empire must cooperate with the Black Nest Legion to expel and kill enemies from outside the territory, and promises not to cover up the whereabouts of enemies from outside the territory, let alone shelter enemies from outside the territory.

Finally a contract was agreed upon.

Under the gaze of the sun goddess Polyface, the two kings signed the contract with different expressions. After that, Polyface used divine power to send them back.

King Leighton returned to the palace and was depressed for a while. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He smashed everything around him that could be smashed!

He was saddened by the loss of Furion's will.

And feel lucky for this.

If Furio still had a father-son relationship with him, and if he still remembered the Saint Lotia Empire, he would probably be so angry that he would slap him to death...

Looking at the various broken objects on the ground, including a magical construct puppy that Furion made when he was young, Layton couldn't help feeling sad. He picked up the constructed puppy and thought in his mind Recalling every bit of the past and Fario's teachings, his eyes couldn't help but become firm.

"At least the empire has been saved now!"

King Leighton clenched his fists and murmured to himself: "Now that the Sun Goddess is the guarantee, the Lord of the Black Nest will definitely fulfill the contract seriously. He will not continue to attack, and my city can be taken back. I can definitely do it here." Basically, let’s restore the Saint Lotia Empire to life, and let Mammon slowly repair the Holy Pillar first…”

King Leighton's thoughts gradually became clearer, and his eyes became brighter. Now there is a holy pillar and a shield in the royal city of St. Lodia Empire. If the four holy cities are repaired, there will be a total of five holy pillars. Theoretically speaking, The strength of the Saint Lotia Empire will be stronger on this basis. The only thing it lacks is time and talent. After all, too many people have died, and it is difficult to recover in a short time.

And today's contract actually gives him time in disguise!

After thinking about this, King Leighton swept away his previous decadent look, and he seemed to have become the confident king of the Southern Continent's Supreme Empire again.

at the same time--

Su Nian was also sent back to the lake.

Although he did not receive compensation from King Leighton, he is still quite satisfied with the content of the contract. At least he has the conditions to freely enter and exit the Saint Lotia Empire.

Moreover, it can also use the developed teleportation array system of the Saint Rodia Empire.

This will greatly improve the efficiency of his journey north.

At the same time, the stability of the Saint Lotia Empire also ensured the stability of his rear.

King Leighton did not dare to violate the agreement signed under the supervision of the God King. When he went north to attack the forest, the Black Nest Empire would at least not be threatened by the Human Empire. He did not want to go out for a wild trip and come back to find that his home had been stolen. .

"Now that the contract has been signed, you should withdraw your troops, right?"

Polyface looked at Su Nian angrily.

She had seen with her own eyes how aggressive this black dragon was in the sanctuary before. King Leighton was so angry that he flew into a rage several times, but there was nothing he could do. Once the words were not dealt with, the black dragon immediately said, "Then come and fight." Ah" go back.

"I am a black dragon who abides by the contract!"

Su Nian said politely: "At the moment when the contract was signed, my army has stopped attacking the Saint Rodia Empire. Please give me a warning from the goddess."

Polyface heard this and waved her hand to find a sunbeam.

She is the sun goddess and represents the will of the sun.

The place where the sun shines is within her field of vision.

I saw that in that round of sunlight, the monsters did stop attacking, and even dragged out the humans who had just been stuffed into their mouths and bit them to death, and threw them on the ground, focusing on a hard core.

If you don't attack, you won't attack.

But what does it mean for these monsters to go to a human's house and rummage through the cabinets to collect all the jewelry and gold coins?

Su Nian also saw the scene in the sun.

He smiled politely and said: "Bandits and thieves tend to appear after wars, which is when the crime rate is high. The purpose of these people is nothing more than to seek money. Now what my monsters do is to cut off the root of evil, so that even if someone falls into the trap, they will become a bandit." , they will also live peacefully because there is nothing to grab... Living is more important than anything else, isn't it?"

Polyface: "...( ´゚ω゚)?"

Although this reason is very far-fetched.

But Polyface was too lazy to say more. There was no point in continuing to mess around with this shameless black dragon. She once again told Su Nian to abide by the terms of the contract, and then prepared to return to the God Realm.

A person like her who comes purely with divine power without a fusion container needs to use too much power to fight against the repulsive power of the main material plane. This is a huge consumption, and every minute and every second is very precious.

"Your Majesty, I have one more question!"

Polyface turned back: "Say."

Su Nian organized his words and considered:

"Since the main material plane is so dangerous and the enemies in the outer realm are so rampant, why don't the gods join the war? Their strength is extremely weak compared to the gods. If the gods take action, they will not be able to gain a foothold in this world."

Polyface sighed, helplessness and sadness flashed in her eyes:

"Unless we don't want to, soldiers fight soldiers, generals will fight. If the gods take action, the upper echelons of the enemies in the outer realm will naturally end up. When the power of the gods rages on the main material plane, the world will only be shattered, and eventually the injured will be injured. Only Ren."

Su Nian was startled and understood.

What the Sun Goddess said was pretty much what he imagined.

The supreme will behind these players has indeed been restraining the God Realm. This makes it understandable why the God Realm has allowed the players to come and ignored them. It's not that they don't want to take care of it, but that they dare not and can't take care of it.

Now they can only rely on their chess pieces to charge forward on this chessboard.

fair enough.

At least it seems fair now.

The sun goddess left.

Su Nian waited by the lake all night.

Finally, Bastian and Shyvana came to the lake with the army of monsters and corruptors to join him.

"Your Majesty, I almost captured that city. Why did you call us back?"

Bastian complained ruthlessly. If there weren't monsters watching around him, Su Nian suspected that he might be rolling on the ground.

Although Shvana next to her didn't speak, her red-gold dragon eyes were full of doubts.

Su Nian looked at the two commanders, with a ferocious arc at the corner of his mouth. A fierce light flashed in the dragon's eyes, and he smiled: "What's the point of beating humans? Let's go north! Go fight the elves!"

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