Bob is quite a professional when it comes to playing with souls.

Especially a delicious soul like a half-elf.

Due to their elven bloodline, the souls of half-elves also contain special powers. However, these special powers cannot be activated because of their mixed bloodline, just like a pool of stagnant water. However, it will be different if they are made into undead. Without bloodline, Containment, relying solely on the broken soul to act, the power in the body can be stimulated again.

Shay was imprisoned in a cage of bones, unable to move.

And Bob began to deal with the two half-elves who had passed out in front of her. This scene could be described as murderous and heartbreaking.

Xia Yi cried bitterly, but no matter what, her voice could not be transmitted. The skeleton cage completely blocked her voice.

"The first step for corpse puppets is to turn these two snacks into corpses!"

Bob grinned and took out a bone knife from his chest, and stabbed one of the half-elf girls in the chest. The weird bone knife passed through the chest, but not a drop of blood came out. It was just the half-elf's body. He started twitching violently and made a strange "gurgling" sound from his mouth, but it stopped abruptly in a second or two and died.

Strangely, her fair skin quickly turned purple, and hard short hairs oozed from her pores, as if the decay process had been suddenly accelerated.

The room was filled with a faint rancid odor.

In the cage of bones, Shai could no longer care about feeling sad for her companions. She huddled in the corner and watched in horror the whole process of her companion's body from death to gradually getting up from the ground.

The evil of undead magic is fully demonstrated at this moment. Perhaps her fate will be similar to that of her companions later.

“Perfect piece!”

Bob looked at the half-elf warrior standing up and couldn't help but clapped his hands.

At this moment, the half-elf no longer looked as weak as before. Black elf war marks appeared all over her body, and her limbs were no longer as soft as before. Instead, her muscles were bulging, and she looked full of strength. Obviously, this The half-elf has become a different person after becoming undead.

"How powerful can such a corpse puppet be?"

Su Nian looked at the strange-looking half-elf corpse with curiosity on his face.

"Probably a Silver Knight."

Bob considered it and said: "If you are willing to invest some flesh and blood divinity and transform her into a flesh and blood creature, you may be able to produce a combat power at the level of a golden knight, but the disadvantage is that her brain is almost completely broken and she has no previous memory! "

"It's not okay if you have a broken brain!" Su Nian crossed his arms and shook his head: "I also hope that they will lead our Black Nest Empire's army to find the Emerald Forest. There are many illusions in that place. If you don't know the specific route, you may get lost. Inside, even though the elves have declined, their current strength cannot be underestimated."

Bob nodded without saying much. He quickly made another half-elf into a corpse puppet.

Then he dragged the skeleton cage in front of him.

"Is there anything else your Majesty wants to torture? Without me, I will start to peel off her soul."

Su Nian pondered for a moment, and suddenly recalled the merchant ships on the dock, and asked:

"You came here with the slave trading ship, right? Did you encounter the Naga Siren on the way? How was the situation?"

Xia Yi originally thought that the Lord of the Black Nest would ask something related to elves.

She had already made up her mind not to answer, but she never thought that the Lord of the Black Nest would actually ask about Naga.

There's nothing to hide now.

If we say that more than a thousand years ago, Naga and the elves had a little friendship.

So now the elves and the Nagahai tribe are completely two races.

The elves are elegant and noble, but the Naga Siren has completely lost the elegance of the elves.

In the cruel ocean living environment, they gradually turned into barbarians who blow hair and drink blood. Their appearance has lost the beauty of elves. Instead, they are approaching the creatures in the sea, including the current Naga Queen. She It is not a mermaid, but a giant octopus sea beast that has reached the legendary level thousands of years ago. It is said that this octopus sea beast once destroyed the Andorra Empire in the northern continent. Later, the former Naga Queen was also killed by this crazy sea beast. Devour.

Xia Yi looked at the cold-looking undead monarch and the master of the black nest, and said tremblingly:

"We did encounter three waves of Naga Siren on the road. At first, the merchant ship handed over some slaves to the Naga Siren. Later, they could not give more slaves. They wanted to keep the good goods and sell them for money, so they had to hand over The sea-crossing fee is mainly gold jewelry and the like. Naga Siren only likes gold coins but not silver and copper coins..."

"Handing people over as sea fees? What does Naga Siren take people for?"

Su Nian was confused. His dragon clan heritage was still in the sea clan. They were a group of mysterious and elegant guys.

He would sit by the rocks and sing, and occasionally hook up with handsome sailors passing by to spend the night together.

"Of course I'm going to eat it."

Xia Yi said calmly: "We have discovered along the way that human caravans, especially merchant ships transporting slaves, will have some meat people on board. These meat people are mainly disabled, sick, and wanted criminals. Their role is to serve as people crossing the sea." Feed it to the Naga Siren. Most of the Naga Sirens don’t eat humans, but the sea beasts they tame like the taste of human flesh.”

"That's it." Su Nian nodded clearly. He gave Bob a look, indicating that Bob could take action.

With a "crunch", several bone spurs protruded from the surrounding cage and pierced into Shai's chest, draining Shai's life in just a few seconds.

Bob also took the opportunity to pull out Shai's soul and stuff it into the soul lamp.

In the soul lamp, Shai will always endure the pain of being burned, and as long as Bob is willing to replenish the soul lamp with unconscious souls, Shai can always live in the soul lamp.

But listening to her screams at this moment, maybe death would be better than living.

Su Nian looked at the sea outside the window and couldn't help but look solemn.

It seems that the previous city lord of Cecilia did not lie. These Naga Sirens are indeed very rampant.

The slave ship coming from the Death Desert was intercepted three times by the Kraken, and this was still not far away.

If he wants to drive from Cecilia Port to the Mayton District in the hinterland of the Northern Continent, passing through a large number of Naga sea areas along the way, he knows how many times he will be intercepted by those half-human and half-fish people?

It seems that this journey may not be peaceful.

It’s hard to say what level the legendary octopus and sea monster is today is now.

Su Nian was secretly wary.

However, if the soldiers come to block the water and come to the Tutun, as long as he stacks up his armor, no matter how strong the enemy is, what will happen? Just a chicken and a dog!

Now that ship construction is on track, it's time to settle accounts with those players.

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