"What a man!"

Su Nian looked at the scene of Xiao Hong trying his best to put the product into Big Ivan's mouth and couldn't help but sigh. Monsters like Xiao Hong who sacrifice themselves have become increasingly rare.

Such monsters must be rewarded!

"Jiao Tailang!"


"Do you know what Xiaohong likes to eat?"

Jiao Tailang scratched his head and said: "Your Majesty, Xiao Hong likes to eat carrion, durian, and flesh and blood creatures can also eat it, and will not be infected."

"Oh! It's pretty awesome!"

Su Nian glanced at Xiao Hong in surprise.

At this moment, Xiaohong was working hard, with a ferocious face. Her originally chubby body had become a little thin, while Big Ivan, who was originally strong and tall, had a rounder belly.

"Go and serve carrion to Xiao Hong. Didn't you kill so many dark orcs before? Give it to Xiao Hong!"

Hearing this, Big Ivan, who was struggling in Jiao Tailang's hands, couldn't help but let out a vague scream, but he had no teeth and his mouth was stuffed with something, and his face was pinched by Jiao Tailang's big hands, so he couldn't say anything at all. come out.

"Big Ivan, I heard that you foreign invaders have something called a player backpack. There are many good things in it. How about you give me those things and I will save you some pain?"

Big Ivan: "Uh-huh, vomit, uh..."

Su Nian thought for a while and then asked: "By the way, where is the base of your Mi Yingfa joint invader forces? I need specific coordinates. You should still be able to contact your subordinates now, right? Why don't you ask? ?”

Big Ivan: "Ugh, vomit, vomit..."

"Haha, since you don't answer, I'll take it as your rejection and enjoy the feast I prepared for you!"

Su Nian sneered and shook his head.

Soon a group of gnolls came back pushing three carts of dark orc meat and placed it in front of Xiao Hong. Big Ivan was already crying when he looked at the three carts of meat and Xiao Hong, whose belly was twitching crazily. He was willing to carry the player on his backpack. He took out the things inside, but he couldn't move. He was willing to tell the Lord of the Black Nest the player's location and contact his original subordinates, but the Lord of the Black Nest didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

Now he can only hope that Ollie, transformed from three carts of meat, can burst his belly, so that he can be freed.

Mi Yingfa joint player base.

All the players gathered in front of the big screen saw the real-time broadcast of Big Ivan being tortured and tortured, and tears filled their eyes.

"This is our leader!"

"It's too strong. If I had, I would have confessed long ago!"

"How can there be such a powerful man in this world, Big Ivan, my idol!"

"We really can't live up to the leader's expectations. To save him is to hold him back!" An American player endured the pain in his heart and cried: "What we can do now is to live well, and in the future we will be prosperous and help the big people." Chief Ivan takes revenge!”

"You're right! We must survive!"

The surrounding Miyingfa players nodded.

"By the way, the Lord of the Black Nest really doesn't know our location, otherwise he wouldn't torture Big Ivan, so we don't need to evacuate?"

"It's really not necessary."

"The Southern Continent has a lot of resources. Without the Southern Continent, our technological development level would be far behind!"

Soon a group of Mi Yingfa United players reached a consensus and decided not to evacuate to the north.

They have many biological robots that can quietly observe the movements of the monster army without fear of being discovered.

It is necessary to drive some robots back to charge in rainy weather or at night, which is more troublesome.

"Now that everyone has made a decision, now it's our turn to make a decision!"

Mi Yingfa, the top 18 electronic screen players, once again held a roundtable meeting with high-end players.

A high-end player suggested: "In order to ensure that they are not discovered, I suggest exchanging more biological robots for battlefield reconnaissance, and pay close attention to every move of the monster army!"

"It works!" Everyone nodded.

"How about spending more invasion points to redeem the shielding system to hide our Mi Yingfa joint player base?"

"You mean the Phantom Iron Curtain?"

To cover so many players, this phantom iron curtain would cost a lot of money, equivalent to two super nuclear bombs. This group of high-end players discussed for a while and approved this plan for safety reasons.

Where there is life, there is hope.

As long as they can continue to annex small and medium-sized empires in the southern continent and persecute the indigenous people, the invasion points they currently consume will always be replenished, and they will gain more.

With a huge investment in invasion points.

Mi Yingfa united the players to become paupers.

But the system is very fast.

[Phantom Iron Curtain] covered the Miyingfa joint player base almost instantly.

This is a layer of shield that can not only resist the bombardment of the forbidden spell level, but also hide everything under the shield. It looks similar to the surrounding environment, and is similar to the phantom formation of the Celestial Dynasty.

At the same time, tens of thousands of biological robots were also dispatched and distributed across every inch of land in the northern Tarigan Plain.

Now everything is under the surveillance of their players.

Looking at the Lord of the Black Nest who was still torturing Big Ivan.

An American high-end player gritted his teeth and muttered to himself:

"Let's see how you find the traces of our players this time...the Lord of the Black Nest!"

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