"I don’t know, the sixth sense told me. I think what you just said was what Boss Jin told you. You are just an insider, but I know Boss Jin will definitely not tell you everything. His purpose is more than that simple."

"Jiang Ning, I don’t know what other purpose Boss Jin has. He has not only invited me, he has also invited a lot of masters, and there are some people I don’t think I have ever seen yet. So this time, it’s so fierce. Little, Jiang Ning, you must be careful."

"Well, Fengying, thank you for telling me this."

"Well, well, Jiang Ning, I'm leaving. Boss Jin is entertaining a lot of people. If I leave suddenly for so long, he will definitely be suspicious. Think about it slowly. I will tell you everything I know. ."

After hearing Feng Ying's words, Jiang Ning nodded to indicate that Feng Ying could leave. Feng Ying flew away from the window without sound. In the room, only Jiang Ning was left alone.

Jiang Ning didn’t know if he hadn’t told Fengying about the map just now, whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, but what Jiang Ning subconsciously felt was that he should not tell Fengying about those things first, so as not to cause unnecessary disputes and some unnecessary troubles. Not to mention whether Fengying was lying to herself just now.

What if Feng Ying just followed Boss Jin's instructions to spy on Jiang Ning's news? If Jiang Ning tells everything about it, wouldn't it be the Dike of a Thousand Miles was destroyed in the ant's nest? At least for now, Fengying can't be completely believed. Jiang Ning still doesn't know whether Fengying's arrival is an enemy or a friend.

Now the mystery one after another will be solved slowly afterwards.

After taking a break at noon, Yue'er came to see Jiang Ning, just because she felt that someone was staring at her sleeping throughout the whole noon, and there were people staring at her near the inn. Yue'er felt that all around was gloomy. Sen, I came to Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning told her that everything was all right, and that Yue'er had made a fuss of extra worry. But Jiang Ning recognized Yue'er's intuition. In fact, Jiang Ning also felt that someone was guarding him all around. It wasn't until Xiao Er's meal arrived in the afternoon that Yue'er's words suddenly woke up Jiang Ning.

In the afternoon, when Xiao Er came in with food, Yue'er and Jiang Ning were both in Jiangning’s room. Because of Jiang Ning’s words at noon, Yue'er began to observe some things around him. Even the little things that Xiao Er had changed had already been. Noticed.

"Huh? Xiao Er, how do I think you are not the one who delivered us food at noon today, and that person seems to have been delivering food to our room yesterday, where did he go?"

After hearing what Yue'er said, the little second quickly apologized.

"This lady, I'm really sorry, that person is a little urgent, so I will be replaced by me this afternoon. If you find it inconvenient, I can call that person in and I won't cause you trouble."

"Ah, it's okay, I'm just curious to ask. Go down. It's okay, everyone is the same."

Jiang Ning looked at this person carefully. Especially when that person looked up and smiled at Yue'er when he was about to leave at last, Jiang Ning suddenly felt something was wrong, that person seemed to have seen him somewhere.

When Yue'er was about to eat the vegetables, Jiang Ning suddenly stopped her. Then shook his head to Yue'er. Yue'er also realized that Jiang Ning must have done this for a reason, so she put down her chopsticks. Then his eyes fluttered and looked at Jiang Ning. Waiting for Jiang Ning's instructions.

Jiang Ning stopped Yue'er when she saw that Yue'er was about to eat, because Jiang Ning suddenly remembered where she had seen that little second, it was at Boss Jin's gambling shop. Although a humble person. But Jiang Ning's unforgettable ability made him remember that person at once. Especially his smile, Jiang Ning seems to never forget. When they first entered the gambling shop that day, Yue'er and Jiang Ning did not attract everyone's attention, but one person would notice that someone came in.

That's the drinker at the casino. The drinker will notice everyone coming in and out. When Jiang Ning went in, he found that he was the only one looking at himself secretly, and it was also the sly smile that was just when he was about to go out. Perhaps the smile was too deep that made Jiang Ning remember this person fiercely.

But this person's sudden appearance in the inn is definitely not that simple. Maybe it was ordered by Jin, the boss. Anyway, his purpose is definitely not simple. The food he serves must be tricky. So when Yue'er was preparing to eat, Jiang Ning immediately stopped Yue'er.

"Yue'er, no." Jiang Ning shook her head at Yue'er, and Yue'er quietly observed everything around him, and then Yue'er seemed to be particularly worried about what threats he might face now.

At a sudden quiet moment, Jiang Ning's palm spread out, and he palmed out the window and then the door. Just two chapters later, Yue'er suddenly heard the voice of a dead person outside. I hurried to the window to open the window, and saw that three people outside the window had already been cut in their throats by a sharp knife and died on the ground. Then Yue'er realized that someone must have died outside the door.

Yue'er sat on the stool discouragedly. Looking at Jiang Ning in surprise, he didn't expect Jiang Ning to lock his throat. This trick is actually a murderous trick in the arena, Yue'er hasn't seen such a powerful trick for a long time. Last time I saw a very powerful trick, Qiu Angel came out to deal with Jiang Ning. Yue'er didn't expect Jiang Ning to be so powerful, and she never saw Jiang Ning make a move.

"Jiang Ning, who do you think they were sent? Why do you monitor us? There are so many people who come to participate in the competition. Why do you just monitor us? The food you just served is poisonous if you don't let me eat it. , I didn’t expect that this is also a crisis."

After listening to Yue'er's words, Jiang Ning picked up his hand and used his fingers to perform some witchcraft on the food. The poison powder on all the food was revealed, which made Yue'er a big shock.

"Jiang Ning, what kind of poison is this? I have never seen it. I learned herbal medicine from my father since I was a child. There are quite a few poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds in the mountains of our Yue Clan. Why have I never seen these poisonous powders? ?",,..

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