Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1321: Unravel the truth about the cave (1)

Suddenly Jiang Ning understood a truth. Boss Jin did not do it for no reason. There must be some reason. So the problem must lie in the hole.

Jiang Ning stretched his hand over and touched the hole they could see now. But what is surprising is that his barrier has not been broken. And he felt as if a hole was solid, not a hollow one. Jiang Ning was taken aback by what he was doing now. He didn't know what happened, it would become like this. If your own enchantment is impossible at all, how could it become solid?

Jiang Ning looked at Feng Ying and Yue'er in surprise. They also looked at themselves in surprise. Everyone is embarrassed, what kind of situation is this, no one has ever encountered it. It must be the cave, not the three of them. There must be some secret in this cave, they don't know yet. I didn't know if it was good or bad if I ran into this cave by mistake? Jiang Ning didn't know what to think now, he was at a loss.

Yue'er watched Jiang Ning go to touch the hole, so he wanted to touch it too. He didn't believe it was true, how could it suddenly become a cave with no exit. How can this be true? Absolutely impossible. If the entrance of this cave is solid, how did they just get in?

Yue'er was also very surprised, why suddenly the entrance of the cave became the way it is now. This is something that no one thought of. Even if Boss Jin had broken the barrier set by Jiang Ning just now, they would have expected this to happen, but now this situation is something that no one has expected.

It's really strange. Now the three of them don't know what to do. If that's the case, then how can they get out. Jiang Ning was puzzled now. She looked at the white bones on the ground and then gave Feng Ying a wink. He wanted Feng Ying to know what he was thinking now?

Feng Ying immediately understood what Jiang Ning meant. He knew what Jiang Ning was trying to say. There must have been someone or someone who had broken into this hole before, but in the end it was because the hole was sealed and did not go out. Maybe this hole is a trap where people can come in, but once a person comes in, the hole is immediately sealed. There is absolutely no possibility of going out, but you can come in from the outside. A hole has also become solid.

Maybe this is the secret of this hole. This hole is definitely not that simple, but for them, whether it is a blessing or a curse, they still don't know. Although he just avoided the pursuit of Boss Kim. But how should they get out next, can't they be sealed by this hole all the time?

Jiang Ning is very worried now. If he did the same as Boss Jin just now and didn't break the hole, then they wouldn't be able to get out of it.

So what should the three of them do next? There must be no other exit from this cave. Otherwise, how the bones on the ground are piled up is simply impossible. Many people probably died because of this hole. After so many years, they have already been weathered and piled directly in this hole.

But Jiang Ning thought to himself, it must not be like this. If there is such a mechanism in this hole, there will definitely be an exit. It must be unknown to everyone. So other outlets still need to be found, but where are they still need to be found.

Jiang Ning looked at Feng Ying, and Feng Ying immediately understood what Jiang Ning meant.

"Jiang Ning, you mean to find other outlets?"

"Well, that's what I meant. There must be other exits. Otherwise, it is this dead hole. This hole seems to be designed, not the natural formation of this hole. Looks like this hole is deliberately designed like this. Trap others."

"So do you think there are other outlets? Then let's look for them as soon as possible."

You Yueer, watching Jiang Ning nervously, he wants to go out immediately, suddenly this shelter from the wind has become a deadly place. He thought that it would be great if there were other exits, which also escaped Boss Kim's pursuit, and they also escaped for their lives.

"Yue'er. Don’t worry, if we have escaped boss Jin’s pursuit this time, then we might as well take advantage of this hole to take a good rest. Anyway, there are still a lot of food and water in this hole. Rest with us for a few more days. Now, save your energy and it will not be too late to go out. And I believe that the hole must not be so easy to find. So we have to take our time.

Be sure not to panic. The more panic at this time, the more problems will arise. We only have to think carefully and explore. In that way, we will definitely find the hole, so don’t worry, we will take a good rest tonight. "

Yue'er took a look with peace of mind. She felt that everything Jiang Ning said was right, she only had to listen to it. Jiang Ning had never made a wrong decision, and he believed that there would be no problem this time. There will be no problems in the future. So he looked at Jiang Ning's eyes with peace of mind. It seems that a sense of security is now surrounding her.

"Jiangning, where do you think we should find it first? Where do you think the hole should be located? I think if I escaped boss Jin this time, I think boss Jin will come again. Because I think we have been He followed, we will hide in this place, he must think so.

We must find the exit as soon as possible, otherwise it would be bad if we were caught by boss Jin. "

"Don't worry, Fengying, I just said that this hole should be made by someone who was designed to frame others, but now I suddenly think about it, it shouldn't be like this. Someone should have created this hole in order to avoid being chased by others. But. There must be something wrong in the back. They couldn't get out, so they were sealed in this hole. So there must be something wrong in the middle.

If they think this way, they designed it themselves to avoid the enemy's pursuit, then the exit will be easy to find. But it may be because some of the reasons were discovered by others, so they redesigned the hole, so their opening will be sealed off by themselves.

So I think there must be something wrong in the middle, so we have to look for that kind of problematic place. For example, what mechanism must be in the hole where we are standing now? ,, ..

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