Immediately afterwards, Jiang Ning's brows began to frown, as if he had just heard the big bad news. But Yue'er was puzzled at what Qiu Yi said just now.

Boss Jin seemed to be surprised at the person in front of him when he heard Qiu Yi say that behind the scenes. If it was yesterday that this person was good at observing and grabbed his braid, then this person is indeed extraordinary. Boss Kim is also thinking about how to make a judgment later.

The first round of the game is over, but Jiangning has no feeling at all. He was still thinking about what Qiu Yi said just now. How did he feel about facing this sentence? Jiang Ning himself didn't quite understand. But it was about the White Wolf tribe. This Qiu Yi was indeed an old fox. He must be well aware of many big things in this world. It is estimated that the previous retreat was also an excuse to avoid something.

Jiang Ning has been standing on the stage, it seems that everything next to him has nothing to do with him. Now he only needs to think carefully about what Qiu Yi said just now.

Jiang Ning had been standing beside him so stupidly that he didn't even notice when Boss Jin announced that he could advance directly. He didn't wake up until Feng Ying came to remind him.

Jiang Ning looked at Feng Ying in front of him, and couldn't believe that Boss Jin would announce that he would be promoted directly. Isn't it Feng Ying? If Boss Jin specifically came to Fengying this time, isn't it just for Fengying to play directly behind? Why is it yourself? What is Boss Kim's intention? Jiang Ning is now more and more unable to guess their thoughts. Now Jiang Ning's mind is like a mess.

Yue'er was very happy when she heard Boss Jin announced that Jiang Ning was directly promoted. She kept applauding below, as if she wanted everyone to know that Jiang Ning was her friend, and she was deeply proud of her friend.

After Yue'er listened to Boss Jin’s words, she ran directly to the stage to pull Jiangning away. The next game is not important to her, right now, Yue'er just wants to go back with Jiangning earlier, and then listen to Jiangning’s just now. How did the great feats defeat the old monster.

Under everyone's eyes, Jiang Ning was taken away by Yue'er without even realizing it. There was no movement in Jiangning along the way, like walking dead. Take it away, at least now Jiang Ning doesn't want to face anyone, even if it's Fengying, Jiang Ning doesn't want to see it now. But Jiang Ning knew that with Fengying's strength, he could definitely win the next game, so he could play the final with himself tomorrow.

By the time tomorrow, you must have been able to avoid it. What kind of mentality should you face Fengying at that time? In addition to the question mark, Jiang Ning's heart is still a question mark.

Yue'er pulled Jiang Ning into the inn. Yue'er and Jiang Ning sat down. Yue'er looked at Jiang Ning, whose eyes were dizzy, very puzzled. If she won the game, she should be happy. Why didn't Jiang Ning speak? Jiang Ning has been silent since the game. What happened?

"Jiang Ning, what's wrong with you? Nothing will happen. You are awesome today. I saw you defeat that old fox in the audience!"

After Yue'er said this sentence, Jiang Ning suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood on the ground. This battle scared Yue'er half to death, thinking that Jiangning was fine, but what happened now?

Yue'er reacted immediately, and after putting Jiang Ning straight, he began to heal Jiang Ning's injuries. Yue'er was scared while healed. I don’t even know what internal injury Jiang Ning has suffered. Yue’er is the most anxious. Maybe Jiangning couldn’t support it when he first fought, but Jiangning has been holding it for so long. Now Yue’er is fortunate to have Jiangning immediately. Bring it back.

Jiang Ning's expression began to relax a little, and Yue'er thought Jiang Ning must be better. After healed for a long time, Yue'er sat over. After watching Jiang Ning's condition ease, Yue'er felt a little better.

"Yue'er, thank you, if it weren't for you, I'm sure I'm dying now." Jiang Ning started to talk after he recovered a little bit.

"No, Jiang Ning, who the **** is that old man? The skill is so profound. When I just healed you, I felt that my true energy was being hindered by a force in your body, but I was sure that it was not your body. The true qi originally contained in it is a force that was infused by others, and that force is actually destroying your true qi. But fortunately, your internal strength is deep enough. I just forced out a part of the true qi. , But there is still a part that needs to be cultivated slowly to resolve it."

"Well, Yue'er, thank you, I am a bone-changing palm. But I have been forcing him to come out when that qi came in. But Qiu Yi's power is really strong, so I have not To force out that qi."

"Jiang Ning, you said that person is Qiu Yi? What is his background, he can actually be so powerful!"

"He used to be Qiu Laipi, who is well-known in the world. His name is Laipi, but everyone admires him. His name was called by his wife, so he never minded others calling him like that.

But two years ago, I heard that he was picked up by his hamstrings and hand muscles because of his huge debts. Since then, he can no longer compete with people, practice witchcraft and the like. But as soon as I saw it today, those things were just a pretense to deceive people. It is estimated that Qiu Yi wants to withdraw from the arena.

But today I am here to help Boss Kim in the game again. I don't know the specific situation, but I guess it was Boss Kim who helped Qiu Yi pay off the debt. So now Boss Jin has something to ask, so Qiu Yi has to come to help even if he is so old. "

"But even if this is Boss Jin's game, what is he doing!

"I don't know the details of this. But depending on the situation, Boss Jin must have done so many things. But I have no way of knowing his ultimate goal. The only person who knows the truth is Fengying. , But today Boss Jin directly let me be promoted, I am really puzzled, and I don't understand Boss Jin's real purpose anymore."

"Then what Qiu Yi said to you today? I saw you in the audience and your face changed after listening to what he said. What he said is so powerful.",...

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