The players from the Chinese Dynasty advanced towards St. Olist in a mighty manner.

High-end players basically fly into the sky with swords, and they see sword fairies all over the sky. The scene is quite luxurious. Ordinary players can't wield swords, but they are still dressed in shorts with weapons hanging on their waists. They move around among trees and rocks, with their robes flying, and they look heroic. .

Mr. Li also stood beside Xiao Huohuo with a flying sword.

Now Xiao Huohuo has become the second "Li Chen".

And in the process of the rapid expansion of the invasion point, Xiao Huohuo's strength also became more and more unfathomable.

"I don't know how Li Chen is doing now..."

Fatty Huang looked at Xiao Huohuo, who was sitting next to him in white clothes and had a leisurely expression. He couldn't help but miss Li Chen. Xiao Huohuo was also followed by Shi Xiaoyu. Now that Li Chen can't come back, Shi Xiaoyu has become Xiao Huohuo's exclusive one. The nanny used to be Brother Li Chen, the elder brother, and Brother Li Chen was the younger brother, but now she is Brother Xiao.

It's just that Xiao Huohuo obviously has no interest in Shi Xiaoyu.

He is a martial arts madman who only thinks about cultivation.

Tang Er seemed much quieter than before. He used to make jokes from time to time in the team and act as a sharp tongue. Since Li Chen left, his words have become less and less, and he always looks serious.


Huang Ziming sighed.

However, everyone's strength has improved a lot.

I can't tell whether the current Celestial Team is better or worse than before.

"Mr. Li, there are enemies ahead."

Xiao Huohuo, who had been flying with his sword with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and shouted a reminder. Mr. Li, who was on the flying sword next to him, frowned and raised his hand. All the Chinese players following behind him were hovering in the air, no more orders and prohibitions. Keep moving.

"Could it be that Saint Olist sent us to intercept us? How many people are there on the other side?"

He looked confused.

Mainly because of St. Olist's current situation, how could it be possible to send people out to intercept again? Is their eastern battlefield very easy? Still saying that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, Mi Yingfa United players are not taken seriously at all.

"There is only one person on the other side."

Xiao Huohuo looked across thousands of meters at the figure sitting cross-legged on the rock. His eyes were full of solemnity. He didn't know who that person was. He couldn't identify it with his identification skills, but he could feel a trace of blood on the black-robed man. Abyssal threat.

"Only one person?" Mr. Li asked in surprise:

"You shouldn't be too nervous since this is a person. We can just kill him directly."

He is still very confident in the combat effectiveness of today's players.

Especially Xiao Huohuo.

Xiao Huohuo nodded slightly when he heard this. He felt that he might also be nervous. Now his strength has been surpassed by countless players. Maybe the Lord of the Black Nest is not his opponent. How can a mere human be stronger? The point?

Nothing more than a legend at best.

If it was a legend, he really wanted to try to see if he could kill it!

"Brother Xiao, don't worry, I will protect you!"

Shi Xiaoyu hugged Xiao Huohuo's shoulders and said in a tired voice:

"I will never let your blood volume drop below 50%. I'm a 36d super-big nanny!"

Xiao Huohuo didn't say anything, but silently pulled his hand out of Shi Xiaoyu's airport.

A group of Chinese players continued to move forward.

But after a moment, they finally saw the figure sitting cross-legged on the rock.

He looks very inconspicuous, wearing a black robe with a fisherman's hat on his head, and there seems to be a mask on his face, with a sword across his knees. He is such an inconspicuous person, but he seems to be the center of the world, and everyone's eyes can't help but Focus on him.

Li Chen opened his eyes, and two sword lights flashed through his eyes.

In his field of vision, there were flying swords all over the sky, with his former comrades standing on them.

"Everyone's strength has improved very quickly..."

Li Chen murmured to himself, feeling complicated.

He would have been happy before, but now he knows that all this is based on aggression, and on the basis that he belongs to the Black Nest Empire and is loyal to the Black Dragon.

Then these must be killed!

"Who are you? Why are you blocking our way?"

Mr. Li stepped forward to ask, but Li Chen remained silent. He just stood up and held the hilt of the sword, pressing his left hand on the scabbard.

"If you get out of the way, Brother Xiao can spare your life!"

Shi Xiaoyu showed her head from behind Xiao Huohuo, put her hands on her hips and said, "Don't risk your life for the orders of a small country. It's not worth it. We are here for your own good!"

Li Chen glanced at Shi Xiaoyu, but the emotion in his eyes did not change.

Just put your thumb against the lines of the sword hilt and slowly draw the sword.

Xiao Huohuo was the strongest. The moment Li Chen drew his sword, he had already flashed in front of Li Chen and raised his hand to grab Li Chen's sword. The warning sign in his mind told him that he should not let this person draw his sword. If he was allowed to Draw the sword and everyone will die.

Li Chen took Tai Chi steps, twisted and stretched his wrist to push Xiao Huohuo's hand away, and then went to draw the sword. Xiao Huohuo was shocked and had no time to think, so he could only reach out with his left hand to take the hilt of the sword, and with Li Chen's right hand His left hand was entangled for dozens of times, and the two of them went back and forth, quickly turning into afterimages. The movement between the fists and feet became more and more loud, and even two whirlwinds blew around them and revolved around the two of them.

"Li Chen, I know it's you!"

Xiao Huohuo gradually couldn't keep up with Li Chen's speed.

He persuaded: "Li Chen, what's wrong with you now? Why can't I see your information? I can't even identify it with the identification technique? Since you escaped, why didn't you return to the camp?"

Li Chen didn't answer, and his speed increased again.

At a certain moment, Xiao Huohuo could no longer defend himself.

Li Chen raised his hand and used a touch of Tai Chi energy to knock Xiao Huohuo away.

His right hand was on the hilt of the sword again.

This time, no one could stop him from drawing his sword.


The sharp sword was unsheathed, and a clear light shot straight into the sky.

The sword energy was like a dragon, churning endlessly, penetrating Qingming. The clouds and mist in the air were blown away by the sword energy, leaving a golden sword mark that spread to the end of the skyline.

The roar sounded suddenly.

The sword mark expanded more and more, and eventually turned into a golden waterfall falling from the sky.

It was a waterfall composed of sword lights, like migratory locusts or pelting rain, falling into the crowd of players from the Celestial Dynasty with a murderous aura.

Facing the sword light in the sky.

The Chinese players did not sit still and wait for death.

They use various cultivation techniques, such as using spiritual energy to protect the body, using swords to block, or forming formations with each other.

However, the weapons in their hands broke the moment they collided with the sword light, and then the sword light passed through the aura shield and killed them all.

Only a few high-end players can barely support it.

At this time, Li Chen's figure disappeared again and appeared at the other end of the crowd.

The sword in his hand danced, and he shuttled through the crowd like a dragon.

Every time he swung his sword, a high-end player would have his neck pierced by sword energy and fall into a pool of blood.

However, in a moment, only Xiao Huohuo and the members of the Tianshen team were left alive.

"Li Chen, you..."

Xiao Huohuo looked at Li Chen in astonishment.

He didn't understand why Li Chen did this.

However, the answer to him was just a sword.


This sword seemed to come from the sky, and it was like the sky collapsing and the mountains falling. The silver sword light shattered the earth, leaving nothing but a sword pit about a hundred feet wide.

"Bye now."

Li Chen turned around and left with his sword in hand, his back looking bleak.

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