In the end, this high-end American player decided to take a gamble.

There is a good saying in China.

Give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle.

Just bet that the Lord of the Black Nest cannot find the specific location of their players. The reason why the Lord of the Black Nest could find them before was just to follow the traces left by the invaded empires. Now the Dark Rift is like the best isolation zone to isolate them. All traces of Yingfa United players have been eliminated.

It's no wonder that the Lord of the Black Nest can only disperse the monsters. As long as they hide well, the Lord of the Black Nest will most likely not be able to find them.

It would be meaningless even if the Lord of the Black Nest tortured Great Ivan.

They have already moved the location of the player base!

"By the way, are we going to rescue the leader?"

At this time, the biological robot Dayan had stopped at a treetop, looking at the direction of the monster army formation with smart eyes.

Players clearly saw two monsters taking down Big Ivan from the flag.

Then a strange jackal came along.

Compared to the jackal with bulging muscles, this jackal looks a bit fat, and it also has a red beetle the size of a millstone on its head.

What kind of Gnoll is this?

Red Beetle Gnoll? !

In the Black Nest Empire military camp, Big Ivan, who had been hungry for seven or eight days, was escorted in front of Su Nian by two jackals.

He raised his head and looked at the Lord of the Black Nest fiercely, looking like he would rather die than surrender.

"You give up, Lord of the Black Nest, I will not tell you where the base of our foreign invaders is. You might as well kill me as soon as possible, or I will curse you for every second I live!"

Bastian passed by Big Ivan, holding the braised chicken that had just been cooked in his hand. When he saw Big Ivan making rude remarks, he directly stretched out his kick and kicked Big Ivan on the knee. With a click, this The former leader of the American players knelt completely and let out a shrill wail in pain.

"I don't want to know where your invaders' base is."

Su Nian took out a table from the space ring, placed braised chicken and wine on it, made Anna a glass, and then arranged the isolation circle for Big Ivan.

Big Iwan couldn't understand what Su Nian was doing.

But when he saw the braised chicken made by Bastian, he still swallowed in dissatisfaction - it turned out that there really are luminous dishes in this world!

Compared with this braised chicken, the delicacies in his system store are simply a piece of shit!

Jiao Tailang took off Xiao Hong's head, and then expertly put on gloves and a gas mask. Big Ivan instinctively felt bad when he saw this scene.

"Lord of the Black Nest, what do you want to do?"

Su Nian fed Anna a piece of chicken, took a sip of wine, and said with a smile: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to have dinner with you as the leader! The next scene of Anna is not suitable for watching, you go behind me eat."

As Su Nian spoke, he spread his dragon wings behind his back to cover a space of tens of meters. Anna said "oh" obediently, gave Big Ivan a look of pity, and then shrank behind Su Nian's dragon wings while holding the table.

"let's start!"

Su Nian snapped his fingers.

Xiaohong was already ready.

It walked up to Big Ivan and stuck out its butt with a step of disowning its relatives. A brown tube stretched out from the abdominal cavity, which was more than one meter long. Jiao Tailang held the tube and pointed it towards Big Ivan's chest. Mouth to mouth.

"No! Damn it! What is this?!"

Before the pipe was in front of him, Big Ivan had already smelled an indescribable stench.

He vaguely recalled the rumors among players.

It seems that after being caught by the Lord of the Black Nest, he will feed Ollie to him.

He thought it was just a joke.

Never thought that this was really the case?

"Lord of the Black Nest! How can you do such a shameless thing? As the leader of monsters, you actually humiliate the leader of another force like this?!"

Su Nian smiled "haha" and didn't bother to answer.

Now all this is done for those Miyingfa United players to see.

Although Big Ivan struggled with all his strength, how could he resist the powerful Jiao Tailang at this moment?


Just when the hose was about to enter Big Ivan's mouth.

Jiao Tailang suddenly stopped his hand, and Big Ivan felt relieved and tears filled his eyes. He thought that the jackal in front of him had discovered his conscience, but the next second he heard a hellish murmur:

"Your Majesty, will this human bite Xiaohong badly? I think it would be best to knock out his teeth!"

Su Nian: "Just do as you say!"

Jiao Tailang was already prepared to take out a hammer from his waist, with a ferocious smile on his lips: "Come on, be good, don't move, just snap it, and soon... Jie Jie!"

Big Ivan: =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪ ‧̣̥̇)

Mi Yingfa player base.

A group of high-end players gathered in front of the computer with tears in their eyes.

It was so touching.

Unexpectedly, the leader did not tell the location of the original base after being tortured like this. This is the real great man!

"Then shall we go rescue the leader?"

The surrounding players once again issued soul torture.

The leading American player heard this and said sadly: "No need, can't you see? The leader is ready to sacrifice himself, let's not let down the leader's expectations!"

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