The monsters feel that their Black Nest Emperor is a little tired after running all the way? Or maybe you want to enjoy the surrounding scenery with the Queen, go hiking or something, even though the scenery near the Dark Fissure is not very good.

But Su Nian is not doing it for pleasure.

In fact, he just conveyed to those Miyingfa players the illusion that his Black Nest Empire had found the player base.

"Big Big Wolf, you lead a group of monsters to spread towards the south, and stop after spreading for a maximum of five kilometers. Polikri, Bugs Bunny, you two will lead a group of monsters to patrol the north and west respectively!"

After the monsters had eaten and drank enough, Su Nian issued such an order without thinking. Big Big Wolf and other monster leaders were confused and left with a group of monsters each.

Soon only Shyvana, Bastian and the main army of the Black Nest Empire were left in the camp. Bastian and Shyvana turned into human forms. Su Nian did the same, shrinking his huge body like a mountain. .

"Chief, I don't understand."

Bastian still couldn't help but ask questions.

"Why don't we continue to attack to the west? Didn't you say that the base of those foreign invaders is in the west? Kill those foreign invaders quickly, and let's go north to fight the elves! By the way, we will fight the Titans too!!"

It can be seen that the red dragon chief is very keen on fighting elves and titans, and there is probably some grudge between the two.

"Don't worry~"

Su Nian looked like an old god and took out a pot and a stunned hunting turkey from the space ring and stuffed them into Bastian's hands.

"I heard that you are almost two thousand years old, and since you have learned the art of transformation, you must also have studied human culture. Why don't you show me your cooking skills?"

Bastian was stunned for a moment, and then when he heard Su Nian mention his cooking skills, he immediately leaned forward and showed an elegant smile: "Yes, Your Majesty, I used to be the chief butler of Dragon Mother, and cooking for me is simply in my blood." The skills in it!”

In order to prove his cooking skills, Bastian started cooking seriously while carrying the iron pot and the turkey without any nonsense.

Su Nian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after finally driving away this red dragon, who was as talkative as a Rolls-Royce.

Seeing the confused looks in Shyvana and Anna's eyes, Su Nian didn't say much, just smiled and comforted: "Just have a good rest today. When it's time to attack, I will naturally take you to continue heading west!"

At the same time, Mi Yingfa united the player base.

A group of Mi Yingfa United players looked at the computer screen in confusion. When they saw the Black Nest Empire army passing through the Dark Rift with an unstoppable force, everyone was shocked.

Although they have tried to overestimate the combat effectiveness of the Black Nest Empire.

But it would be too outrageous to penetrate the dark rift in less than a day...

I originally thought it could be delayed for at least two days.

"Continue to retreat to the north! To the north is the Desert of Death. Let's go all the way north and meet up with another group of players. The northern continent is the territory of Winter. It is said that the Winter Empire also has the dragon's mortal enemy Titan, who must be the master of the Black Nest. Don’t dare to come close!”

Several high-end players heard this and thought to each other that it was okay.

Now a team of Mi Yingfa United players has been formed on the Northern Continent, but due to the severe blockade of the Winter Empire, they have not developed. After all, the resources are in the hands of the Winter Empire, and they can't even drink a sip of soup. .

The levels of Mi Yingfa United Force players in the Northern Continent are also generally low. If they settle in the Northern Continent, they can immediately take over those players.

"No, it seems we don't have to run!"

A high-end player who had been staring at the computer screen suddenly shouted: "The army of the Black Nest Empire has stopped. They seem to be looking for our location. The Lord of the Black Nest has dispersed many monsters!"

After hearing this, a group of Mi Yingfa United players immediately came to the computer and looked at the Black Nest Empire army forming a fan with strange expressions.

They have always wanted to escape mainly because they thought that the Lord of the Black Nest had some way to determine the location of their players, because the Lord of the Black Nest could catch them all accurately.

That doesn't seem to be the case now.

After the Dark Fissure is the vast northern part of the Taligan Plain. Except for the bushes near the Dark Fissure, the vegetation becomes increasingly sparse, and there are sand dunes and cliffs everywhere.

If there are no exact coordinates.

Trying to find them is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Is there any fraud in this?"

Several cautious players immediately raised objections.

"Yes, the Lord of the Black Nest is also the emperor of monsters, and he is also the world BOSS. I'm afraid his IQ is not much lower than that of us humans!"

"Judging from our current contact with the Lord of the Black Nest, the Lord of the Black Nest is indeed very intelligent. His only shortcoming may be that he is arrogant! Maybe we can take advantage of this?"

The American player who had made up his mind pursed his lips, and looked at the monsters on the computer screen who had started to light a fire for cooking, with a flash of hesitation in their eyes.

Going to the Northern Continent means being suppressed by the Winter Empire.

The Winter Empire and the Black Nest Empire were both behemoths to them, and they were difficult to shake with their current strength.

And the Northern Continent has no resources at all!

There are still so many small countries in the southern continent that can be invaded to gain invasion points, and the Saint Lotia Empire seems to be severely weakened.

Do you want to take a gamble?

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