Crossing The Dragon: The King Sacrifices The Princess At The Beginning

Chapter 976: Communication Between China And Saint Orist

The Huaxia Player Base and the Miyingfa United Player Base are the two largest player forces in the Southern Continent today. Players from other countries either live in a corner or choose to join the two major player forces to mix and divide.

Big Ivan could see the importance of Saint Olist at a glance, and Mr. Li on the Chinese side could also see it. He had already asked a group of Chinese players who practiced the secret deduction technique to pay close attention to the actions of the Mi Yingfa United players. Now he discovered Mi Yingfa players suddenly moved eastward and immediately knew that Big Ivan was preparing to attack St. Orist.

If St. Orist is captured, it means that Mi Eagle players will have an additional coastal barrier stretching to Oguilar, and at the same time, they will be able to capture Oguilar very easily.

At that time, with the hot weapons of the Miyingfa joint player base, they will immediately have a strong ability to flexibly strike and restrict the inland.

This is not what Mr. Li wants to see.

"The players in the Mi area have already started to take action. Bring the communication stone and I will communicate with the Queen of St. Oreste again."

The players on the left and right immediately went to get the communication gems, and Mr. Li sighed helplessly.

Regarding the aggressive policies of surrounding countries, China has always been tolerant and gentle.

As long as these countries submit to the Chinese Empire, they will not take strong measures.

Generally, Chinese players will go directly to the kings of these countries to demonstrate their skills in destroying palaces with one sword.

At this time, many kings of small countries will surrender directly. If they still resist stubbornly, then a few important core leaders of these small countries will disappear within three days. If that still doesn't work, then they can only clean up all the leaders.

In the social background of another world, if the aristocratic power of a country is completely dead, basically the country can be said to have lost its upper-level organization, and then the dynasty change can be completed by replacing it with their Chinese players.

The civilians below would hardly care about this matter.

They only care about the food harvest and how to live a slightly more moist life.

As long as the ruler does not raise taxes, it doesn't matter who he is. If he is willing to reduce taxes, he will quickly gain the support of these civilians.

Now this is not the first time that Mr. Li has discussed this matter with Queen Celestine of the St. Olist Empire.

He hoped that Celestine would be wiser and allow Saint Orist to accept the rule of the Celestial Empire. However, Celestine's attitude was very tough and he said that he would never join any foreign invader force.

Considering that Saint Olist didn't know how to recruit all those stupid players, they couldn't contact the stupid players to ask for details.

For the sake of safety, Mr. Li did not act rashly.

But now that Mi Yingfa players from the United Nations have been dispatched, he must give St. Olist an ultimatum!

Soon the two Chinese players brought the communication crystal. This communication crystal was given to them by Celestine after several friendly exchanges. Until they expressed their desire to regain St. Olist, The relationship between Celestine and China gradually became cold.

But every time the communication crystal is activated, Celestine will be connected, but his attitude has obviously become much more distant.

This time, Mr. Li still saw Celestine's figure in the magic light curtain projected by the communication crystal.

He was already an old man, so it was okay, but all the young players in the conference room had their eyes wide open and couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

In the magical light, Celestine sat there with indifferent eyes, like a carefully carved jade sculpture, overflowing with light and dazzling, her long hair was as smooth as silk, shining with misty light, like flowing water. The moonlight meanders on the elegantly curved neck, looking at it. Although it is cold, it has a hint of hot charm, which makes people want to watch it.

Even Mr. Li sometimes couldn't help but sigh that the Queen of the Saint Olist Empire was really a rare beauty in the world.

If he were forty years younger, he would definitely try his best to get such a woman no matter what method he used.

Forget it now, if you feel powerless, let’s leave it to those young players.

"What do you have to do with me today? If it's about getting me to surrender to Saint Olist, then there's no need to continue talking about it!"

The sound is sweet and moving, like gurgling water, and as sweet as the sound of a piano.

The players in the conference hall felt a lot more energetic and couldn't help but move closer to the communication crystal.

Mr. Li looked at Celestine's star-like eyes and sighed:

"You know we are from outside the territory, and now I want to tell you news. Another group of people from outside the territory are already on the way to attack the St. Orist Empire. They have the guns and cannons I showed you before, and they are definitely not me. Just what you saw! They have millions or even tens of millions of heavy firepower! Can your St. Orist Empire stop them?"

What surprised Mr. Li was that Celestine still looked indifferent after hearing the news, with almost no signs of emotional ups and downs.

"So?" she said coldly.

Mr. Li thought that Celestine did not realize the seriousness of the matter. He said anxiously: "The countries around St. Olist have been almost invaded by those outsiders. Don't you know? Do you think that with your Can the soldiers block Mi Ying's heavy firepower from the United Nations area?"

Celestine was silent for a moment, stared into Mr. Li's eyes, and suddenly said: "But what does this matter have to do with you?"

"We can help you!"

Mr. Li said loudly: "The only one in the entire southern continent that can withstand the heavy firepower of the United Nations area launched by Mi Ying is our Celestial Empire... At most, there is another St. Lotia Empire, but now the St. Lotia Empire is being attacked by the Black Nest Empire. , in a state of being too busy to take care of itself! So now the only ones you Saint Aulist can rely on are us!"

Celestine laughed, but the smile did not have much pleasant meaning, and even contained a hint of contempt: "The price is that I, the St. Orist Empire, must submit to the rule of your Celestial Empire, right?"

"Yes! Becoming a member of our Celestial Empire has only advantages and no disadvantages for you, Saint Olist! We can provide you with technical support!"

Mr. Li felt that he was already very sincere.

But Celestine still said coldly:

"I'm sorry, I, St. Orist, don't need any technical support, and we, St. Orist, don't need your help from the Celestial Empire. And if your Celestial Empire intends to get close to St. Orist, we will immediately launch a counterattack!"

After saying this, the communication crystal was cut off.

Mr. Li's face was ugly, and everyone in the conference hall looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Mr. Li...what should we do now?"

Mr. Li pondered for a moment and said solemnly: "Saint Olist cannot be occupied by Mi Yingfa players, we will send troops now!"

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