Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1302: Comfort Jiangning

It should be a lot better tomorrow, right now, it's all minor injuries. Fortunately, I have you, but I wouldn't get better so soon if it weren't for you. Thanks to you this time. "

"Jiang Ning, don’t say that. Actually, I’m sorry this time. If I found out that you were injured in time, you wouldn’t have vomited up blood just now. Your condition has already deepened, so if I discovered your problem earlier. Then you won’t endure these pains.

In fact, when you were on stage, I should have guessed that you should be injured. At that time, your expression was so solemn, but I didn't notice it. I was really to blame. "

"Yue'er, it's okay. It was also because Qiu Yi said something like that to me that my expression suddenly became serious. But if he hadn't said that, I might have vomited blood. But it made my mind heavier. That's why I kept holding it.

But if it were not for you to take me away in time, I might be more serious. If someone saw me vomiting blood in front of so many people, maybe Boss Jin would not announce that I was promoted directly, maybe it was Fengying who was promoted directly.

But another thing that puzzles me is why Boss Kim didn't let Fengying advance directly? Originally, this link was designed to pave the way for Fengying, but it is strange that Xu actually let me get promoted in the end, then is Fengying not important to him? "

"Jiang Ning, if you want to say this, why should he give Fengying the place for direct promotion? He clearly said that the strongest person can be directly promoted. Many people can see that you are better than Fengying! How could Feng Ying advance directly? What is the reason for this!"

"Feng Ying was specially recruited by Boss Jin to help him in the game, so this level will definitely be set in the middle to help Feng Ying directly pass the level. So today he should be helping Feng Ying. But he gave me the opportunity directly. , Something really strange."

"Jiang Ning, don't think so much! This is what you deserve. With so many faces, you actually defeated the old monster. Although it seems that the man feels a little sick, I know he is just hiding His true strength is nothing more. When he fights you, I can see that he is working hard against you.

But only because witchcraft is slightly lower than you, so it will lose to you. I saw him sweating against you many times in the middle of the game, and several times he fell down. I felt like he was gritting his teeth and insisting on playing with you. So if you are so good, don't think so much.

Maybe Boss Kim nodded and agreed with you at the last juncture because you were so powerful? Maybe even if you win the game in the end, there is nothing to lose to him, right? . . "

Jiang Ning listened to Yue'er's words, although she was still very boring and could comfort her by hearing, but Jiang Ning was still very grateful that Yue'er could still comfort herself at this time. But when Jiang Ning heard the last sentence, Jiang Ning suddenly realized what was wrong.

Yes, Boss Kim left the opportunity to himself, perhaps because it would be no harm to him even if he wins the game? Even if he wins the reward, what will Boss Jin not lose? If this is the case, then these things today must make sense.

"Yue'er, I think what you said at the end makes sense. Maybe I won the game without any loss for Boss Kim? Then it seems Boss Kim knew the purpose of our coming. If not for As far as the map is concerned, Boss Jin will definitely not leave the opportunity to me today. The person who was promoted directly today must be Fengying!"

"Huh? The one I said? I just said it casually!"

"No, Yue'er, I think what you said makes sense. Could it be that Boss Jin sees the purpose of our two coming this time? But who told him?"

"I don't know, but it is clear that he should know our purpose."

"If this is the case, you mean that his current purpose is also very clear. It is for the map. If that is the case, why doesn't he go to find other fragments of the map by himself. Do you still rely on us? According to Boss Jin’s strength, it should be no problem for him to find the fragments. Besides, he already has one."

"I don't really understand what Boss Kim thinks, but if he really wants to use us, it is estimated that he is looking for other fragments and encounters a bottleneck. That's why today will let us pass so smoothly. Then, if he says that, tomorrow The champion will be us too. Then Boss Kim arranged everything.

If we win the game tomorrow, I don’t know what the boss Kim will do. I’m afraid we will still be in danger. "

"What should we do? Then it is not good for us to win the game, and it is not good for us to win the game, Jiang Ning, what should we do! This boss Jin is really an old fox."

"If we don't win the game, we won't even know what his goal is in the end."

"Jiang Ning, do you mean that we will know the result only after the end of tomorrow? Boss Jin is a sinister and cunning person. Will he lie to us in the end. If this is the case, our map fragments will look for No, it will take our lives in." Yue'er, after saying this, she can't help but worry secretly, if this is the case, will this journey between herself and Jiang Ning be a dangerous journey? , Will it be difficult for me to tell what I am looking for in the end?

Yue'er looked at her expression not good at all, and Jiang Ning was afraid that something would happen to him and Jiang Ning in this small town to take his own life. What would he do then? He didn't have much, but Jiang Ning spent so much thought on this matter for himself and everyone and the people of the Central Plains dynasty tribe. In the end, it fell short, but was it bad?

"Yue'er, you don't have to worry about these things. Only I think about you. Go back and rest first. I will think about what to do tomorrow. Don't worry, I will make all arrangements. Now the ultimate goal of boss Jin, we are not I know, I'm just guessing now, so you don't think so much.",,..

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