Just when Su Nian was about to attack the players, the players were in another situation.

American players have occupied several small and medium-sized countries around Saint Rodia. These countries previously sent all their domestic strong men to support the Saint Rodia Empire in besieging the Black Nest Empire. Now these strong men have left and never returned, facing The heavy firepower of Miyingfa's players left them with no power to resist.

Ordinary shield soldiers, wearing light armor, holding a shield and knocking them down with one shot.

A carefully trained knight, with fighting spirit to protect his body, and wearing heavy armor, he cannot withstand an armor-piercing bullet from an anti-material sniper rifle.

Knights with silver medals and above can finally ignore bullets, but there are not many such silver knights in these small countries. Big Ivan directly uses missiles to lock and kill such silver knights.

The same goes for mages. Even the mages under the Magisters couldn't withstand hot weapons, and all those who could support the Saint Lotia Empire died.

Today, these countries are starving and their people are in dire straits.

As invaders, players naturally have no taboos here and have no intention of restraining themselves.

Although the Chinese players are not as violent as the Mi Yingfa players, they still occupy several small countries in the south of Saint Rodia in the name of protection and cooperation. The occupation of these small countries provides them with a large number of invasion points. The players rely on the strength of these invasion points. It was also improving rapidly. After tasting the benefits, they began to think about spreading to surrounding countries.


American player base.

This was originally the royal palace of the Maldor Empire, but now it has been razed to the ground by missiles.

A modern-style military fortress was built by American players.

Driven by the invasion point, their thermal weapon technology has rapidly developed to the modern level, and genetic modification technology has also entered the third stage.

Now they can mass produce players whose strength reaches the Silver Knight level.

Injecting genetic agents carries a risk of death.

At the beginning, the mortality rate was as high as 90%. Later, Ivan the Great used the indigenous humans from other worlds to conduct experiments, and then conducted deductions based on the invasion points. Now the mortality rate has been reduced to 10%. It is true that players can be resurrected, but every time a player The consumption of each resurrection will increase the time of the next resurrection. He would rather these natives of the alien world die cleanly than to let his players consume too much.

It was early morning.

Big Ivan, with a bald head and a ferocious face, rode a tall horse with cold eyes and slightly raised corners of his mouth.

Behind him was a group of players, who arrived at the headquarters entrance like stars holding the moon.

There were barbed wire fences and newly constructed trenches all around.

The originally uneven roads in the Maldor Empire have been replaced by cement pavements.

The towering watchtower stands like a wolf fang in the sky in the dim morning light. The searchlight on the top of the tower is like a ferocious one eye. The pale light shines everywhere, passing by the piles of decaying corpses from time to time; the lights are brightly lit inside the wall, and the United States Players are having fun in the barracks, with intermittent music, laughter and women's screams coming from them; behind the barracks, rows of tanks are like sleeping giants, with their cold muzzles facing the sky, and the missiles mounted on missile launchers. It was a pitch-black spear filled with murderous intent.

These silent pieces of steel are frightening just to look at.

Especially for the people who are living on this land, the moment these iron bumps appear, explosions, fire and corpses everywhere will appear in their minds again!

Big Ivan stood at the door of the military camp and frowned as he listened to the commotion inside. He turned on the channel and broadcast angrily:

"I said yesterday that I would attack the St. Orist Empire today so that you can have a good night's rest and relax appropriately, but why are you still having fun now?"

The sound of revelry in the camp suddenly stopped.

Big Ivan is now very prestigious in the eyes of American players. When everyone saw Big Ivan angry, they did not dare to continue playing. They immediately put on their military uniforms and put away the pickled objects on the ground. The women were also kicked away like a group of people. Dispensable goods.

five minutes later.

All the elite American players have gathered at the entrance of the camp.

This time it was a secret operation and no information was revealed.

Even yesterday, the main army of the United States was still advancing westward, but today it suddenly moved east to attack St. Orist. This was definitely an unpredictable surprise attack for the Principality of St. Orist!

This world does not have as advanced radar and intelligence systems as modern ones.

Magic is more powerful than technology in many ways.

But technology also has its advantages. Speaking more broadly, science and technology's study of all things in nature and mages' study of various elements also have something in common.

"Today, your gathering speed is 30 seconds slower. The invasion points obtained by everyone today will be reduced by 20% and confiscated!"

As a hero player in the United States, Big Ivan already has the ability to control the income of invasion points. As long as he wants, he can take all the invasion points obtained by American players as his own.

But Big Ivan never did that.

It's not because he is not greedy, but because there is no point in doing so. The United States' national talent emphasizes legion combat, and improving the overall player's strength is the most important thing.

The American players didn't dare to say anything after hearing this.

You can only get 80% for 80%, which is better than nothing.

"Take a break and stand at attention!"

Big Ivan's eyes turned cold and he roared: "Everyone enter their respective combat units immediately! Start the drone to investigate the route from Maldo to St. Olist!"

After the order was issued, all American players took action immediately. Those who controlled the drone went to the command vehicle to operate the drone, those who drove the tank drove the tank, and the infantry lined up behind the tank.

When the sun is a little warmer.

This batch of modern firepower troops set off in a mighty manner.

Only some players are left patrolling in Maldo City. These players basically retreated from the western battlefield. In order to maximize the advantages of the players, Big Ivan asked those players who had a short resurrection time to go to the front line to fight. The resurrection time Those who grow up will stay in each camp to engage in research and development and logistics. This can ensure the number of American players to the greatest extent and prevent them from decreasing as they fight.

Of course, he did not restrict the player's freedom.

American players want to go wherever they want, but those who follow him to invade can get a share of invasion points and improve their own strength faster.

There is a reason why Ivan the Great wanted to attack St. Orist.

He heard that Maozi players opened a route between St. Orist and Oguilar, cleared the pirates and blocking rocks on the route, and also helped St. Orist with city construction.

Although it is not known why Maozi players do this, Saint Olist has obviously become an important hub, connecting Ogilar, which is the south of the Saint Lotia Empire.

Big Ivan’s goal has never been the small surrounding countries.

What he wants is to encircle the entire Southern Continent and become the leader of all the players in the Southern Continent. Then he will use this as a basis to attack the Northern Continent!

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