Crossing The Dragon: The King Sacrifices The Princess At The Beginning

Chapter 990: Black Nest’S Western Expedition (4)

Su Nian's attack on the Coulomb Kingdom caused a series of chain reactions.

Nowadays, the rules of the resurrection point have been modified, that is, the number of players in a certain area is reduced to a certain proportion, or the resurrection point building is cleared, that is, the player's resurrection point disappears, and is rebuilt in an area with a high proportion of players.

This move of the Supreme Will reduces the possibility of Su Nian repeatedly massacring in one location, increases the flexibility of the player's resurrection, and improves the player's invasion ability.

At the same time, players who die and are resurrected too many times will disappear from this world forever.

It's just that players don't know this yet.

The now resurrected Mi Yingfa and other players immediately began to evacuate to the west. Some players also wanted to evacuate into the St. Lotia Empire. However, the St. Lotia Empire also had an extremely tough attitude towards players. Once suspicious characters were found, they would be imprisoned in the dungeon. among.

There are also some players heading north.

Retreat towards the Desert of Death.

Followed by the Chinese players, they headed towards Saint Orist again, but only the team of Celestial players went there, and other players did not approach. The main purpose was to find the whereabouts of Li Chen, hoping to persuade Li Chen to return to the Chinese camp.

Seven days later.

Su Nian fought all the way from the Coulomb Kingdom to Tariz, and the dragon's breath burned from the westernmost border of Saint Lodia to the easternmost border. The sky was filled with death clouds, cities were reduced to ruins, trees were burned to charcoal, and all human activities Traces of it have been basically wiped away.

And the monsters' bodies were also covered in plasma.

Each one looks like a devil crawling out of hell.

In fact, most of the blood comes from players. All the indigenous people in the small and medium-sized empires from the west to the east of the Santa Lodia border were sent to the Black Nest Empire. Of course, these people have been persecuted by Mi Yingfa and the players until they are the only ones left. The lower 20%, most of them are young women and children, and there are only a few young men.

Su Nian didn't pick these things.

Young female humans can still engage in logistical production work. Besides, there are a lot of strong bachelors in the Black Nest Empire. I believe that these hungry bachelors will use their love to influence the desolate hearts of these young ladies, and then everyone can have children together. The booming population of the Black Nest Empire adds to the growing population.

"Ahead is the Great Rift in the Underdark."

Shyvana walked to Su Nian and knelt down to report: "Perhaps due to the influence of those invaders from the outside world, the number of monsters in the cracks in the Underdark is ten times more than before!"

"So many!?"

Su Nian changed his position and continued to lie down. Anna was cleaning his scales with water polo skills and rose essential oil. Although he didn't think it was necessary, Anna felt that the smell of sulfur was too strong and she had to make it smell good for him.

Su Nian had no choice but to suffer.

"The terrain of the cracks in the Underdark is complex, with a large number of caves, cliffs and swamps, and is affected by the magic vortex. The cracks in the ground have huge suction. Those foreign invaders seemed to consider that you might fly over here, and they also arranged forbidden areas when they left. The empty magic circle, the formation eyes are hidden in those swamps..."

Su Nian laughed angrily when he heard this, nodded and said:

"Okay, okay, these foreign invaders also know how to use magic to fight magic. I thought they would only throw firecrackers!"

After saying that, he stretched out his dragon claw and poked Big Ivan hanging on the king's flag. The sharp dragon claw pierced through the hole. Big Ivan let out a shrill scream, but he still refused to give in and yelled. Some insulting bird words asked Su Nian to kill him.

Of course Su Nian would not do that.

He even wanted to feed Big Ivan some of Xiaohong's specialties, but he was currently on a rapid march, and Xiaohong had been trained extremely ridiculously by Jiao Tailang, so he could only give up temporarily.

Anyway, we already know where the Mi Yingfa Alliance players' home base is, so we can just follow the clues and get there.

"Your Majesty, are we going to cross the dark rift next?"

Sivana glanced at the queen flying around Su Nian's body, with a hint of envy in her eyes. The main reason was that she was not qualified, otherwise she would be willing to clean His Majesty's scales.

"Of course, we'll call directly."

Su Nian said lightly: "Aren't there many Shadow Familia on the Dark Rift? Go and notify them and ask them to make way for our Black Nest Empire immediately, or roll into the Dark Territory, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!"

After saying that, he turned over again, with his belly facing the sky - he had finished washing his back, and now it was time to wash his belly. When the monsters around him saw this, they just pretended not to see it, and one by one they counted the flying insects and ground around them. of stones.

The dark fissure about 20 kilometers away from the eastern border of the Saint Rodia Empire is five kilometers wide and hundreds of miles long. Looking down from a high altitude, it looks like a purple-red scar crisscrossing the surface, with a wave of rolling shadows emerging from it. , inaccessible.

This place is a serious death zone for humans and most living creatures.

Especially now that the monsters in the dark rift have been enraged by Mi Yingfa and the players to increase their numbers tenfold.

It's really those Mi Yingfa players who went too far.

In order to pass through the dark fissure, they took turns using tear gas, smoke bombs, shock bombs, fragmentation missiles, and incendiary bombs to clear the ground.

The first wave of shadow creatures stationed in the dark rift were almost all dead, and those who survived were also baptized in pain by the gunfire.

They returned to the Underdark to report casualties to their respective tribes.

This has led to the extremely rich species community in Dark Fissure today.

But at this time, Mi Yingfa and the joint players had successfully evacuated, and even the existence of the forbidden air circle was left behind.

After Shyvana transformed into a dragon, she had the fighting power of a mature dragon and was huge in size, but compared to the vast dark rift, she was still a drop in the ocean, and the same was true for those dense shadow creatures.

But Shyvana still came to a cliff near the dark fissure with the warning of the Black Nest Empire, and issued the arrogant declaration of the Lord of the Black Nest to the shadow creatures below:

"My Black Nest Empire is about to pass through the Dark Rift. You have only two options to choose from. Either go back to the Dark Territory or make a way out. Anyone who stands in the way will be killed!!"

Shyvana may not be the strongest in the Dark Rift, but she is definitely the loudest.

The explosive roar of the dragon quickly spread throughout most of the dark fissure.

The wave-like army of shadow creatures fell silent, and then exploded like boiling water.

Countless shadow energy-gathered magic and malicious spear weapons were thrown towards Shyvana, accompanied by the roars of shadow creatures and the curses of higher shadow creatures.

"Okay! You asked for this!"

Shyvana looked at the Hydras approaching from both ends with cold expressions, then turned back to follow Su Nian. She couldn't wait to start killing people here.

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