Crossing The Dragon: The King Sacrifices The Princess At The Beginning

Chapter 989: Black Nest’S Western Expedition (3)

The flames of the Black Nest Empire had burned throughout the entire Coulun Kingdom in one day. In addition to Su Nian's dragon breath, there were also flames released by the monsters wherever they passed.

In fact, the impact of player invasion on the world's indigenous people is more exaggerated than Su Nian thought.

The Kingdom of Coulomb is just a small country with a population of less than five million.

However, Su Nian opened the Dominant Will Spiritual Network and used the statistics of the number of players and aborigines seen by each monster to find that there were more than 2 million Mi Yingfa combined players in the Coulun Kingdom alone, while the aboriginal population of the Coulun Kingdom had already down to less than a million.

As for where the others went, there was no need to think about it. They had all been killed by Mi Yingfa and other players.

Due to this situation, Su Nian directly destroyed the most populous royal city with a single dragon's breath bomb, while other cities were invaded by monsters and strangled carefully.

It is still very easy to distinguish between aboriginal and Miyingfa joint players.

Even if the monster does not have identification skills, it can rely on clothing and facial features to identify the aborigines and Miyingfa intruders. More importantly, Miyingfa United players basically all have murderous auras on their bodies, and the aborigines are mostly farmers and businessmen, not to mention He has killed people, even slightly larger animals - farmers in this world can't afford beef.

Late at night, Su Nian sat on the ruins of King Coulomb's city.

In front of him gathered the remaining aboriginal people of King Coulomb.

There are only about 50,000 people left in the royal city with a million people. They all look bleak and ragged. There are traces of smoke on their faces, but more of them are traumas left by beatings. Among these aborigines, There are also some Miyingfa United players mixed in.

Su Nian saw a lot of dense red dots at a glance.

But he just pretended not to see it.

"I am the Lord of the Black Nest! I believe you have heard of my name!"

The black dragon lay on its side on the ruins. Its eyes were like two blazing suns, shining the darkness of a hundred meters around into orange. Everyone could feel the hot breath, but no one dared to move, let alone complain.

Su Nian didn't plan to hear any response from these aborigines and players.

He is an enemy to both natives and players.

The indigenous people mostly hate the player, so they are probably afraid of him.

"As you can see, your home has been destroyed by invaders from the outside world. Now I give you a choice. You can enter the Black Nest Empire and become a member of the Black Nest Empire! There you can also engage in your work, such as hunting. , fishing and farming!!”

The Black Nest Empire has now absorbed many humans from other empires, but even so, it is still far from saturation. In the previous life, China could accommodate a population of 1.5 billion, which was more than enough. Now, although the Black Nest Empire is not as big as China, it is still one-third the size of China. But the population of the Black Nest Empire is just over 200 million.

In other words, the entire southern continent is not as densely populated as imagined.

The main reason is that the mortality rate of ordinary people in this world is too high.

When you are born, you first have to resist malnutrition, and then you have to resist monsters attacking the village. The border battlefield is like a meat grinder, which has to be continuously filled with cannon fodder. The nobles in the city are domineering, and mages and knights can be killed if they disagree with each other. A bunch of regular people at no cost to you.

For the aborigines of the Coulomb Kingdom.

Su Nian can basically be equated with the Demon King.

But even though they were bewitched by the devil, they still had an uncontrollable yearning after hearing those promises.

"Don't believe him! He is an evil black dragon!"

Someone in the crowd yelled.

When Su Nian looked over, the man had already shrunk to the back of the crowd.

He glanced at the gray wolf next to him.

Big Big Wolf stood up, bared his fangs, and scanned the crowd with fierce eyes.

"Everyone stands where they are. If anyone makes any unauthorized move, they will be killed without mercy!!"

Although that was said, the nearly 20-meter-tall giant beast still caused everyone to panic, but their panic was soon replaced by greater fear - behind them, a group of gnolls had come forward, Form a huge encirclement.

Big Big Wolf squeezed into the crowd, knocking away the people around him with his powerful body.

Although the man kept trying to hide it, Big Big Wolf was faster. He stretched out his hand and picked the man up, then threw it back and threw him in front of Su Nian.

"You, what are you doing? I didn't make any mistakes!"

This player was dressed as an aborigine, wearing ill-fitting linen clothes, with a look of horror on his face. Even though he was caught by the Big Wolf at this moment, he still tried to get away with it.

"Everyone, this is an intruder from the outside world. My enemies are of course also your enemies. They are burning, killing, and looting in your country, and they do all kinds of evil!"

Su Nian lifted the player up.

Show it to everyone present.

"Don't believe what Black Dragon says, I'm not, I'm just a farmer..."

Before he could finish his words, the dragon's claw suddenly hit the ground.

The bodies of the American players were torn apart along with the ground.

There was a pile of minced meat lying in the pit, blood sprayed everywhere, and the surrounding crowd was commotion again. The fear on the face of the Black Nest Master became more intense as everyone watched.

"Distinguishing these outland invaders is easy."

Su Nian picked up a silver ring set with sapphires from the minced meat and smiled: "This is their space storage tool. It cannot be removed. If they die, this space storage tool will also disappear!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the player backpack in Su Nian's hand disappeared.

This thing is unique to the player. He can threaten the player to take out the contents of the backpack, but it is of no use holding the player's backpack. Even the most powerful mage cannot crack it.

The surrounding people looked at the missing ring, subconsciously looked left and right, and immediately discovered many people trying to hide the rings on their fingers.

"He has a ring!"

"There are these people too, they are intruders!"

Followed by shouts.

The players were all panicking. Seeing that they could no longer hide, they immediately ran away.

But when he turned around, he was stopped by monsters and killed one by one.

Some even took indigenous people hostage.

But the monsters don't care, they kill the hostages and the players together.

Upon seeing this, the surrounding aborigines immediately dispersed, not giving the players a chance to intimidate them.

However, after a while, with these humans actively cooperating in reporting each other, the players in the crowd were quickly slaughtered. At the same time, these aborigines also began to trust Su Nian's words. At least the Lord of the Black Nest told them to identify invasions from outside. method.

In the early morning, all the remaining humans in the royal city entered the secondary plane and headed to the Black Nest Empire under the leadership of the goblins.

Su Nian took Anna to other cities in the Coulomb Kingdom to harvest labor.

He sent some farmers who had surrendered as lobbyists, and the progress suddenly became much smoother.

"Brother, is there any point in telling these farmers about the characteristics of the players? They are not the players' opponents. Even if they find the players, they can't beat them..."

Anna lay on the scales on Su Nian's neck with a confused look on her face.

She felt there was no need to say so much, just catch those players and kill them all.

"This is a strategy to drive away tigers and swallow wolves..."

Su Nian smiled slyly along with Ye Feng: "If those players knew that the aborigines could identify them, they would not mix in with the aborigines and choose to escape directly. This would greatly improve our efficiency in attacking player bases. "

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