After Celestine cut off the communication crystal, a look of panic finally appeared on her face.

She was well aware of the heavy firepower of the Outland Invaders.

She had sent people to get some before, and Chinese players also showed her that her soldiers could not withstand the power of this thing. Even she could not withstand a missile, but her confidence mainly came from The Black Nest Empire, as well as his loyalty and stubborn temper to the Lord of the Black Nest.

If she hadn't had this temper, she wouldn't have decided to stay in the city when faced with the encirclement and suppression by the Black Beast mercenary group.

"What should I do? Contact His Majesty now?"

Celestine walked around the palace and said to herself: "But isn't your Majesty going to war with the St. Lotia Empire? St. Lotia is not easy to deal with. If your Majesty is distracted and the battle fails, I will even Even dying ten thousand times is not enough to atone for your sins.”

After thinking about it, Celestine decided to ask Oguilar for help.

Although the territory of Saint Orist is much larger than that of Oguilar, there is a big gap in high-end combat power. If we can get the help of Oguilar, maybe this crisis can be solved? Of course, Celestine was unsure.

Just when she was about to contact Queen Freya, the current ruler of Ogilar, a majestic consciousness instantly came to her mind. That was her Majesty, the Lord of the Black Nest.

"Come and be safe, Celestine!"

Su Nian's dark dragon face almost filled Celestine's mind. The ferocious appearance did not frighten Celestine. The originally cold expression revealed a delicate joy as if the ice was melting.

"Your Majesty, you are here? How wonderful!"

Celestine looked surprised. Since the Lord of the Black Nest is here, it means there is nothing to worry about in the St. Lotia Empire. Otherwise, Su Nian would not have time to pay attention to her.

"Oh? Did something happen over there in St. Olist?"

Su Nian still doesn't know that American players are preparing to attack St. Orist. He only knows that many countries around St. Orist have fallen, so he came specifically to express condolences about St. Orist's situation.

Celestine said coyly and shyly: "Your Majesty, there are foreign forces that are about to attack Saint Orister. I am worried about how to deal with them now, and you are here just in time..."

Su Nian's mouth twitched.

Secretly, you blushed like a bubble teapot, but your attention immediately focused on the so-called external forces. Unconsciously, the Mi Yingfa United players with artillery and the Chinese players who knew how to cultivate immortals appeared in their minds. As for the others, they were directly affected by him. Ignore that the only people who can give him a little fun are these two groups of people.

So he asked: "What kind of external forces are you talking about? Can they fly in the sky on swords, or can they use those kind of burning fire sticks?"


Celestine said with some hesitation: "The two player forces you mentioned seem to be ready to come, but the fire sticks should be a direct attack, while the flying swords should be to regain our Saint Oli. Ste..."

Su Nian couldn't help but sneer in his heart when he heard this.

This is when Chinese and American players are preparing to take action against Saint Orist at the same time. It is really exciting to see what they will think when they know that the Black Nest Empire is standing behind Saint Orist.

"Celestine, don't worry!" Su Nian said with a ferocious smile: "I will come to St. Olist right now. No matter who the intruder is, everyone will die!"

Since the secondary plane did not connect to Saint Orist, Su Nian had no choice but to fly there. Cecilia City was almost across the entire Southern Continent from Saint Orist, so it would definitely take a lot of time to fly there. This reflects the role of the teleportation array of the Saint Lotia Empire. If they directly walk through the teleportation array, they can immediately reach the Grindak border fortress in the easternmost part of the Saint Lotia Empire.

Su Nian cut off contact and took Anna directly to the teleportation array in Port Cecilia, while the half-elf corpse puppet and Shay's soul lamp were controlled by Bob and temporarily stayed at the wealthy businessman's house.

"I want to commandeer your teleportation array."

Su Nian held Anna and stood directly in front of the teleportation array.

The faces of several mages guarding the teleportation array were livid. They twitched their faces, but in the end they did not say anything and let the road clear. Logically speaking, they would need to show their passing documents and tokens to prove their identity to make sure they were not suspicious persons before they could let them go. .

Su Nian and Anna stood in the center of the teleportation array with a carefree attitude.

At this time, a silver pillar rose from the center of the teleportation array. There was a recessed chisel on it, which was obviously used to place the crystal core.

It takes 30 crystal cores to activate the teleportation array from Cecilia City to the eastern border. An ordinary crystal core costs 10 gold coins, a total of 300 gold coins. This amount of money is already considered high consumption for Su Nian. Usually he is in the Black Nest Empire. But it doesn't cost a penny.

Then of course he can't spend money when he gets to Cecilia City.

Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that his Black Nest Empire was inferior to Saint Lotia?

"Soldier! Come here and activate the teleportation array!"

Su Nian waved to the mages around the teleportation array.

The group of mages looked at each other. Could it be that the Lord of the Black Nest of the Dark Path didn't know how to use the teleportation array? !

This is too inferior!

"You only need to put 30 crystal cores into it!"

A mage reminded him in a cold tone.

However, in the next second, Su Nian used the magician's hand to pull him in front of him.

"I asked you to activate the teleportation array. Don't you understand the human language? If you don't understand the human language, I can repeat it in dragon language!"

Su Nian's face gradually grew black scales, and the corners of his mouth split open to reveal sharp teeth and flowing molten flames. If he used dragon language, the mage would be instantly swallowed up by the dragon's breath.

The mages and guards around are not fools.

They immediately understood that the Lord of the Black Nest did not want to spend money.

In order to send this difficult Black Nest Lord away quickly.

One of the mages immediately took out the first generation crystal core.

Although he was very reluctant to give up, in order to save Pao Ze from dying from the dragon's breath, he still threw half a month's salary into the starting column. After doing all this, he took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"Okay, Lord of the Black Nest, please put Karel down."

"Jie Jie Jie!" Su Nian casually dropped the mage, hugged Anna and left in the teleportation array, leaving only a series of evil laughter.

The mage who had been caught by Su Nian shook his legs and stood up from the ground. His eyes showed a trace of happiness for the rest of his life. He patted the dusty robe on his body and cursed viciously: "Damn Lord of the Black Nest! Sooner or later he will die in the hands of us humans!"

"Okay, just say a few words."

The mage next to him comforted him: "The Lord of the Black Nest is about to leave the Southern Continent. If we hear that and stop leaving, all of us will suffer!"

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