At the same time, Feliner's holy wall.

Rocker is an American player. He is an ordinary player who has just entered the game, is not very strong, and has little sense of presence.

Of course, players like him will not be placed on the front line by Big Ivan. They usually just do some logistical work.

For example, right now, there are more than 50,000 people left on the Holy Wall of Feilin, and basically all of them are low-level Mi Yingfa United players. Their task is to build fortifications on the Holy Wall of Feilin.

"I don't know when I will be able to get away from these damn logistical tasks and actually go to the battlefield!"

While complaining, Locke took out the Rapid Fire Cannon module from the player's backpack and placed it on the ground.

Nowadays, the technology on Miyingfa United players’ side has become very advanced.

They do not need to install the artillery themselves, they only need to use a module, determine the placement location, and these modules will automatically generate a pile. After that, they only need to put in the materials and wait for two minutes.

Soon a rapid-fire artillery was installed.

Locke skillfully debugged the artillery, measured the accuracy of the artillery, calculated the firing angle, loaded ammunition, and set up the pre-aiming system... After completing all this, he could only doze off boredly with the rapid-fire artillery, doing things. At this point, his mission has been completed.

In game terms, all he can do now is hang up.

But this kind of salty life is not what Locke wants. Salty fish means ease, but it also means no improvement and no access to the latest resources.

The most intuitive manifestation is that when those high-level players play with women, they can only watch from the outside.

Or they can only get some soup and water after these high-level players get tired of playing.

Without resources, it will be slow to improve your strength, and gradually it will form an endless cycle. High-end players will become stronger and stronger, and logistics players will always be reduced to logistics.

This seems to be the result that Ivan the Great wants, because a force cannot only have warriors charging forward, but also needs a stable rear area.

Soon Locke stopped bemoaning his fate.

It's noon now.

As logistics players, many of them had gone to sleep in the room in the middle of the city wall, but Locke did not. He liked to bask in the sun, so he sunbathed on the city wall while blowing in the wind.

He looked at the jungle and plains in the distance.

The roar of cloud bombs was heard in the distance.

I guessed in my heart that the leader had probably started a war with the First Fortress of St. Orist. As for the black cloud at the end of the horizon, it must be the smoke rolled up by the cloud bomb.

Looking down, Locke suddenly noticed a dark, squirming line behind a hill. He took out his binoculars and examined it carefully. After magnifying it dozens of times, he finally saw clearly and found that it was actually an army of monsters.

But he didn't recognize any of these monsters.

I just feel that these monsters look ferocious and have the characteristics of dragons. They look very difficult to deal with.

He immediately threw a few appraisal techniques over.

[Dragon-turned-Jackal], [Dragon-turned-Kobold], [Dragon-turned-Fire-Rabbit]...

[This is a monster army belonging to the Black Nest Empire, and every monster is an elite]

[Threat Level: Fatal]

"It's actually the monster army of the Black Nest Empire?!"

Locke put down the telescope and muttered to himself in confusion: "Isn't the Black Nest Empire attacking Saint Lotia? Why is the monster army here?"

He didn't think much about it, but immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to make achievements and improve his level.

Now their players are sitting on the holy wall of Felin'er, not to mention there are so many fortifications. It's like flying dragon riders who don't know how to lose. How can they beat the crap out of these monsters?

He stood up and was about to ring the bell to alert other Miyingfa players when he suddenly thought of how many invasion points he would get if most of these monsters were killed by him? How strong do you have to become? As long as you level up and use invasion points to buy technology, skills, and equipment, you can become a high-level player in less than a day, enjoy the highest resources, and enjoy women for the first time!

All this information quickly passed through my brain.

Locke immediately made a decision. He would control the three artillery pieces on the holy wall of Feliner at the same time to attack the monster formation. The other players would definitely be awakened later, but by the time they reacted and climbed up the city wall, the monsters might all be gone. He was almost killed!

As soon as he thought of it, Locke immediately turned on the modification function to connect the excitation systems of the three rapid fire cannons together. This was his limit.

Some high-end players with high technology skill points can connect a hundred artillery pieces at the same time to fire all the ammunition!

It is said that when the technology level is developed, it can develop into an armored warrior like Iron Man, or even a semi-mechanized terminator, with the entire person being an arsenal of weapons.

The three rapid-fire artillery pieces are connected.

Locker leaned his eyes on the sight and adjusted the angle little by little, and the three rapid-fire artillery also synchronized.

Looking at the monsters that were approaching the holy wall of Felin'er unawares, he raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, as if he had already seen those monsters lying in a pool of blood.

"Come on, babies! Come closer..."

Under the holy wall of Feliner.

Anna glanced up, confused.

According to what Su Nian said, Mi Yingfa and the players must leave an army to guard the holy wall, but now it seems that there is only one person on it?

Could this be the empty city strategy Su Nian told him?

In an era without magic and aerial reconnaissance power, the empty city strategy would make the enemy generals suspicious, but this is the age of magic after all, and it is a bit abstract to have such a small soldier guarding it.

"Your Majesty, these foreign invaders are full of tricks. I'm afraid it's a scam to attack rashly. Why don't we send an army of monsters to investigate the situation?"

Shyvana halted her army, just outside the range of the rapid-fire cannon.

Locke's face on the city wall was stiff, and he hammered the cannon in front of him hard.

"Damn it! What are these monsters doing?!"

He fumbled nervously for the launch button, sweat dripping from his palms, and his eyes were fixed on the jackal at the front.

"No need to bother."

Anna shook her head.

If there is danger ahead, wouldn't sending the monsters there lead to death?

She raised her staff and chanted a magic spell in the direction of the Felin'er Holy Wall. The vast water elements immediately gathered towards the Felin'er Holy Wall, and saw the phantom of a water element leader appearing in the sky above the Felin'er Holy Wall. He raised two huge fists as big as a mountain and smashed them against Feliner's holy wall.

There was a loud "boom".

Like a mountain torrent, the violent waves submerged the entire Holy Wall of Felin'er.

Lockeer on the city wall only felt that he was thrown into the sea for an instant, and the endless ocean current swept him and rushed him directly off the city wall.

Of course, tens of thousands of players and various weapon systems within the city walls were also rushed down with him.

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