"Chief, the female black dragon has left!"

In the center of the dark rift, the noble drow-affiliated shadow orc warlord Baxin-Broken Black Eyes couldn't help but smile when he heard the report from his orcs.

A mere mature black dragon really took himself seriously. If there were two more, he might even consider whether to go back to the Underdark.

As for what the Black Nest Empire is, I have never heard of it at all.

He knew about the Winter Empire and the Saint Lotia Empire, but he didn't know about the Black Nest.

It is probably a small country that has popped up in the surrounding area in recent years, and then it was lucky enough to tame a female dragon, and it suddenly felt like it was invincible? !

How naive!

"Just leave. If she dares to stay one more second, I will treat everyone to roast dragon meat tonight!"

The surrounding shadow orcs burst into arrogant laughter upon hearing this.

Compared with ordinary green-skinned orcs on the surface, their most distinctive features are that they are covered in black skin and their eyes are blood-red like a furnace, as if there are flames in them. In addition, their bodies are also smaller than those of green-skinned orcs. Taller, but as the price of falling into the shadows, they have completely lost the culture of the orcs - they have no ancestral totems and cannot summon the power of the totems.

But the shadows gave them a stronger bloodline, or so they thought.

Every shadow orc is a master of shadow magic, and has a strong body and powerful melee capabilities.

Even so, they are only the lower-level subordinate units of the drow, and their upper-level unit is the famous underground palace minotaur.

There is no doubt that Baxin has little presence in the Underdark, but that does not affect its presence now. When it was sent to the surface by the drow to guard the Underdark Rift, its ambitions and dreams were expanding at the same time.

Make the Dark Orcs great again!

This was one of Baksin's dreams.

In order to realize this dream, it must first recruit all the dark troops that have separated out the dark rift - now it has done it, after all, there are not many dark troops with brains, and the second is to attack the surrounding human empire, in the main material plane It is very important to occupy a place on the front. This is related to whether the Dark Orcs can obtain more resources, such as minerals and placenta! !

Dark Orcs have the same virtue as Goblins.

All require other female humanoids to reproduce.

There were many dark orcs recruited by Gus in the Black Beast Mercenary Group.

"Okay, spread out, do your reconnaissance work, and don't take it lightly! Since that bullshit Black Nest Empire wants to cross the Dark Rift, it will definitely find a way, but we can't let these rats sneak past!"

The surrounding dark orcs took orders and left.

Bakhin, on the other hand, continued to hug a female Kodo and dream of becoming the king.

At the same time, the jungle near the Dark Rift.

Sivana reported to Su Nian the reaction of the shadow creatures in the dark rift. Su Nian originally didn't want to go on a killing spree, but now he could only bear the pain and draw his sword.

To be honest, he is not a murderous dragon.

But sometimes things go against his wishes, and reality always forces him to step onto the Throne of Bones.

"All Black Nest Legions obey orders!"

In order to prevent the shadow creatures in the dark area from being scared away, Su Nian did not immediately show the form of a black dragon. Instead, he stood in front of all the monsters as a human knight and gave orders: "The dragon-shaped rock-helmeted crocodile knight is at the forefront. , the Jackal Legion follows closely behind, the Fire Rabbit Legion guards both sides, and the other monsters follow behind and follow me to attack!"

The monsters roared with excitement.

Although hundreds of thousands of monsters are nothing compared to the total number of shadow creatures in the Dark Rift, the quality of the monsters in the Black Nest Empire is very high. The roars gathered together are so powerful that they seem to shake up the sky.

Of course, this roar was also heard by Baksin.

He was so frightened that he almost rolled off the throne.

"What is this sound?! Are the monsters in the nearby forest rioting?"

Baxin asked the Dark Orc on duty nearby, but the orc also looked confused and didn't know what to ask. However, soon a Dark Orc hurried over to report the situation.

"Chief, something happened. There is an army of monsters heading towards the Dark Rift!"

"Monster Legion?! Could it be that Black Nest Empire!?"

Baksin asked in disbelief. When did humans become able to control so many monsters?

"It should be." The Dark Orc spy said uncertainly: "I saw their flag!"

Having a flag means belonging to a certain force.

There is a high probability that it is the Black Nest Empire.

"How many are they?" This was Bakhin's second concern.

"There are probably tens of thousands of people..."

Bakshin felt relieved when he heard this.

Tens of thousands of people?

It's not enough to fill the gap between the teeth with the dark cracks.

Just when I thought about this, I heard the orc spy say in a trembling voice: "But we have confirmed that every monster in the Black Nest Legion is level 7, and the one leading the team at the front is a human knight with unknown strength. Those monsters obey his orders, so they probably won’t be weak..."

"How many?!"

Baksin trembled with fear.

Seventh level? !

Doesn't that mean that there are tens of thousands of him rushing towards the dark rift now? !

Suddenly the entire dark fissure became restless.

There was a roar like a mountain and a tsunami from the edge, as well as the sound of magic explosions.

The smell of burning and blood gradually filled the air.

Without saying a word, Baksin stood up and put on his armor.

Now that the enemy has already entered, he will fight against them no matter what.

However, just as he walked out of the camp, a head of a Hydra flew from the sky and landed on the ground in front of him. Purple blood spilled all over the ground, making the surrounding dark orcs scared to death. Back away.

The eighth-level hydra was killed in one encounter.

How strong is the high-end combat power on the opposite side?

A group of dark orcs looked up and saw a black-armored knight in the sky in the distance lifting an eighth-level hydra with one hand like slicing noodles. He held a huge sword in the other hand and swung his sword in one direction. There was a dark sword light, and then one of the Hydra's heads was cut off. The other Hydra was so frightened that it turned around with its eight heads and four legs and ran away.

"This, this...leader, do we still want to fight?"

A dark orc next to him asked stammeringly.

Before Baxin had time to answer, a woman had already entered with a group of seventh-level monsters more than ten meters high. Riding on her crotch was a giant beast that looked like a dragon covered with rock helmets, but in the next moment it transformed into a monster. She took the form of a black dragon, the female black dragon that he had ignored before.

"I gave you a chance!"

Shyvana stared at Baksin, her eyes burning with fire.

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