Big Ivan's team started from Maldo and passed through Doronville, Kalantis until the junction of Delifen and St. Olist. They did not have a teleportation array. The disadvantage of thermal weapons is that they will destroy the explosion range indiscriminately. Everything inside, coupled with the limited protective effect of the small country's teleportation array, so they can only drive tanks and trucks there, which will undoubtedly take a day or two.

In order to ensure the surprise of the attack.

Big Ivan also opened the Phantom Iron Curtain for the entire Miyingfa Players United Legion, which greatly increased the defense power of the motor vehicle units and also made them invisible.

At noon the next day, the players of Zhongmi Yingfa United heard the sound of muffled thunder roaring in the air. They looked up and saw only shattered clouds, and the initiator was nowhere to be seen.

"That should be a giant dragon!"

Big Ivan put down the telescope.

There are not many giant monsters in the Rennes Continent. The only thing that can break the clouds is a giant dragon. Unfortunately, the dragon flies too fast and they cannot see clearly what kind of dragon it is, but it is estimated that it is An adult dragon.

"Chief, is it possible that he is the master of the Black Nest?"

A famous American player couldn't help but feel worried.

The Lord of the Black Nest is simply a pain in their lives and a lingering nightmare.

"How is that possible?" Big Ivan said with a smile: "The Lord of the Black Nest is busy attacking Saint Lotia, which is the supreme empire of the southern continent. Maybe the Lord of the Black Nest may die in the hands of King Leighton. They are probably being surrounded and suppressed by King Leighton now!”

There's no way the Lord of the Black Nest would find time to wander around.

He is very confident about this.

Each of the high-level powerful men released by those small empires can summon demigods. Moreover, some American players who traveled to the Black Nest Empire some time ago reported that the Black Nest Empire's Great Wall of Despair has collapsed, and the Saint Lotia Empire's The army has entered, and the Black Nest Empire is now unable to protect itself. As for what will happen next, it is unclear. The two countries are fighting and getting together is purely an act of seeking death.

"As long as he's not the Lord of the Black Nest."

The American players next to him were relieved to see Big Ivan so confident. If it were an ordinary adult dragon, they would not be afraid with their current heavy firepower.

"Everyone continues to move forward and strive to reach the Holy Wall of Feliner before this evening. It is the most important barrier of Saint Orist. The Saint Orist Empire has sent heavy troops to guard it. As long as this place is broken, the remaining six fortresses will not be enough. consider!"

Big Ivan said with a malicious smile: "It is said that the Queen of the Saint Orist Empire is still a beauty in the world. Brothers, please work hard! When the time comes, we can divide the women of Saint Orist as we please!"

Upon hearing this, all the Miyingfa players' eyes flashed blue, their blood boiled, and they couldn't help roaring: "yesir——!"

"Prim, you won't wet your pants when welcoming His Majesty this time..."

Knight Ji stood next to Princess Huayue and gently poked the little Loli's soft waist with a slightly teasing tone.

Everyone looked at the sky, which was clear and clear, and they couldn't tell that a giant dragon would appear later.

"I'm not going to wet my pants."

Prim reluctantly let go of Alicia's elbow, pouted and put his hands on his hips, and said angrily: "I will recall His Majesty's appearance every night. I am completely immune to Your Majesty's fear. I will definitely not wet my pants this time! Besides, it’s daytime now, His Majesty is not that big, it’s completely within the acceptable range!”

When Celestine heard this, the corner of her mouth curled up.

Prim has not concluded a contract with Su Nian, so she does not know about Su Nian's situation, but she is different. Every time Su Nian advances and grows, as Su Nian's dependent, she has certain premonitions.

Now Su Nian's body is even bigger, and it is by no means as simple as Prim recalled. However, she does not intend to remind Prim. It is not to tease Prim on purpose, but mainly to exercise Prim's courage. Take a look at this paragraph Time has Prim made any progress.

Everyone did not wait long. A strong wind mixed with a faint smell of sulfur blew from the west. The grass and trees were low, and sand and rocks were flying. Some soldiers were blinded by the wind and sand and could not help but squint their eyes. Some stretched out their hands to block their faces, while others covered their mouths and noses. Breathing in, the smell of sulfur is really oppressive, already bringing a slight sense of suffocation.


As soon as Celestine finished speaking, the sound of leather flapping came from the horizon.

The sound became duller and duller, gradually turning into a thunderous roar.

I saw that the sun was getting darker, and at the end of the clear sky, a black line separated out, like ink, infecting the sky over St. Orist. In a moment, the entire sky turned into an ink color, among which was Flames and thunder flashed like writhing blood threads.


Hime knight Aicilia heard some strange noises.

She turned to look for the sound and saw Prim looking at the sky, his pupils shrunk, his teeth chattering, and his calves clamped together. It was obviously just a sign that he was about to pee in fear, but the Lord of the Black Nest had not shown his body yet. .

Aicilia helplessly raised her forehead.

Fortunately, I had prepared Black Dragon brand diapers in advance.

However, she also had to admit that the power of the Lord of the Black Nest was indeed becoming more and more fierce, and even she felt a little breathless.

After a while, the black clouds overhead suddenly stirred and turned into a dark vortex.

Two ominous red lights bloomed, twinkling like death omens.

The dragon head of the Lord of the Black Nest poked out from the whirlpool, and his cold eyes glanced at the people in front of the palace. Then his whole body poked out, and his wings shook like two black clouds collapsing from the sky, bringing hell with them. A feeling of oppression swooped down.


Princess Huayue next to her trembled all over and fell to the ground in fright. A blush appeared on her cheeks, but her face quickly turned pale again.

Alicia knew it without guessing.

Little Princess Prim must have been frightened to pee again.

Su Nian landed with a crash, and his eyes immediately fell on Prim. Seeing that the little Princess Huayue had fallen to the ground in fright, he couldn't help but frowned and sniffed, but he didn't smell any irritation.

"Not bad!" He nodded approvingly and said with a ferocious smile: "Finally, I've made some progress! I didn't even pee in fear, Jie Jie Jie!"

Looking at Su Nian's ferocious smile, Prim felt his crotch feel hot again, and he couldn't help but reveal an embarrassed yet frightened smile on his face.

"Your Majesty! What should we do next? We are likely to be attacked from both sides!"

Celestine quickly went up to divert Su Nian's attention.

Although the diaper is very effective, it cannot last a few times.

If Su Nian continues to scare him like this, Prim will leak out.

"The forces coming from the south are the Celestial Empire. Are you sure about this?"

Celestine nodded and said, "OK!"

After hearing this, Su Nian released Li Chen from the secondary plane and sneered: "You must have heard the conversation between me and the Queen just now, right? It seems that your original power is not as kind as you thought... …The invaders are the invaders! There is nothing to clean up!”

[PS: Today is my grandpa’s birthday]

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