"Naturally, you have never seen it. You have lived in the place where the north and the central plains meet. Although many herbs and poisonous weeds grow on the mountains, these are poisonous powders that are only found in the Western Regions. How could you possibly have seen them? ?

By the way, you just said that Boss Jin is only monitoring us, right, you are wrong. According to my guess, there are a total of ten people who caught up with me today. It is estimated that Boss Jin is watching, so they are not just watching us, so the people that Boss Kim just sent out think we just discovered by accident. "

"Then why does Boss Jin think of a way to poison us. If you poison all ten of you to death, who else will be able to participate in the competition tomorrow? Boss Kim, what is this?"

"No, Boss Jin just sent someone to monitor everyone, but it doesn't mean that he wants to poison everyone to death. It is estimated that only the two of us are the only ones he wants to poison to death."

"How come. What did we offend him, why are we poisoning us."

"I guess I heard about my witchcraft level. I'm afraid I will win the game in the end and disrupt his plan."

"Know your wizard level? But, who knows? You didn't compare it in the first game. It stands to reason that no one will know your level. In the first game, you were just a speculation. He Don’t commit to poisoning for this little thing. By the way, who knows your level?"

Jiang Ning looked at the problem he was thinking about, and his thoughts had already gone beyond the clouds. Could it be that Fengying really worked hard for Boss Kim? Then he just came to find himself and probably also wanted to make his own words. Then, Fengying was no longer the same.

Jiang Ning was rejoicing that he had not told Feng Ying a lot of things just because of his previous feelings, otherwise it is estimated that he and Yue'er would have been killed. If he knew more about his purpose, I'm afraid Boss Kim wouldn't have waited so long to start.

Yue'er suddenly wanted to wake up and looked at Jiang Ning. Couldn't it be Feng Ying's look at Jiang Ning with knowing your wizard level. Jiang Ning nodded and smiled. Yue'er lowered her head immediately. Fortunately, she didn't say anything just now. Maybe Jiang Ning would be furious.

Jiang Ning and Yue'er decided to go downstairs and buy some steamed buns to eat. What they didn't expect was that when they went downstairs, some things outside surprised them.

Just now Jiang Ning clearly killed the person under Boss Jin with his life-threatening lock, and he was outside his door. If Jiang Ning's hand feels right, Jiang Ning remembers that the person should be walking in the stairwell. , Jiang Ning's palm power when he went out in the stairwell probably was in that position, but what about people?

In such a fast time. . . There was no blood in the stairwell. Although Jiang Ning knew that his palm power would only leave a small hole in the enemy's throat like a knife when he went out, and there were very few blood stains, so there would be no bleeding from his throat. But other parts of the body can bleed, such as the mouth.

Every time Jiang Ning used his palm, the person's mouth would bleed a lot. Although he had died, the blood would still bleed. So when Jiang Ning saw that there was no blood in the stairwell, Jiang Ning even wondered if he killed someone here just now.

Yue'er didn't know why Jiang Ning was so surprised when she walked to the stairwell. When she was outside the window just a moment ago, she didn't notice that those people were bleeding in the following time, so. Now Yue'er saw Jiang Ning who was so surprised, especially puzzled.

"Yue'er, my palm strength just now should have killed someone here." Jiang Ning said this sentence in an almost calm tone, but this sentence surprised Yue'er too. Yue'er looked at the people talking and laughing under the stairs, as well as the boss who was doing business as usual. It seemed that there hadn't been a single life here just now, but it was as normal as a mouse was killed.

"Jiangning, let's go out and talk."

Jiang Ning's expression changed after hearing Yue'er's words, and the two people quickly passed through the crowd sitting downstairs, eating and joking. Everyone was like that. There was no major fluctuation. Still serving the dishes and ordering the guests, the boss is still so enthusiastic.

When Jiang Ning and Yue'er walked out of the door, Jiang Ning seemed to hear the boss standing on the counter greet the two of them and let them be careful on the way. Don't stay outside for too long at night, and go back to the inn to rest early.

Jiang Ning felt that when he heard the boss greet him like this, he almost stiffly twisted his body like Jiang Ning turned around and smiled at the boss. Even Jiang Ning didn't know what he was doing.

Why is this place so gloomy? Why is it that the more you stay, the more you feel that there are so many secrets that haven't been revealed yet, the town that this post has developed into. It is certainly not as simple as imagined.

Jiang Ning almost unconsciously walked to the place where He Yue'er was selling steamed buns. Jiangning was thinking about what just happened along the way. Jiang Ning didn't say much to Yue'er, but Jiangning also felt that Yue'er is almost mechanical now. Walking on the road with myself.

The scene just now really scared Yue'er. According to Jiang Ning's statement, it is absolutely impossible for Jiang Ning to not kill anyone, but suddenly one person died in front of so many people. It is strange that Jiang Ning and he did not hear any surprises or screams outside the room. What is even more strange is that when Jiang Ning and Yue'er just walked down the stairs, no one seemed to have just experienced anything deadly, and everyone had a normal attitude.

What an extraordinary town.

But Jiang Ning still figured it out. On the way back, he explained to Yue'er what had just happened.

"Yue'er, don't think about what just happened. Some people passing by here are all trades, either the court officials resting here, or some small merchants and vendors who are smuggling. No matter the distance from here They are not too close, so the people who pass by here must be people who have experienced big winds and waves, and perhaps the death of a person just now is a very common little thing for those people.

So, you don’t need to think about the things that just happened. Although I am also surprised by the things that just happened, my life-threatening lock of the throat will make people bleed in the mouth. The blood stains were long gone when I went down. ,, ..

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