Li Chen pursed his lips when he heard Su Nian's words.

During this period of time, he has been staying in the secondary plane, with a group of talkative goblins under him. His daily job is to escort the civilians sent in by Su Nian to the Black Nest Empire.

These civilians are all residents of the Saint Lotia Empire.

The Lord of the Black Nest has indeed fulfilled his promise.

He will not harm humans, and he even hopes that his Black Nest Empire can have more humans, so that the logistics productivity of the Black Nest Empire can increase by leaps and bounds, and the matters of going to the battlefield and defending homeland security only need to be left to the rough-skinned people. Just monsters.

During the period of leadership of the Lord of the Black Nest.

The Saint Lotia Empire's army only broke through to the Great Wall less than 50 kilometers before being completely annihilated. Not a single person in the entire Black Nest Empire died because of the war, only corrupt creatures and monsters died.

Li Chen didn't know that monsters could be resurrected.

I don’t know that Bastian and Shyvana massacred the city.

He only saw those things Su Nian did, so he gradually recognized the identity of Emperor Su Nian.

"Your Majesty, I know what to do now."

Li Chen took a deep breath, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Life in this world dies when it dies, but their players are different. Although the resurrection time will be doubled every time they die, as long as they reserve enough invasion points to buy life, they can achieve unlimited resurrection.

It used to be difficult for players to earn invasion points.

Nowadays, the main goal of players is to invade a country. Invasion points can't come too quickly. Even if the majority is taken collectively, it is still a big fortune if you share it individually.

Nowadays, both the bad behavior of Mi Yingfa players and the tolerant policies of Chinese players have caused harm to the world. If he was still a player, he could naturally find a political stance as an excuse, but he has now been kicked out of the player team. , whether it is himself or as a member of the Black Nest Empire, he believes that the current behavior of the players is wrong.

"Very good!" Su Nian looked at the Chinese player in front of him with admiration:

"Make a break with your past friends!"

He originally thought that it would take some time for Li Chen to wake up, but he didn't expect that just by hearing about the persecution of the Mi Yingfa player alliance against Renne Continent and the aggressive policy of the Chinese players, he had already completely darkened.

Li Chen, who has a heroic template and extremely strong talent, is undoubtedly a sharp sword.

Li Chen nodded and took two steps forward to stand in front of Su Nian.

And more monsters surged out from the secondary plane.

Su Nian stretched out his dragon claw and touched the heart of Li Chen's forehead. A drop of dragon blood seeped into it. Li Chen did not resist and allowed the dark scales to grow along his neck and towards his body. At this time, his life level was leaping, but more What's more, he can already connect hero templates with monsters.

How many monsters are there in the Black Nest Empire?

Li Chen didn't know clearly, but when the monster's power began to be divided into him one after another, his strength was increasing like a rocket, even reaching the point where he was on par with Su Nian, but he had no rebellious thoughts.

Not just out of respect for the Lord of the Black Nest.

It's also because he knows very well that these powers were given by the Lord of the Black Nest, and the Lord of the Black Nest can take them back at any time, not to mention that he is now a dependent of the Lord of the Black Nest and can't afford to do any harm.

Su Nian directly mobilized the will of domination and used the convenience of spiritual connection to quickly connect the power of 100,000 monsters with Li Chen to supplement Li Chen's hero template. Even though the number of monsters was far less than the number of players in the Celestial Dynasty, the strength of the monsters was based on There, all the members were at the seventh level, and the strength each one contributed to Li Chen was extremely terrifying.

"Your Majesty, I'm going!"

Li Chen wore a black robe and bowed to Su Nian.

After getting the approval of the Lord of the Black Nest, he took out a black dragon mask from the player's backpack and put it on his face. Even though he had decided to join the Black Nest Empire, he still didn't want his original compatriots to see his appearance.

"By the way, bring this."

Su Nian took out a sword from the space ring and threw it to Li Chen.

The scabbard was as black as ink and felt like ice in the hand. Even the identification skills could not tell it. They could only tell that it was some kind of mysterious and powerful metal that was priceless.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Chen bowed again, his nose feeling slightly sore.

He took a deep breath and turned to leave.

"Your Majesty is really kind. He gave away such good weapons directly."

Celestine knew about Li Chen.

This young man is very powerful and was once your Majesty's enemy.

Unexpectedly, His Majesty gave his former enemy powerful strength and weapons as well. It can be said that he is kind-hearted!

"This sword is worth ten million."

Su Nian looked at the direction Li Chen was leaving and said something cold.

Celestine was stunned: "Huh?"

"My sword is worth ten million gold coins." Su Nian held the dragon's claw and calculated: "Including 50% of the interest, Li Chen will have to work for me for a thousand years to pay it off, which means that in the next one year I don’t need to pay Li Chen a salary for a thousand years!”

"This..." Celestine was speechless.

For a moment, I didn't know whether to admire Su Nian's business acumen or sympathize with Li Chen for having to bear such a heavy debt. Fifteen million could already buy a fortress in St. Olist.

"Now that the enemies in the south have been dealt with, Li Chen alone is enough. Next is the group of fire sticks coming from the west. I will lead the monster army to fight. However, these players are very cunning. They will definitely want to see my monster army. run……"

Su Nian touched his chin and thought for a while.

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of knights hurried over.

It can be seen that they are afraid of the power of the black dragon and do not dare to approach, and even their calves are shaking. However, the military situation is extremely urgent and they cannot think too much.

One of the knights knelt in front of Celestine and said anxiously:

"Your Majesty, the holy wall of Felin'er is attacked by an unknown enemy. Our shield can't support it for long. They should have many mages constantly throwing pyrotechnics at the holy wall of Felin'er!"

Su Nian and Celestine looked at each other.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived.

Mi Yingfa players from the United Nations area have arrived.

"Celestine, withdraw the troops on the Holy Wall of Felin'er and let them break through the Holy Wall of Felin'er. You lead some imperial soldiers to pretend to resist. I will surround all these invaders and prevent them from escaping. hope!"

A fierce light flashed in Su Nianlong's eyes, but he still lowered his head and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, the Queen and a ninth-level light-based forbidden spell mage will assist you and protect your safety. As for the Holy Wall of Felin'er, I will let the monster help from now on." You build a higher one!”

Celestine shook her head and said gratefully:

"It's an honor to be able to help His Majesty. Saint Olist will not hesitate to become a bait!"

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