"It's really a scam!"

Anna's face turned cold as she looked at the players who were being washed everywhere by the sea water.

My brother is right. Each of these players is more insidious than the last. You must be careful when fighting them.

So she raised her little hand and unleashed [Grip of the Water Element] twice in succession against the Holy Wall of Felin'er. This is a four-ring magic that summons the phantom of the water element to punch out. The damage is not big, and it usually hits. Used to repel enemies.

But what Anna released was obviously a super-enhanced version. It was the leader of the water element who swung his fists, causing water to leak everywhere on the entire Holy Wall of Feliner.

After the first wave of magic, some players had already reacted to defend themselves. Monsters were attacking the city. But just as they stood up, two waves of ocean currents rushed forward. Before they could stand still, they were washed out of the city wall by the water.

Seeing that a large number of players had been rushed out again, but Anna was not ready to give up yet, Shyvana couldn't help scratching her head and said: "Your Majesty, I think it's almost done. How about you take a break?"

Anna glanced at the city wall, and there was no movement on the city wall.

She didn't know if there were any players hiding within the city walls, so she shook her head and said, "No, His Majesty taught us to be cautious in our actions. Now is not the time to take it lightly!"

After saying that, she released another shot of [Dance of Frost] at the Holy Wall of Felin'er. Although it did not have the extraordinary magical effect of the water element, with the high affinity of all elements, this four-ring magic still made Felin'er Holy. The wall was frozen into an ice lump.

Just when Shyvana thought everything was over.

Anna said coldly: "Shvana, you fly up and use dragon breath to burn the ice. If the prediction is true, there must be people inside who are also frozen. You can burn it again and it's almost done!"

Shyvana was stunned when she heard this, but she still turned into a giant dragon and was burning against the holy wall of Felin'er. Even the iron wall couldn't withstand the cold and heat, and soon followed by a burst of " With a clicking sound, the entire Feliner Holy Wall collapsed.

Shyvana stayed in the air, holding back the dragon's breath in her mouth.

Your Majesty did not say that you would destroy the entire Feliner Holy Wall.

If His Majesty knew about it, would he punish her for not doing her job well?

She glanced at Anna cautiously, and found that Anna had a look of satisfaction and approval, and she felt relieved. As long as the Queen was fine, there would definitely be no problem with His Majesty.

Anna finally felt a lot better looking at the collapsed Holy Wall of Felin'er. She turned around and ordered to the monsters around her: "Search the ruins and kill all intruders from the outside world on the spot! Kill those around you as well, leaving no survivors." !”

Locke vaguely heard the roars of the monsters around him.

He opened his eyes and found that he had arrived at the foot of the holy wall of Felin'er. Just as he was about to stand up, a group of monsters had already rushed in front of him. Their huge bodies, more than ten to twenty meters tall, made the ground rumble, and even the sky Also obscured.

"Invasion points! They are all invasion points!"

Locke touched the laser gun on his waist with trembling hands.

It was the latest thing developed. He almost lost all his money before using the invasion point to buy one. It is said that it can instantly kill fifth-level or even sixth-level monsters at close range.

No matter how powerful these monsters are, they shouldn't be higher than level six, right?

Locke didn't dare to throw away the identification technique, but he didn't touch the laser gun either.

"Insect, are you looking for this?"

Big Big Wolf picked up a silver-gray rifle. The cool-looking fire stick was like a toy in its hands. It got a positive answer from the eyes of the human in front of it, so it crushed the rifle to pieces with a ferocious laugh in front of the other person.

"Me, my gun!"

Locke reached out his hand in despair.

This gun cost 20,000 invasion points!

However, the next second, a zanma knife cut him into two parts, including his body and hands.

Big Big Wolf whistled and turned around. Players around him were already running away. They still had a very important task to do. The queen had said that they would kill them all and not let any of them go.

At the same time, they were approaching the jungle near the first fortress.

Big Ivan is commanding Mi Yingfa to unite players to fight against the Lord of the Black Nest.

He was really shocked when the Lord of the Black Nest came around before, but it was not a big problem. Although all the boys around him were slapped to death, he was an American hero player after all. His body transformation and hero template gave him excellent physical fitness. Very human, he easily dodged the black dragon's claws.

In addition, he also has his own trump card.

One is that he has unlocked the permission to purchase nuclear bombs.

As another hero player, he has three levels of enhancement authority than ordinary players. Now he has enhanced himself into a native of the motherland!

"Suffer death! Black Dragon!"

Once again dodged the slapping claws.

Big Ivan's body rose into the sky like a superman. He aimed at Su Nian's dragon eyes, and two red rays burst out from his eyes.

It is said that the dragon's eyes are its weak point.

This is the time he has been waiting for!

This is an extremely high temperature of 5,000 degrees Celsius!

No matter what, the eyes of this black dragon must be burned!

The crimson ray instantly hit Su Nian's eyes. Su Nian felt his eyes heat up. It felt a bit like wearing a steam eye mask in his previous life. Not to mention it was quite comfortable. It would be nice to have this kind of eye care once in a while. thing.

He looked at Da Iwan and felt a love for talents in his heart.

Big Ivan was also shocked at this moment. He stiffened his neck and almost went blind. However, the black dragon still looked indifferent. The pair of dragon eyes were completely covered by the rays, but the energy of the rays was like a mud cow entering the sea without a single ripple.

"Damn it! What kind of monster is this!"

Seeing that the ray was useless, Big Ivan stopped wasting his efforts. Facing the dragon's breath sprayed by the black dragon, he flew to avoid it again, drew a parabola in the air, and after landing, he threw all the surrounding rocks and trees one by one. Throw it towards the Lord of the Black Nest.

Of course, these things are like scratching an itch for the Lord of the Black Nest.

But Big Ivan had other ideas.

The Lord of the Black Nest will soon form a mental inertia by not avoiding these rocks and trees.

Then when he takes out the nuclear bomb, there is a high probability that the Lord of the Black Nest will not dodge.

This is all a routine!

Looking at the Lord of the Black Nest getting closer and closer, Big Ivan sneered at the corner of his mouth. At the same time, the exclusive store of American forces appeared in his field of vision, in which the top of human thermal weapons had been unlocked.

[Super Nuclear Bomb] is as powerful as the stack of 50 ordinary nuclear bombs and requires 50 million invasion points to exchange.

Even for the current Mi Yingfa United Forces, 50 million is definitely not a small amount. If invested in other aspects, it can bring a lot of benefits, but these benefits are incomparable to killing the Lord of the Black Nest. .

【Do you want to exchange for "Super Nuclear Bomb"? 】

Big Ivan chose "yes" without thinking.

"Come on! Lord of the Black Nest, let you taste the pinnacle of human explosives!"

He narrowed his eyes, and the super nuclear bomb condensed in front of him and was thrown towards the Lord of the Black Nest.

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