Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1301: Demystifying Qiu Yi's Words

"He said something about the White Wolf Tribe."

White Wolf Tribe? Yue'er was puzzled. "Jiang Ning, how could he know about the White Wolf tribe, and even if he knew about the White Wolf tribe. What can shock you so much!"

"That battle, the battle between the White Wolf tribe and the Central Plains, was the battle between the two of us. He said he knew what was going on." Jiang Ning was silent after saying this.

After Yue'er listened quietly, she still didn't know the deep meaning of Jiang Ning's words.

"But, even if he knows that, he can't prove anything. After all, we are still participants. Can we know all the things in more detail than us?"

"It's not about the war, he said Ziqing is still alive."

"What? Ziqing is still alive?" Yue'er looked at Jiang Ning in shock. It's no wonder that Jiang Ning was so sluggish when he was just in the ring. These words shocked Yue'er herself. She didn't know if she should be happy or sad. At that time, she should have been able to be sure that Ziqing was dead, but why was she still alive?

If Ziqing was still alive, someone should have rescued him. But who would save him at that time? In that kind of place, Ziqing's appearance at the time should have been unable to support others to rescue him. So, it must be the people of the White Wolf Tribe to save him, but who would save him without Qiu Tian's approval? Could it be that? Did Qiu Tian save Ziqing? But why did he save Ziqing?

Yue'er came to this conclusion after thinking about it for a long time. I don't know whether to tell Jiang Ning or not.

"Jiangning, I'm sure that when I rescued you, I saw that Ziqing was no longer angry, so I didn't mean to save Ziqing. In that situation, it was very difficult for me to take you away. So, Jiang Ning, are you blaming me for this. Now that Ziqing is said to be alive, are you unhappy now? I'm sorry."

"Yue'er, I didn't blame you, and I believe what you said is true. In fact, Ziqing's breath was already very weak when I fell. Besides, I don't know how long you and Yueqing's guardian came. So Ziqing had no vital signs at that time and it was normal.

I was just thinking, if Ziqing was already that way at that time, he shouldn't be able to insist on someone else to rescue him. Besides, the people from the White Wolf tribe have been guarding him, and no one should take Ziqing away. Cure him. So I doubt it.

If what Qiu Yi said was true, then the person who saved Ziqing would have no one except Qiu Tian. So what did Qiu Tian do to save him? Why save him? We certainly can’t guess the reason in the middle, but I’m sure that if Qiu Tian really saved him, then the battle would really not be that simple. "

Jiang Ning suddenly thought of the time when Sakura died. At that time, she remembered that Sakura told herself that the battle was not that simple, and there were still many mysteries still unsolved. What exactly is Sakura talking about? Is it related to Ziqing? Then, the thing about Ziqing being rescued might be true!

Jiang Ning couldn't help trembling when he thought of this, and he didn't know what else was around him that he didn't know. Jiang Ning felt that he was surrounded by dangers.

"Jiang Ning, what if Qiu Tian really rescued Ziqing? What is his purpose? By the way, what Qiu Yi said is really completely credible? We didn't even recognize him before! Why should I say this to you?"

"I don’t think Qiu Yi has to lie to me. After all, it’s not good for him. It’s just that I think he must have his own purpose in saying that. Moreover, I think he must know other things about the battle, such as sub Clear this matter. What he said must be to know more of it, just to attract my attention.

But I don't know what purpose Qiu Tian has. For Ziqing, I don't quite understand whether what he said to me before is true. If it looks like this, Ziqing might have something to hide from me. "

"Jiang Ning, if you say that, the battle must not be that simple. And there must be some key points in it that we don't know yet."

"Yes, that's it, so we probably have to go to Qiu Yi."

"Then let's go find Jiang Ning now. Maybe he is still in this small town. Ask him to ask all the questions face-to-face. Isn't everything the truth out?"

Yue'er was a little excited when she said that, she would drag Jiang Ning downstairs to find Qiu Yi. Yue'er couldn't control her emotions at this time. She desperately wanted to know about the battle, and maybe she could find out the true purpose of Qiu Tian inviting her tribe to help them.

"Yue'er, no need. I believe that Qiu Yi is no longer here now, and there is no point in knowing these things now. With our current ability, do you think you can beat Qiu Tian?"

Jiang Ning sneered after speaking, as if laughing at his own ability.

"Jiang Ning, don't say that. We will definitely defeat Qiu Tian, ​​it's just a matter of time."

"Well, I know. So now we only need to find the knee pads first. Many things will not be solved until later. Now there is no need to know those things, so we don't have to go to Qiu Yi. Yue'er, we Need to wait, wait slowly for the time to come."

After listening to Jiang Ning's words, Yue'er smiled at Jiang Ning as if he was relieved. Now, as long as Jiang Ning's mood is better, she will be very happy, so Yue'er doesn't care about Qiu Tian or anything now.

"Jiang Ning, I am also very pleased if you think about it this way. I believe we will succeed behind us. By the way, Jiang Ning, after talking for so long, are your injuries any better? I have forgotten them all the time. I don’t feel any better. Is there any effect for me to heal you?"

"Well, Yue'er is much better. It's okay, little things, I just need to rest. After you healed me, I feel better than before, and the serious injury just now seems to be nothing. Respond. I feel that the zhenqi in my body is slowly pushing out the poisonous gas...

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